StaatsburgBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 📍斯塔茨堡美 Mr. Guccione, who developed throat cancer in 1998, sold artworks, media properties and his Staatsburg estate as revenues dwindled and debts soared. 1998年古奇奥尼罹患喉癌,由于收入缩水和债台高筑,他只好变卖艺术品、媒体资产及其斯塔茨堡庄园。 yeeyan Troves of art and antiques filled his Manhattan home, a 17,000-square-foot double town house on East67th Street, and his country estate in Staatsburg, N.Y. 艺术与古董珍品塞满了他曼哈顿的家——位于东67号大街面积17000平方英尺约合1579平米的双层市内宅邸以及纽约斯塔兹堡的乡村庄园。 yeeyan