

单词 stab
释义 stab. stæb

vt. & vi. 刺; 扎

pierce or wound with a sharp-pointed weapon or instrument; push a knife, etc. into sb

a sudden sharp feeling;

pangs of regret

she felt a stab of excitement

twinges of conscience

a strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument;

one strong stab to the heart killed him

informal words for any attempt or effort;

he gave it his best shot

he took a stab at forecasting

use a knife on;

The victim was knifed to death

stab or pierce;

he jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife

poke or thrust abruptly;

he jabbed his finger into her ribs

stab at, stab in, stab on


1.stab at中的stab是不及物动词,而stab in〔on〕中的stab是及物动词,接sb 作宾语。

2.stab on指伤及表面,而stab in则强调刺入深部。

stab, pierce

这组词都有“刺”的意思。它们的区别是:stab所用的器具是平扁形的刀剑或匕首等; pierce所用的器具通常为又细又尖的针状物。

stab, penetrate, prick, probe


penetrate是本组词中最正式、意义最广泛的词,主要用于任何利器弄成的半透或全透的洞,也可用于某物上任何类型的开口或穿透,穿透可以是沿着已有的通道,也可以通过一堆内部不连接的东西,还可以通过一个具有透明的膜; prick的意思是“刺破”,是指用针状的工具轻巧地在一薄层上刺个小洞或穿透; probe的意思是“切”“挖”,通常是指有意地、谨慎地、探险性地尝试而去切〔挖〕开某物; stab的意思是“刺”“切”,强调用扁平的利器如剑、刀,把东西切开或刺入某人/物。








来自苏格兰英语,本身为苏格兰英语另一个词 stob 方言变体词,最终可能为 stub 的苏格兰 变体。词义由钉子引申为刺,戳,捅。
用作动词 v.
~+名词stab the darkness划破黑暗stab the earth戳地stab the meat叉肉stab the sky直插云霄~+副词stab dangerously严重刺伤stab fatally刺死stab hideously伤口刺得很深stab passionately轻轻地戳stab treacherously背后一刀stab vindictively报复性地刺伤~+介词stab at用刀等刺〔戳〕stab in用刀等刺
stab at v.+prep.

用刀等刺〔戳〕 attempt to wound sb or make a hole in sth with a sharp point such as a knife

stab at sb/sth with sthThe big man stabbed at the guard with a dagger.那彪形大汉用刀猛刺卫兵。
It's rude to stab at the meat with your knife to see if it is well cooked.为了看肉是否是熟的而用刀子去戳是不礼貌的。
He stabbed at the earth with his stick.他用手杖戳着地。
She stabbed at the air with her finger to emphasize what she was saying.她用手指一指一点地比划着,强调她说的话。
stab in v.+prep.

用刀等刺伤 wound sb in a part of the body with a sharp point such as a knife

stab sb in sthThe thief stabbed me in the arm with a knife as he seized my bag.那贼抓住了我的手提包,同时在我的臂膀上刺了一刀。
stab in the back v.+prep.+n.

暗箭伤人,背弃别人 attack or fail to support sb in a disloyal way

stab sb in the backThe chairman expected his friends to vote for him, but they stabbed him in the back by electing his opponent.主席希望他的朋友们选举他,可他们暗地里投他的对手一票。
stab to the heart v.+prep.+n.

严重伤害某人的感情 hurt sb's feelings severely; cause sb to sorrow

stab sb to the heartIt stabs me to the heart when I remember how happy we were then.每当我忆起昔日的幸福时,我心痛欲碎。
His disloyalty stabbed me to the heart.他的不忠使我心如刀割。
The mother was stabbed to the heart by her son's lack of gratitude.儿子忘恩负义,母亲心如刀绞。GRE红宝书s, tab = TAB计算机上的一个键形状是两个箭头-刺穿
非常记忆st尸体+ab阿爸⇒尸体被阿爸刺穿了GRE难词记忆stab→batspl. 蝙蝠→拿枪戳蝙蝠batspl.蝙蝠⇒拿枪戳蝙蝠近义词 cutpinkstick
S+~+ n./pron.She stabbed him on the leg with a knife.她用刀子刺伤了他的腿部。
The blue flame of the exhausts stabbed the darkness.排气口的蓝色火焰划破黑暗。
The 13000-foot peak stabbed the sky.13000英尺高的山峰直插云霄。
His conscience stabbed him.他的良知使他过意不去。
Julius Caesar was stabbed to death.朱利斯·凯撒是被刺死的。Pstab-culture针刺培养Pstabbinga.剧烈而突然的Pstab-inoculation针刺接种Pstabbern.刺的东西锥子刺客穿索针




stab表示“刺伤某人某部位”,须用stab sb on〔in〕 sth 结构。


用作动词Good friendsstabyou in the front.当面刺痛你的是你的好朋友。
Hestabbedat the earth with his stick.他拿手杖戳著地。
Shestabbedat the air with her finger to emphasize what she was saying.她手指一戳一戳的,强调她说的话。
Hestabbedthe meat with his fork/stabbedhis fork into the meat.他用叉子叉肉。
Shestabbedhim in the leg with a kitchen knife.她拿菜刀捅伤了他的腿。用作名词The hunter made astabat the wolf, but missed.猎人向狼刺去,但没有刺中。
Astabof misgiving shot through Val.一阵惶惑象匕首一样戳了法尔一下。
A suddenstabof pain twisted him up.一阵突然的刺痛使他弯下身去。
You'll never mend your car like that let me have astabat it.你这样怎么能修好汽车--让我来试试吧。noun.piercing cut
同义词 jab,twingeache,blow,gash,hurt,incision,jag,pang,piercing,prick,puncture,rent,stick,thrust,woundtransfixionnoun.attempt
同义词 whackcrack,endeavor,essay,fling,go,shot,try,venture,whirlone's bestverb.puncture, pierce with sharp, pointed object
同义词 hurt,injure,jab,prick,punch,stick,woundbayonet,brand,carve,chop,cleave,clip,cut,drive,gore,hit,jag,knife,penetrate,pierce,plow,plunge,prong,ram,saber,shank,sink,slice,spear,thrust,transfixopen up,run through
approachnoun plan of attack, resolution
attitude,concept,course,crack,fling,go,idea,lick,manner,means,method,mode,modus operandi,new wrinkle,offer,procedure,program,shot,style,technique,way,whack,wrinkle
approachesnoun plan of attack, resolution
attitudes,concepts,courses,cracks,flings,go,ideas,licks,manners,means,methods,modes,modus operandis,new wrinkles,offers,procedures,programs,shots,stabs,styles,techniques,ways,whacks,wrinkles
assumptionnoun taking something for granted;something expected
acceptance,accepting,assuming,belief,conjecture,expectation,fancy,guess,hunch,hypothesis,inference,posit,postulate,postulation,premise,presumption,presupposition,shot,shot in the dark,sneaking suspicion,stab,supposal,supposition,surmise,suspicion,theorization,theory
assumptionsnoun taking something for granted;something expected
attackverb assault physically
advance,aggress,ambush,assail,assault,bash,bat,bean,beat,beset,besiege,biff,blast,boff,bombard,boot,bop,brain,bust,charge,chop down,clip,clock,club,combat,cook,harm,hit,hurt,infiltrate,invade,jump,kick,knock block off,knock cold,knock for a loop,larrup,lay siege to,light into,molest,mug,overwhelm,pounce upon,punch,raid,rush,set upon,slog,soak,stab,storm,strike,take the offensive,turn on,wallop,whop
attacksverb assault physically
advances,aggresses,ambushes,assails,assaults,bashes,bats,beans,beats,besets,besieges,biffs,blasts,blisters,boffs,bombards,boots,bops,brains,busts,charges,chops down,clips,clocks,clubs,combats,cooks,harms,hits,hurts,infiltrates,invades,jumps,kicks,knocks block off,knocks cold,knocks for a loop,larrups,lies siege to,light into,molests,mugs,overwhelms,pounce upon,punches,raids,rushes,sets upon,slogs,soaks,stabs,storms,strikes,takes the offensive,turns on,wallops,whops A half- dozen staffers for the comedy website Funny or Die are sitting around a conference table on a recent Tuesday afternoon taking a stab at it.
最近一个星期二,有半打喜剧网站“滑稽还是死亡”的员工围坐在一张会议桌前,尝试让明星发笑。 yeeyan

From time to time, some of my readers take a stab at converting me to their religion.
我的一些读者时常尝试把我转变成他们的宗教的信徒。 yeeyan

In the jury’s presence, Johnson carefully examined the corpse, stripping off the shirt and inserting probes into some of the stab wounds to determine their depth and direction.
当着陪审团众人的面,约翰逊仔细检查了尸体,他剥去死者的外衣,并将探针深入某些伤口,检验伤口的深度和刺入方向。 yeeyan

My spear could stab through any shield.
它可以刺透任何盾。 tingvoa

Oh, Lord, don't let' em stab us!
上帝啊,可千万别让他们刺伤我们! yeeyan

She claims in court documents that he ' threatened to stab my eye with a pen knife'.
米勒在法院文件里说查理“威胁要用铅笔刀戳我的眼睛。” yeeyan

The Bastable children look for ways to bring their family back to glory, and Knightleyhaving a stab at an exotic accent is a young foreign princess who plays a part in one of their schemes.
巴斯坦布尔的孩子们寻找能让他们家族东山再起的方法,奈特莉尝试了外国口音在他们的一个计划中扮演一个年轻的外国公主。 www.internet.org.cn

The STAB debug format is a poorly documented, semi- standard format for debugging information in COFF and ELF object files.
STAB调试格式是一种记录不完整的半标准格式,用于调试 COFF和 ELF对象文件中的信息。 ibm

There are groups of Jellyfish in the lake, but they do not stab people. Divers can swim with jellyfish, or pick them up without worrying about injuries.
湖中水母成群,但它们不会刺人,潜水者可以与水母一同畅游,或者捧起它们观赏,完全不必担心会受伤。 kekenet

And besides, he loves his wife, and does not want to stab her, no matter how tidy the solution her death would provide.
此外,他爱妻子,不想刺伤她。不管她的离世是多么省事的解决方法。 yeeyan

Before any other STABs occur, there must be a STAB specifying the source file.
在出现其他任何 STAB之前,必须用一个 STAB指定源文件。 ibm

Despite this, STAB is a common debugging format on older UNIX and compatible systems.
尽管如此, STAB在旧的 UNIX和兼容系统上仍然是一种常见的调试格式。 ibm

For some object file formats, the debugging information is encapsulated in assembler directives known collectively as STAB directives, which are interspersed with the generated code.
对于某些对象文件格式,调试信息被封装到统称为 STAB指令的汇编程序指令中,这些指令分布在生成的代码中。 ibm

Good friends stab you in the front.
当面刺痛你的是你的好朋友。 ebigear

He even takes a stab at scribbling the characters.
此人甚至在身上刺了索普二字。 yeeyan

His descriptions of physical work are authentic, as are the flashes of human kindness and the constant stab of inhuman cruelty.
他对体力劳动的描述是逼真的,反映了人情味的光华和不人道的残酷行为的持久的刺痛。 yeeyan

Instead Mr. Belsky suggests taking a stab at a different skill set than the one you use in the office.
相反,贝尔斯基建议,尝试使用与你在办公室所用的技能不同的技能。 iciba

On stage, she bleeds from simulated stab wounds.
在舞台上,她假装自己戳出一处伤口然后喷血。 yeeyan

One papercut shows rallying workers threatening to stab political enemies with giant fountain pens that look like spears.
一幅剪纸上画着集会的工人威胁用像长矛一样的巨大钢笔刺穿敌人。 kdnet

Photos show a stab wound in his neck.
照片显示他的脖子上有刺伤的伤口。 yeeyan

Rather than just calling in sick, he decided to stab himself.
不想仅仅告病假,他决定刺伤自己。 yeeyan

She is offered a knife with which to stab the prince to death, but rather than do that she jumps into the sea and dies by turning to froth.
魔咒中,只有用剪刀刺死王子,她才能获救。她没有照做,而是跃进大海,变成了泡沫。 yeeyan

So may the unpopular 3% tax on goods and services introduced last year, Jersey’s first stab at indirect taxation.
所以明年可能引进3%的货物和服务税,这也是泽西岛间接课税方面的第一次尝试。 ecocn

The DWARF and STAB formats are the most widely used executable and linking format ELF.
DWARF和 STAB格式是使用最广泛的两种可执行和链接格式 ELF。 ibm

The beetles literally stab, or at least bite, their victims in the back.
就和字面意思一样,这些甲虫会刺穿,或至少咬到他们的受害者的后背上。 yeeyan

The traditional format for debugging information is called STAB symbol table.
调试信息的传统格式被称为 STAB符号表。 ibm




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