

单词 stagnated
释义 stag·nate·d 英stæɡ'neɪt美'stæɡneɪt COCA⁶⁷⁰⁶⁹BNC⁷²⁷⁹⁷Economist⁹⁰³¹
stand still;

Industry will stagnate if we do not stimulate our economy

cause to stagnate;

There are marshes that stagnate the waters

cease to flow; stand without moving;

Stagnating waters

blood stagnates in the capillaries

be idle; exist in a changeless situation;

The old man sat and stagnated on his porch

He slugged in bed all morning

近义词 rot腐烂slug蛞蝓laze懒散idle无目的fester溃烂go off爆炸vegetate生长decay使衰退deteriorate恶化languish衰弱无力come to a halt停顿stand still站着不动grind to a halt困住go stale筋疲力尽,丧失元气…

用作动词The one unpardonable sin of nature is to stand still, tostagnate.自然界最不可饶恕的罪行就是驻足不前,淤滞停止。
The financial industry is likely tostagnateor shrink in the next few years.今后几年,金融行业可能会停滞不前,或缩水。
If you merely repeat the same experiences you'llstagnateand your mental capacity will atrophy.假如你只重复相同的经验,就会停滞不前,脑容量会萎缩。verb.deteriorate by lack of action
同义词 fester,hibernate,languish,stall,stand stillconstipate,decay,decline,idle,putrefy,rot,rust,stand,stifle,stultify,trammel,vegetatego to seed,lie fallow,not move
反义词 build,flourish,grow,help,improvestrengthen America’s real domestic demand has stagnated over the past year, whereas China’s has risen by 10% as its citizens have picked up the baton from flagging American consumers.
过去一年里,美国净内需停滞不前,而同时中国的居民从美国消费者手中接过了接力棒,净内需上升了10%。 ecocn

Far from being grateful for the wonders that I have achieved, they may increasingly be aware that under my long rule our country has stagnated while similar countries have transformed themselves.
他们不仅没有对我创造的丰功伟绩感激涕零,反而越来越意识到,当其它国家日新月异地发展时,我长期统治下的他们的伟大祖国却陷入了停滞。 yeeyan

In Chile after1981 and Mexico after1994, output soon rose well above its previous trend while in Japan after1997 it stagnated for many years.
1981年以后的智利和1994年以后的墨西哥,产出很快上升至远高于先前趋势线的水平,而日本的产出则在1997年以后停滞了许多年。 iciba

In recent decades certain high- end occupation incomes grew rapidly, while wages for lower- income and middle- class workers stagnated.
近几十年来,高收入和中产阶级的收入停滞不前,结束了当普遍工资低时,他们收入的快速增长时期。 yeeyan

Over the past decade wages for all workers have stagnated or fallen, while Japanese firms have stacked up vast sums of cash— a staggering$2 trillion, according to the Bank of Japan.
日本中央银行公布的数据显示,过去十年日本工人的平均工资水平一直停滞不前甚至略有下降,日本企业也借此积累了大量的现金——达到令人惊愕的2万亿美元。 ecocn

The evidence suggests that intergenerational mobility has stagnated or declined slightly since the decades immediately after the second world war.
有证据表面二战后的几十年间,两代人之间的流动性略微有些停滞或下降。 ecocn

The immense strains wretchedly put this uprising star in a miserable dilemma with her performing career stagnated.
巨大的压力让这颗冉冉升起的新星身陷演艺事业停滞的悲惨境地。 i21st

The north of Italy has done well even as the south has stagnated.
北部意大利地区表现还是让人满意的,可南部却停滞不前。 ecocn

But despite the spike in oil prices that peaked in the summer of2008, the country stagnated economically, leading to mounting criticism of Mr. Ahmadinejad.
可是,尽管油价在2008年夏天前一路飙升,该国几乎停滞的经济状况仍然导致了对内贾德的批评。 yeeyan

Even with the accelerated growth of recent years, the economies of many countries have slowed or stagnated under the weight of the global recession.
即便近年来经济加速增长,但在全球经济衰退的影响下,很多国家的经济发展已经放缓或停滞。 kekenet

Even where they have been making record profits, companies have hoarded their cash rather than pay more out in the form of higher wages, which have stagnated even as employment has increased.
就连在获得高额利润的地方,企业都选择积聚资金而非提高工资。尽管日本就业率有所上升,但其工资水平停滞不前。 ecocn

German firms have been running cash surpluses since2004, when profits began to rise as a share of national income as real wages stagnated.
得益于作为国家收入一部分的利润水平开始上升而实际工资水平停滞不前,德国公司自2004年开始就有现金盈余。 ecocn

In the 1980s, there was a sudden increase in foundations in China, and after1996, when the Ministry of Civil Affairs seized the organisations around China, the number of foundations stagnated.
早在1980年代,中国的基金会的数量出现突然增长。而1996年之后,当民政局缩紧了对组织机构的管理,基金会的发展趋于停滞。 yeeyan

Incomes in the middle- income range for most Americans have stagnated for more than20 years.
拿美国中等收入阶层来说,20多年来,大部分人的收入都停滞不前。 blog.sina.com.cn

Manufacturing, which stagnated during the crisis, should recover smartly in2010. It was already growing by over 7% in July2009, according to the index of industrial production.
这不仅是因为农业准备要收缩,在金融危机中停滞的制造业将在2010年悄然复苏,工业生产指数显示其在2009年7月已经增长7%强。 ecocn

Manufacturing companies and stagnated enterprise data management deals can be a place to apply these technologies.
制造企业和停滞不前的企业级数据管理软件可能是这些技术大显身手的地方。 yeeyan

Public investment in agriculture has stagnated over the past few years as the government’s subsidy bill for food, fertiliser and fuel has risen.
过去几年中,由于政府对食品、化肥和燃料行业的补贴开支增加,在农业方面的公共投资已处于停滞状态。 ecocn

Some hark back to the150 years after1700, the last time when Japan’s population and economic growth stagnated.
有些人提及150年前即1700年左右,那是日本人口和经济增长都停滞的最后一个时期。 ecocn

The war stagnated researches into the causes of cancer.

The problem is that the benefits of that innovation and productivity have become so narrowly concentrated that workers’ median wages have stagnated.
真正的问题是创新和生产力提升的收益已变得高度集中,普通工人的中等工资已陷入停滞。 ecocn




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