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ssdsBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 Special Supply Depot Squadron 特别补给仓库中队 Does clustering or for that matter, poor clustering really matter when using SSDs? 当使用 SSD的时候,集群或者说,不好的集群真的会有影响吗? ibm It cannot have escaped your notice, if you have been reading industry articles and press releases, that solid-state drives SSDs are now available for the leading enterprise storage arrays. 如果您阅读了最近的行业文章和新闻,您一定会注意到,固态硬盘 SSD已经应用到先进的企业存储阵列中。 ibm It’s possible that SSDs will cause you to reevaluate some of the ways that you deal with databases, as the move from spinning disks to solid-state technology will change the rules. 很有可能 SSD会促使您重新评估处理数据库的方式,因为从旋转磁盘到固态技术的转变将会改变一些规则。 ibm Okay, what are the advantages of SSDs and how do they work. 固态硬盘的优点和工作原理是什么。163 The notion of adjacency of pages to reduce disk head or arm movement and thus latency during I/ O does not apply to SSDs, of course. 当然,在 I/ O过程中用页面邻接来减少磁盘头或磁盘臂移动,从而减少延迟的概念并不适用于 SSD。 ibm The SSDs will sometimes fail as well, and the company is working on ways to ensure a foolproof wipe of stored data. 不过固态硬盘有时候也会出现故障,该公司正在寻求一种确保万无一失的清除硬盘数据的方式。 ecocn All existing data is moved underneath the cover from regular disk drives to SSDs automatically. 所有现有数据都在后台从常规硬盘驱动器自动移动到 SSD。 ibm Another issue with SSDs and traditional storage is that an HDD didn't care whether data on disk was valid. 使用 SSD和传统存储的另一个问题是 HDD不关心磁盘上的数据是否有效。 ibm But although SSD costs are declining every quarter, SSDs are still more expensive than HDDs. 但是,虽然 SSD的成本每个季度都在递减,但是 SSD仍然比 HDD昂贵。 ibm CHGLFM will move all the secondary indexes associated with a join logical file on or off of SSDs. CHGLFM将把与连接逻辑文件有关的所有二级索引移入或移出 SSD。 ibm Deploying table spaces on SSDs can reduce the need to REORG. 在 SSD 上部署表空间可以减少 REORG的需要。 ibm Due to the memory storage technology used in SSDs, the performance is an order of magnitude higher than regular hard disk drives. 由于 SSD中采用了内存存储技术,SSD的性能比常规硬盘驱动器高出了一个数量级。 ibm Figure1 below shows this differences between regular disk drives and SSDs in terms of performance. 图1展示了常规硬盘驱动器与 SSD之间的性能差异。 ibm However, certain applications tend to use more sequential than random operations and therefore are not able to benefit from SSDs as much as others. 但是,某些应用程序使用的顺序操作比随机操作还多,因此不能像其他应用程序那样受益于 SSD。 ibm It is likely that you will have a mixture of HDDs and SSDs, so you can allocate the buffer pool space thus saved to the table spaces on HDDs, which need it more. 很有可能您混合使用 HDD和 SSD,那么就可以分配缓冲池从而节省 HDD上的表空间,而 HDD也更需要空间。 ibm See“ Unleashing the Value of Solid-State Drives for DB2 Workloads” in this issue for a discussion on how to maximize the performance of DB2 with SSDs. 参阅本期的“释放用于 DB2工作负载的固态硬盘的价值”关于如何用 SSD最大化 DB2性能的讨论。 ibm So, what's the best way to determine which DB2 tables or indexes to place on SSDs? 那么,确定将哪些 DB2表或索引放在 SSD 上的最佳方式是什么? ibm So consider embedding less free space when using SSDs, since the clustering sequence may not be so important. 因此考虑在使用 SSD时嵌入较少的空闲空间,因为集群顺序可能并不那么重要。 ibm Standard Flash-based SSDs, such as those found in laptops, have not been optimized for writes. 标准的基于闪盘的 SSD,如笔记本电脑上的,都没有进行写操作优化。 ibm The easiest approach would be simply to replace all regular disk drives with SSDs and move over all objects and data. 最简单的方法是用 SSD替换所有常规硬盘驱动器并移动所有对象和数据。 ibm These dramatic improvements have made SSDs prime candidates for use in performance- sensitive or mission- critical database applications. 如此急剧的进步使得 SSD成为性能敏感或关键任务数据库应用程序的首选。 ibm Think about which tasks SSDs enable you to accomplish differently. 考虑 SSD能让您出色完成哪些任务。 ibm This constraint does not exist with SSDs because of the wear- leveling requirement. 此限制不能与 SSD 同时存在因为耗损均衡的要求。 ibm Use of SSDs drives are substantially faster than traditional disks and thus can provide performance benefits to most applications. 使用 SSD硬盘要比使用传统磁盘快许多,因此可以为大多数应用程序提供性能增益。 ibm We then tested several scenarios after migrating portions of the database application to SSDs. 然后,我们将数据库应用程序的一部分迁移到 SSD,对一系列的场景进行测试。 ibm When you consider the purchase of SSDs for your enterprise-class storage array, think beyond speeds and feeds. 当您考虑为企业级存储阵列购买 SSD时,不仅要考虑速度和容量。 ibm When SSDs are added to the system, they are not immediately used by the system by default; they stay empty. 将 SSD添加到系统时,默认情况下它们不会立即被系统使用;它们是空的。 ibm When SSDs are added to the system, they are not immediately used by the system by default; they stay empty. 将 SSD添加到系统时,默认情况下它们不会立即被系统使用;它们是空的。 ibm SSDs is like using compact flash or SD cards. 固态硬盘就像紧凑型闪存或 SD卡。163 SSDS you can think of as a structured data store in the cloud building block service, which is accessed using Internet protocols using a basic data manipulation language. 你可以认为 SSDS是一个可以存储结构化数据的云用以构建大型应用,你可以使用基本的数据操作语言通过互联网协议对它进行访问。 infoq |