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词汇 SSA
释义 SSA
abbr.Social Security Administration 美国社会保障总署;Social Security Allowance 社会保障津贴

an independent government agency responsible for the Social Security system近义词 Social Security Administration社会保险局
Follow up the decision and action ofSSA.跟踪审计决定和具体行动。
Use the Service Guide for yourSSAAdapter orSSASubsystem.查了用户手册;没有42529啊;到来42528后就跳过了.
The possibility of piezoelectricSSAis investigated.重点分析了压电材料作自感知执行器的物理基础。
From theSSAimages, we calibrate the average indium contents of the QWs.同时我们亦由应力分布分析计算其各个量子井的平均铟浓度。
They also queried about the legality of the residence requirements for CSSASSA.他们并质疑综援福利金的居港年期规定的合法性。 The International Monetary Fund pinpoints18 SSA countries that will need additional balance- of- payments and budgetary support in2009.
国际货币基金组织明确了将在2009年需要额外贸易支付差额与预算支持的18个撒哈南的非洲国家。 ecocn

The Web2.0 theme has CSA client-side aggregation and SSA server-side aggregation modes of rendering.
Web2.0主题拥有赋值的 CSA客户端聚合以及 SSA服务端聚合两种模式。 ibm

A single business object map is then created to handle the inbound scenario where an SSA Global customer business object is transformed to a canonical customer business object.
然后创建一个业务对象映射,来处理将 SSA Global客户业务对象转换为规范的客户业务对象的入站场景。 ibm

Alameda SSA chose DB2 in keeping with its philosophy of having all system components provided by one vendor— in this case, IBM.
阿拉米达 SSA选择 DB2,这与它的让所有系统组件由一个供应商提供的理念保持一致—在这里是 IBM。 ibm

As millions of baby boomers reach retirement age, the demands on the SSA will only get more pressing.
随着上百万婴儿潮时期出生的人到达退休年龄,这就对 SSA带来了更大的压力、提出了更高的要求。 ibm

At the time, the SSA had approximately100 programs in use with another30 to40 in development.
与此同时, SSA 正在使用大约100个程序和30至40个正在开发的程序。 ibm

Because Alameda SSA caseworkers handle as many as600 cases each, it was difficult for them to keep up with changes that needed immediate attention and action.
由于阿拉米达 SSA社会工作人员每人需要处理多达600 个事例,要求他们来跟踪变化、随时关注、立即采取行动,这有点困难。 ibm

But the SSA was also working to bring the organization into compliance with CMM Levels2 and3.
但是 SSA也努力将公司带入到遵守 CMM层级2和层级3的规范之中。 ibm

Climate change represents an additional challenge to rural people in SSA, and a further reason for investment in water control.
气候变化对非洲沙哈拉地区的农村居民来说是另一项挑战,也是增加水资源控制利用方面投资的另一个理由。 yeeyan

Create a business object map to transform a SSA Global business object to a canonical business object.
创建一个将 SSA Global业务对象转换为规范业务对象的业务对象映射。 ibm

During a typical year the90 or100 most critical SSA projects are estimated using SEER parametric modeling solutions.
在一个典型的年份期间,90或者100个最关键的 SSA项目是使用 SEER参数建模解决方案被评估的。 ibm

Finally, the SSA trees are converted into RTL, which the back end uses for target code generation.
最后, SSA树被转换成 RTL,后者被后端用于目标生成代码。 ibm

For example, to represent the state of California the DB2-based system uses“ California”, the SAP system uses“ CA-03”, and the SSA Global system uses“ Cal”.
例如,要表示加利福尼亚州,基于 DB2的系统使用“ California”, SAP系统使用“ CA-03”,而 SSA Global系统则使用“ Cal”。 ibm

GCC4 brings many changes to the standard compiler suite, the biggest of which is around support for optimizations with the introduction of the tree Static Single Assignment SSA form.
GCC4为标准的编译器套件带来了很多变化,最大的变化是为了支持优化而引入的树的 Static Single Assignment SSA形式。 ibm

In the two national elections held in SSA so far this year the incumbent party has been returned to office, although in South Africa's case not the incumbent president.
在撒哈拉以南非洲地区今年已经举行的两个选举中,执政党都获得了胜利,虽然南非获胜的并非现任总统。 ecocn

In this step, you create a business object map to transform a SSA Global business object to a canonical business object.
在本步骤中,将创建一个业务对映射,将 SSA Global业务对象转换为规范的业务对象。 ibm

Initially, the SSA deployed parametric modeling on just a few dozen projects; they used the tool to determine maintenance costs and whether or not to continue development.
最初, SSA仅仅在一些项目中开展参数的建模;它们使用工具来决定维护成本以及是否继续开发。 ibm

Investments in water infrastructure alone cannot suffice to improve agricultural productivity in SSA. Farmers need secure access to inputs including fertilizer, better seeds, and credit.
仅仅增加水利基础设施投资还不足以提高非洲沙哈拉地区农业生产率,还需要确保稳定的化肥、优质种子和贷款等投入品供应。 yeeyan

On Windows and AIX, write cache is available through the use of SSA disks with a fast write nonvolatile cache.
在 Windows和 AIX中,可通过使用带有高速写非易失的高速缓存的 SSA磁盘来获得写高速缓存。 ibm

Over the next five years there will be national, multiparty elections in nearly every country in SSA.
接下来的五年中,几乎每个撒哈拉以南非洲国家都会举行国家性的,多党选举。 ecocn

Requesting anonymity, the officer said the SSA had offered its cooperation to all countries concerned in the resolution of the drug problem.

SSIRS enables Alameda SSA to generate the data it needs to demonstrate it is reaching its WPR goal and to secure additional funding.
SSIRS支持阿拉米达 SSA生成需要证明达到其 WPR目标和获取额外基金的数据。 ibm

Table1 lists the major differences between SSA- and CSA-based themes.
表1列出了基于 SSA和基于 CSA主题之间的主要差异。 ibm

The GENERIC trees are converted into GIMPLE form and a subsequent control flow graph to support SSA-based optimizations.
GENERIC树被转换成 GIMPLE形式,进而转换成控制流图,以支持基于 SSA的优化。 ibm

These systems are written and tested by the SSA's Office of Systems.
这些系统是由 SSA的系统办公室编写和测试的。 ibm

This map transforms an SSA Global business graph to a canonical business graph.
该映射将 SSA Global业务图转换为规范业务图。 ibm

Tree SSA introduces two new intermediate representations.
Tree SSA引入了2 种新的中间表示法。 ibm

Tree SSA is designed to be both language independent and target independent while supporting improved analysis and richer optimizations.
Tree SSA被设计为既独立于语言又独立于目标,同时还支持更先进的分析和更丰富的优化。 ibm

Wolfowitz also met parents and children of a school supported by India’s Education for All programknown as SSA by its Hindi initials, to which the Bank is a contributor.
沃尔福威茨还会见了由印度普及教育方案印地语缩写为 SSA资助的一个学校的家长和孩子们。世界银行也为该方案提供了援助。 worldbank

SSA was striving to comply with a new process standard, the Capability Maturity Model CMM, and to centralize its software estimation capabilities.
SSA努力遵守一个新的过程处理标准,能力成熟度模型Capability Maturity Model, CMM,并且将它的软件评估能力集中起来。 ibm




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