stability and deformation
stability and deformation
his bouncy blond curls
His boundless generosity moved us deeply
His bowel movements are grey /black in colour
His bowel movements are grey or black in color
His bowels are open
His bowels seemed to turn to water
His boyhood had been saturated with Ruskin
His brain acts quickly
His brain seems to be functioning normally
His brain was clouded by vapours and dreams
His brain was dry
His brain was in a whirl just at the moment
His brash answers annoyed the interviewers
His bravado had gone now
His brave act won him the name of a hero
His bravery should be an example to all of us
His breach of prison adds to his crime
His breathing is harsh and wheezy
His breathing is labored
His breathing is laboured
His breath smelled of beer and pickled onions
His breath smells
His breath smelt suspiciously of drink
His breath steamed up the window pane
His breath was steadied in his sleep
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更新时间:2025/3/10 19:29:35