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词汇 staff guage
释义 staff guage
Give namely buy decided a very tallstaff guage.即给收购定了一个很高的标尺。”
“Without doubt, carrying Cheng had been thestaff guageof whole tourism.“毫无疑问,携程已经是整个旅游业的标尺了。”
Industrialized, it is thestaff guagethat measures economy of a country to develop a standard.工业化,是衡量一个国家经济发展水平的标尺。
Automaticstaff guage: Can install referenced value and scale resolution, so that all measurement show mark to show with optimum form go up in CRT.主动标尺:可设置参考值和刻度分辨率,以至于所有测量的示迹以最适宜 的形式显示在CRT上。
Measure manager guides and assorts with thestaff guageto finish the measure, further more, it takes charge of the data process, storage and display.测量管理器引导和协调标尺完成测量任务,并对测量数据进行后处理和存储显示。
For example, court of district of Beijing rising sun adjudicated 2008 ” person pork is searched case thestaff guagethat offerring legislation for network behavior namely.例如,2008年北京市朝阳区法院判决的“人肉搜索”案就是在为网络行为提供法律的标尺。




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