释义 |
Bartoli 基本例句 巴尔托利 Q. Did you knowBartoliwas feeling a little ill? Could you tell?你知道巴托丽本场比赛身体有点不舒服吗?你能谈谈这个问题吗? Defending World Cup champion MicheleBartoliof Italy edged out belgium's Frank Vandenbrouke to win the 85th Swiss Grand Prix cycling race 0n Sunday.星期天,世界杯卫冕冠军意大利选手米切尔·巴托利击败比利时选手弗兰克·凡顿布鲁克,赢得第85届瑞士自行车大奖赛冠军。 Jankovic next round opponent will be Russian Zvonareva red Ziwo Na, which in today's match in straight sets 6-2 and 6-0 to beat the girlBartoliof France.扬科维奇下轮比赛的对手将是俄罗斯红粉兹沃娜列娃,后者在今日的比赛中直落两盘以6-2和6-0击败了法国姑娘巴托丽。 Bartolić巴尔托利奇 |