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词汇 SSL
释义 SSLCOCA⁹⁵⁸⁹⁵BNC⁴⁴⁷³⁷Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
abbr.加密套接字协议层=Security Socket Layer
The example above shows how to specify that both the authenticated and non- authenticated versions of the page should be served over SSL.
上述示例显示如何指定应该通过 SSL提供页面的经过身份验证版本和未经过身份验证版本。 ibm

The queue manager has a database of certificates that are used during the SSL exchange.
队列管理器有一个在进行 SSL交换期间使用的证书数据库。 ibm

What this means in terms of WMQFTE is that when a connection is made to a queue manager, it sends its certificate to WMQFTE as part of the initial SSL handshake.
用 WMQFTE的专业术语来讲,这意味着当一个连接试图连接一个队列管理器时,该连接将其证书发送到 WMQFTE,作为初始 SSL握手的一部分。 ibm

A common mechanism for this is the use of SSL encryption.
实现这一点的一种常用机制是使用 SSL加密。 ibm

Add the SSL configuration in the application server configuration editor.
在应用服务器配置编辑器中添加 SSL配置。 ibm

But whether you keep your scripts simple or enhance them, the automation will help you to implement SSL quickly, easily, and consistently.
但是,无论您使用简单的脚本还是增强的脚本,自动化都将帮助您快速、轻松和一致地实现 SSL。 ibm

However, you must understand that this last step merely states to the TAI that it should assume the connection is secure and that it is using mutually authenticated SSL.
然而,必须理解最后这个步骤只是向 TAI表明它应该假设这个连接是安全的,而且它使用相互身份验证的 SSL。 ibm

In the SSL properties, verify that the location of the key repository matches your key database name and location.
在 SSL属性中,确认密钥存储库的位置是否与您的密钥数据库名称和位置相符。 ibm

In a production environment, you need to set up either password control or SSL and perhaps both.
在生产环境中,则需要设置口令控制或 SSL或者两者都要设置。 ibm

In some circumstances, using channel compression can reduce the amount of processor time spent encrypting data for SSL-based connections.
在某些情况下,使用通道压缩可以减少为基于 SSL的连接加密数据花费的处理器时间。 ibm

In this installment of Mission: Messaging, I will walk you through the tasks to configure basic SSL channels with self- signed certificates, building two scripts as we go.
在《任务:消息传递》系列的这个部分,我将和您一起完成使用自签名证书配置基本 SSL通道的任务,我们将构建两个脚本。 ibm

Next, you need to accept the SSL certificate of the hypervisor that you just created.
下一步,您需要接受您刚才创建的系统管理程序的 SSL证书。 ibm

Since everything else was derived from these three“ random” sources, it was possible to“ break” the SSL“ security” in25 seconds on a1996 era machine.
由于其他的所有东西都是从这三个“随机”源产的,在1996年当时的机器上可能只需25秒中就可以“攻破” SSL“安全”。 infoq

The best SSL can do on this front is to require client certificates as proof of identity when establishing the connection between the client and server.
SSL在这方面做的出色的地方就是在客户机与服务器之间建立连接时要求客户机证书作为身份证明。 ibm

The computational overhead for setting up and running SSL connections is simply too high for some wireless applications.
对于某些无线应用程序而言,设置和运行 SSL连接的计算开销显然是太高了。 ibm

The security applied to the communication terminates at the SSL endpoint and not the actual service.
应用于通信的安全性在 SSL端点结束,而不是覆盖实际的服务。 ibm

This is done by the installer automatically so after installation the system is completely configured for internal SSL.
这由安装程序自动地完成,所以在安装之后系统已经为内部 SSL配置好了。 ibm

This is not part of the SSL standard, but is highly recommended to prevent a man in the middle attack MITM.
虽然这不是 SSL标准的一部分,但是这个步骤却是高度建议的,它可以防止中间人攻击。 ibm

This makes it easy to use SSL by simply configuring or specifying a few JVM properties.
这使得通过简单配置或指定一些 JVM属性来使用 SSL变得非常容易。 ibm

This most convenient handling of the SSL handshake can be overridden to address some challenges.
可以修改这种最方便的 SSL握手处理过程以解决某些难题。 ibm

To guarantee security of the messages traveling over the network, the client mode must be configured to support SSL and J2C authentication alias.
为了保证在网络上传输的消息的安全,必须将客户机模式配置为支持 SSL和 J2C身份验证别名。 ibm

We also provided an example of how to secure the communication between client and STS using SSL.
我们还提供了一个示例,展示如何使用 SSL保护客户端和 STS之间的通信。 ibm

We also showed how to use SSL to set up bind and link security.
我们还展示了如何使用 SSL建立绑定和链接安全性。 ibm

We need to enable port6444 to accept SSL communication and bind it to our service by defining a new virtual host on that port.
我们需要启用端口6444以接受 SSL通信,并通过在该端口上定义一个新的虚拟主机将其绑定到我们的服务。 ibm

What you can infer from this is that the key store used to hold a private key for use with SSL should contain only one private key it can contain other public key certificates.
从这里您可以看出,使用 SSL的用于包含私钥的密钥存储应该只包含一个私钥它可以包含其他的公钥证书。 ibm

While all this is not a big deal for most of the applications, there should be a better solution for projects that rely heavily on SSL.
虽然这对大多数应用程序来说算不了什么,但还是应该有一个更好的解决方案提供给那些非常依赖 SSL的项目。 infoq

You can add you own SSL configurations for new uses or modify the existing configurations.
您可以为新的使用添加自己的 SSL配置,也可以修改现有的配置。 ibm

You have seen how to lock down administrative access when strong authentication methods such as SSL or channel security exits are not immediately available.
您已经了解如何在不能直接采用 SSL或通道安全出口之类的强身份验证方法时锁定管理访问权限。 ibm

SSL can have some performance impacts because every piece of data sent to and from the server must be decrypted.
SSL对性能有一定影响,因为每个发送到服务器和从服务器传出的数据片都必须加密。 ibm

SSL client side authentication: This is the most secure, but it is cumbersome for shoppers to install on their browsers.
SSL客户端认证:这是最安全的,但是对购物者来说在浏览器上安装认证是比较麻烦的。 ibm




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