

单词 staffed
释义 staff·ed 英stɑːf美stæf COCA²²⁴²⁵BNC¹⁶⁰⁹⁶Economist¹³⁸⁶⁴
S C 全体职员; 教职员

group of assistants working together in a business

P 参谋,幕僚

chief of staff

vt. 为…提供职员

supply with staff; provide the workers for

personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task;

the hospital has an excellent nursing staff

the general relied on his staff to make routine decisions

a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose;

he walked with the help of a wooden staff

the body of teachers and administrators at a school;

the dean addressed the letter to the entire staff of the university

building material consisting of plaster and hair; used to cover external surfaces of temporary structure as at an exposition or for decorationa rod carried as a symbolmusic the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written
provide with staff;

This position is not always staffed

serve on the staff of;

The two men staff the reception desk






用作动词 v.
~+名词staff a new school给新学校配备教职工staff the office给办公室配备人员staff this holiday resort为度假胜地配备雇员~+副词staff finely人员配备齐全staff sufficiently人员配备充足staff tightly人员紧缺~+介词staff by volunteers由志愿者充当工作人员staff with sufficient numbers of trained personnel配备数量充足、训练有素的人员
近义词 rod杆run跑pole杆wand棒team队stem柄group群man男人cane手杖gang一群body身体work工作stick手杖force武力stave桶板operate操作control掌控provide供给crew全体船员personnel职员supervise监督dependence依赖committee委员会workforce劳动力scepter君主节杖orderly有秩序的entourage随行人员faculty大学的系或院…
用作名词n.The school's teaching staff is/are excellent.该校的教师队伍是优秀的。
This company has a staff of fifty.这家公司有50名职员。
The manager fired an old staff yesterday.经理昨天解雇了一名老职员。
He works at the General Staff.他在总参谋部工作。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.They staffed a new school.他们给新学校配齐了教职工。
There's nobody to staff the office today.今天办公室没人。
We have not enough money to staff all our schools.我们没有足够的资金为所有学校配备人员。
How many employees will it take to staff this holiday resort?这个度假胜地需要配备多少雇员?
The school is staffed entirely by graduate.这个学校的教职员工都是大学毕业生。
Most of our offices are staffed by volunteers.我们的大多数办公室是由志愿者充当工作人员的。
The hospital was staffed with sufficient numbers of trained personnel.医院配备数量充足、训练有素的人员。






We want more staff.我们需要更多的人员。


He is on the editorial staff of the newspaper.注意on不能被in替代。
Nurseries staffed by university graduates tend to be rated highest by inspectors, increasing their appeal to the pickiest parents.
检查员们更倾向于给全部由大学毕业生担任保育员的幼儿园最高评价等级,这更增加了它们在最挑剔的家长眼里的份量。 ecocn

The ubiquity of Bank of America’s heavily staffed nationwide branch network is what enables it to retain customers despite charging high fees and offering depositors low interest.
遍布美国的分支网络使得美国银行能够在高费率和低利率下维持客户。 ecocn

Although it includes an activity involving staffing, it merely states that roles should be staffed with people who have the required skill-set, experience, and capabilities.
尽管它包含了一个涉及员工的活动,它很少谈及职位应该为拥有所需要的技术,经验和能力的人占有。 ibm

Both sides readily agree that these disruptions will harm the firm, not just by leaving it short- staffed, but also by distracting managers and sapping morale.
双方显然都明白这些纷争对公司百害而无一利,除了造成人手短缺外,还牵扯了管理层精力,打击了员工士气。 ecocn

Chinese children with affluent parents are packed off to classes staffed by American, Canadian and British teachers as soon as they can speak.
中国富裕家庭的孩子刚学会说话就被送去课堂,由来自美国、加拿大和英国的外教授课。 yeeyan

For example, MIT’s cancer- research centre is staffed by a mix of biologists and engineers.
例如, MIT的癌症研究中心就是由生物学家和工程师们组成的。 ecocn

In theory this will be a small entity, staffed by technicians.
理论上,这家公司将是一个小型实体,全部都是技术人员。 ecocn

It is funded by donations and staffed by volunteers.
其经费主要来自捐款,而员工均为志愿者。 yeeyan

Nearly all women's underwear stores in Saudi Arabia are staffed by men, causing much embarrassment for customers seeking advice, local media reported.
据悉,沙特的女士内衣店雇佣的几乎全是男售货员,导致顾客在向售货员咨询时产生许多令人尴尬的场面。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Our current infrastructure was staffed to support a faster adoption rate for our products.
我们现有的基础设施的工作人员,以支持我们的产品更快的采用率。 yeeyan

Plus, there's no guarantee the rule will be implemented: A recent decree that lingerie shops should be staffed by women, not men, has yet to be enacted.
而且,这条规定是否能得到实施也没有保证:最近另一条法令规定女士内衣店职员应该是女性而不是男性,至今还未实行。 yeeyan

That task falls to the Goma Volcanic Observatory, located in a dilapidated one-story building in the city center and staffed around the clock.
这项任务落到了戈马火山观测台 Goma Volcanic Observatory的肩上,该观测台位于戈马市中心一座破烂的一层建筑中,其职员全天无休。 yeeyan

The hotel is open and it's fully staffed.
酒店还在营业,工作人员也充足。 yeeyan

The most successful stores have used this expertise to create a sense of community far removed from the stereotypical shop staffed by snobbish music nerds.
最成功的唱片店利用在这方面专业精神来创造一种社区感,脱离了从前人们对唱片店员工的刻板印象:眼睛长在脑门上的音乐疯子。 ecocn

The next morning was our family’s last Sunday in the beautiful chapel, where we had shared many services with the fine young sailors and marines who staffed the camp and their families.
第二天上午我们全家在这个美丽的小教堂度过了最后一个礼拜天。在这里,我们曾与护卫营地的年轻的优秀水兵和海军陆战队队员及其家人一同做礼拜。 yeeyan

The same job could have been done by a well- staffed economics think tank with the authority to talk about the overnight rate.
拥有在隔夜利率发言权的某个成员资历深厚的智库,也可以做相同的工作。 ecocn

The team also envisions building the world's first station on the moon by about2020, which would be staffed by advanced wheeled robots, he said.
该小组还设想到2020年左右建立世界上第一个月球基地,到时将配备先进的轮式机器人来工作。 yeeyan

They fail to appeal to women and families and are usually staffed by workers who have received little or no training and are not paid enough to care whether you have a good time or not.
这些酒吧对女性和家庭聚会没有吸引力,里面塞满了没受过多少教育的工人,而且,店主根本不关心你玩的开不开心。 yeeyan




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