

单词 bartholomew
释义 Bar·thol·o·mew 英bɑːˈθɒləˌmjuː美bɑrˈθɑləˌmjuAHDbär-thŏlʹə-my›” 高Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
Instead, she went to London to study at Saint Bartholomew's Hospital.
她转而前往伦敦的圣巴托罗缪医院进修。 yeeyan

It was two years ago that Luffy and his crew suffered their greatest defeat at the very literal hands of Bartholomew Kuma.
两年前,路飞和其他船员与巴塞洛缪·熊的一战,是他们经历过的最大挫败。 yeeyan

Aloysius' performance intimidates Bartholomew, making him think that Aloysius reads10 times faster than he.
阿罗伊修斯的表现令巴塞洛缪感到不安,他觉得阿罗伊修斯的阅读速度超过了自己十倍之多。 yeeyan

But Bartholomew can comfort himself by remembering that Aloysius is just one-fifth the speed reader he once feared.
但是巴塞洛缪只要想到阿罗伊修斯的阅读速度只不过是他曾害怕的速度的五分之一,就可以心安理得了。 yeeyan

Every year on the eve of Saint Bartholomew's Day they happily don their colorful paper outfits and swarm down to the strand en masse.
在每年的圣·巴多罗买节的前夜,他们兴高采烈地穿上五颜六色的纸装,一起涌向海滩。 wy.lzjtu.edu.cn

Generally speaking, St. Bartholomew isn't remembered today except for the massacre of nearly50,000 Protestants in France. For the massacre began on his feast day in 1572.
一般说来,除了法国5万新教徒被大屠杀外,圣巴肖罗缪已不被记起了,因为那次大屠杀是在1572年圣巴肖罗缪节那天开始的。 hotdic

He could have picked up a bag of apples or at least, some potatoes, but that's the way Bartholomew is.
至少也得拿走一袋苹果或者一些土豆啊。 yeeyan

He came across a man who was burying a child. This scene was photographed by both Pablo Bartholomew and Raghu Rai, another renowned Indian photojournalist.
他经过一个正在埋葬孩子的男子时,和另一个名为拉古·瑞尔的著名印度摄影师都拍下了这个场景。 kekenet

In 2001, the Chicago Sun-Times named a local woman who worked as an extra at Columbia named Jane Bartholomew as the model.

Meanwhile, August15th at Yasukuni is a Bartholomew Fair of thugs, fantasists in military garb, deniers of atrocities and xenophobes peddling conspiracy theories.
同时,8月15日的靖国神社还是 Bartholomew屠杀节,游行的人穿着军装,否认暴行并宣扬仇视外国人的口号。 topsage

Philip also went to find his friend Nathanael, who seems to have been surnamed Bartholomew.
此外,斐理伯亦去找他的朋友纳塔乃耳,后者的姓氏很可能是巴尔多禄茂。 chinacath

Photographer Pablo Bartholomew rushed to document the catastrophe.
摄影师帕布鲁·巴塞洛缪第一时间赶到去记录这次灾难。 hjenglish

Sadly, this means the tape deck in Bartholomew's car affords him little hope of catching up with Aloysius.
不幸的是,在汽车里播放的有声书的巴塞洛缪想要赶超阿罗伊修斯,这几乎是无望的。 yeeyan

She and her roommate, Carolyn Bartholomew, hurried to dress and prepare Diana for her big date.
她与她的室友卡洛琳·巴赛洛缪,匆匆忙忙地梳洗打扮并为黛安娜做好了去赴这个重大约会的准备。 ebigear

The boy who showed off his strength was Bartholomew! He was fond of showing himself.
这个逞能的叫巴塞洛缪,特别喜欢表现自己。 www.17k.com

Bartholomew grabbed a loaf of French bread.
巴塞罗谬手里抓着一根法式面包。 yeeyan




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