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Ssh 英ʃ美ʃ 高COCA⁸³⁰³⁴BNC⁴²⁰⁷⁴ 基本例句 int.嘘 Another technique is to use the innate abilities of the SSH to transfer files from one machine to another. 另一种方法是使用 SSH固有的能力将文件从一台计算机传输到另一台计算机。 ibm Because the standard input and the standard output of the remote command are tied to your keyboard and display, albeit through the magic of SSH. 这是因为远程命令的标准输入和标准输出都绑定到了您的键盘和显示器,这正是 SSH的神奇之处。 ibm But if I wanted to use these techniques to share remote computers across the world or even across town, the VNC or X11 protocols should be“layered” over SSH. 但是,如果我想要使用这些技术在全世界范围或者甚至跨城市共享远程计算机,那么 VNC或 X11协议应该被放置在 SSH上。 ibm Cut and paste the text returned into a text file for use in your SSH client. 剪切和粘贴返回到文本文件中的文本,以供在您的 SSH客户端使用。 ibm Finally, if the SSH failed on a certain node, then you may see some error messages. 最后,如果某个节点上的 SSH出现故障,则会看到一些错误消息。 ibm I gave my public SSH key; you should generate one if you don't have one already. 我生成了一个公共 SSH键;如果您还没有的话,那么应当生成一个键。 ibm If you do find issues when trying to connect via SSH, and the issue is not immediately obvious, then I recommend using both the client and server debug methods together to diagnose issues. 如果在尝试通过 SSH连接时发现了问题,而且问题的原因不明,那么我建议同时使用客户机和服务器调试方法诊断问题。 ibm If set, multiple SSH sessions to the same host share a single connection. 如果设置,同一个主机的多个 SSH会话将共享单个连接。 ibm In fact, SSH will likely be the only method support at some point in the future. 实际上,在未来的某个时候, SSH将很可能成为惟一支持的方法。 ibm More specifically, SSH is a more secure utility that does not transmit passwords in clear text, and performs much more robust checks to ensure that clients are not spoofing their hostname. 更明确地说, SSH是一种更安全的工具,不以明文传输密码,并且执行更加健壮的检查,以确保客户机不是在欺骗它们的主机名。 ibm Now after inactivity for60 seconds, we get a connection closed message from the remote machine, which indicates that the auto logoff is successfully set for SSH. 现在,在60秒的不活跃之后,我们从远程机器收到一条连接关闭消息,这表示已经为 SSH成功设置了自动下线。 ibm On the DBMS server, the solution must ensure that all traffic is captured— including direct connections to the DBMS server, such as SSH—and that the solution cannot be disabled without authorization. 在 DBMS服务器上,解决方案必须确保捕捉所有通信流,包括到 DBMS服务器的直接连接比如 SSH;如果没有授权,无法禁用这个解决方案。 ibm Once mapped, all the traffic destined for the local port is forwarded to the remote machine on the mapped port within a secured tunnel of SSH. 映射之后,本地端口指定的所有通信量通过一个安全的 SSH隧道转发到远程计算机上的映射端口上。 ibm One of the benefits of the SSH solution is that although the command itself is executed remotely, the input and output of the command are sourced from the calling machine. SSH解决方案的优点之一是,尽管命令本身是以远程的方式执行的,但是命令的输入和输出都来源于调用的计算机。 ibm One of the main benefits of SSH is that you can bypass the normal login and password exchange by copying your public key to a remote machine. SSH的主要优点之一是,通过将您的公钥复制到一台远程计算机,您可以绕过正常的登录和密码交换。 ibm Since SSH is a subsystem, it offers plenty of options to customize and streamline its operation. 由于 SSH是一个子系统,它提供大量选项来定制和简化其操作。 ibm So on to the project of creating a custom SSH client. 这样就可以开始创建定制的 SSH客户机了。 ibm The first two commands create an SSH directory that's only readable by the application user. 前两个命令会创建一个 SSH目录,它只允许应用程序用户读取。 ibm The chapters on SSH are particularly useful, but I guarantee you that reading any chapters here will improve your UNIX knowledge tremendously. 有关 SSH的章节尤其有用,我保证您在此处阅读的每章内容都会极大提高自己的 UNIX知识。 ibm There is really no loss in doing this, and SSH even optionally adds its own compression layer to enhance performance. 做到这一点真的没有任何损失,而且 SSH甚至可选地添加其自己的压缩层来增强性能。 ibm This highlights one of the benefits of SSH—the remote machine redirects to the same location standard output, standard error, so you can redirect locally while retaining the meaning of the output. 这是 SSH的一个突出的优点,远程计算机重定向到相同的位置标准输出、标准错误,所以您可以在本地进行重定向,同时保持输出结果的含义。 ibm This is a limitation of SSH as it spawns two processes, one for authentication and another for session creation. 这是因为 SSH会产生两个进程,一个用于身份验证,另一个用于创建会话。 ibm Use those details to connect to the new server via SSH. 使用这些详细信息,通过 SSH连接到新的服务器。 ibm Using the debug method, however, should be first when diagnosing SSH related issues. 但是,在诊断与 SSH相关的问题时,应该首先使用调试方法。 ibm When using SSH to run commands across multiple machines without exchanging your public key, you need to type in your password for each machine. 如果不交换您的公钥,那么使用 SSH在多台计算机中运行相应的命令时,您必须为每台计算机输入您的密码。 ibm You can use this to your advantage when you simplify the login process when using SSH. 在使用 SSH简化登录过程时,您可以使用此方法提高工作效率。 ibm You can run a single remote command by adding the command you want to run to SSH after the login or host information. 通过将您希望 SSH运行的命令添加在登录或者主机信息的后面,您可以运行单个远程命令。 ibm You can then use SSH to connect to the server using the key you generated earlier. 然后,您可以使用 SSH来连接到服务器,这还要用到您刚才生成的密匙。 ibm |