

单词 stabled
释义 sta·ble·d 英'steɪbl美'steɪbl COCA¹⁴⁴⁸³⁹BNC⁵³⁰¹³

firmly established or fixed; not likely to move or change


not easily upset or disturbed; reliable

a farm building for housing horses or other livestock
resistant to change of position or condition;

a stable ladder

a stable peace

a stable relationship

stable prices

firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation;

the economy is stable

not taking part readily in chemical changemaintaining equilibriumshowing little if any change;

a static population

shelter in a stable;

stable horses

13世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的estable,意为马厩;最初源自拉丁语的stabulum,意为站立的地方livery stable车马出租所stable lad马夫stable motion稳定运动stable beach稳定岸滩stable element稳定元件stable channel稳定河槽stable door两截门semi stable半稳定stable operation稳定操作stable nucleus稳定核stable isotope核稳定同位素…heat stable耐热的stable period稳定周期stable matrix稳定矩阵stable system稳定系,稳定系统…stable state稳定态stable stability稳定性,安全性…stable phase稳定相,稳定期…stable population稳定人口Lock the stable door when the horse is stolen贼去关门
近义词 solidsoundreliable反义词 unstableunsteadychangeable
~+ n.We need a stable government.我们需要一个稳定的政府。
The fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances.不管气候条件如何,这块地总是保持高产稳产。
I'm glad she has become such a stable character.我很高兴她变得如此沉稳。
S+be+~Mentally she's very stable.她情绪十分稳定。
This chair isn't very stable.这把椅子不大稳固。
用作形容词Markets are flourishing and prices arestable.市场繁荣, 物价稳定。
In order that our country could flourish and achieve its own goals, astableenvironment within the country is definitely not dispensable.国家要发展,要实现自己的目标,这是必不可少的条件,就是要国内有安定的环境。
The Sunnis hold a majority in four provinces and any government will have to respect them if they wish to administer astablestate.逊尼派在四个省份里都是多数群体,而任何政府只要想管理一个安定的国家,就不得不对他们予以尊重。
He is a bit neurotic, but his wife is a verystableperson.他有点神经质,但他的妻子是一个非常稳重的人。用作名词The horse in thestablehas broken out.马厩里的那匹马跑了。
Who opened thestabledoor?谁打开了马房的门?
He has a wholestableof informers working for him.他有一群告密者为他效劳。用作动词Where do youstableyour pony?你那匹矮种马养在哪儿?《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 The influence of dilatational frequency on the stability of interfacial films stabled by asphaltene sub- fractions is slightly.
沥青质各亚组分的油-水界面膜稳定性受扩张频率影响较小; fabiao

The influence of different resin sub- fractions on the stability of the oil- water interface stabled by asphaltene sub- fractions is different.
不同胶质亚组分对沥青质亚组分稳定的油-水界面膜稳定性的影响存在差异性。 fabiao

Harmonious and stabled labor relations play an important role in improving and enhancing the production efficiency and the competitiveness of enterprises.
劳动关系的和谐,稳定对提高企业生产效率,增强企业竞争力起着重要作用。 qikan

He was stabled by the farmers.

Results shows that the water level is stabled over a long period of time after water lowing and the subsidence thus caused of the adjacent pile foundation is not so much.
计算结果表明,水位在经历较长时间降水后才获得稳态,其引起邻近桩基的附加沉降不大。 cnki

Soldiers profaned the church when they stabled their horses in it .
兵士们把马歇息于教堂中时,即玷污了教堂。 hotdic

Through the relief and rehabilitation work, Hunan had saved the lives of millions of victims, stabled social order;
通过善后救济,湖南抢救了数百万灾民的生命,稳定了社会秩序; boshuo




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