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the United States intelligence agency that protects current and former presidents and vice presidents and their immediate families and protects distinguished foreign visitors; detects and apprehends counterfeiters; suppresses forgery of government securities and documentsspecial police force in Nazi Germany founded as a personal bodyguard for Adolf Hitler in 1925; the SS administered the concentration camps近义词 USSSUnited State…Schutzstaffeln.纳粹党卫军…secret service特务机关
And the Tories’ sole Latvian chum is a mild-mannered economist, a wing of whose party annually honours Latvians who fought with the Waffen SS against Soviet forces.
保守党在拉脱维亚只有一个孤零零的哥们儿,是一名温文的经济学家,他加入的政党有一部分人每年都会表彰当年协同纳粹党卫军抗击苏联军队的拉托维亚人。 ecocn

Darges trained as an export clerk but joined the SS in April1933.
道热斯曾接受过书记员的专业培训,但他在1933年4月加入了党卫军。 yeeyan

Is it true that you joined the SS even though Siemens had offered you a job as a foreman?
即使西门子公司给你一个看门人的工作你还是加入了纳粹党卫军,对不对? yeeyan

The entity can reuse the TGT to get additional STs for use with SS without having to authenticate itself with AS once again.
实体能够重复使用 TGT获取额外的 ST以使用 SS,无需再次使用 AS验证自己。 ibm

The format for elapsed time display shall be hh: mm: ss.
绕行时间的显示格式应为 hh: mm: ss。 ibm

The food system for SS will be considerably different from the Shuttle food system.
空间站良好的食物系统和航天飞机的食物系统有很大不同。 yeeyan

There's nothing to match the revelation in the earlier memoir that17-year- old Grass joined the Waffen- SS, which whipped up a storm of controversy.
当然,没有什么能和早期回忆录里自揭17岁时曾加入纳粹党卫军的内容相提并论,掀起争议的风潮。 yeeyan

Another, a woman whose parents perished in the Holocaust, is aroused by the thought of SS officers in jackboots.
一个女人幻想双亲在大屠杀中身亡,她自己被穿长筒靴的纳粹党卫军爱抚。 yeeyan

Britons' views of their country's SS troops would probably be rather ambiguous: few would call them heroes, but few would condemn them outright either.

But I believed, and the spectators all believed, that before us we were seeing that uniform, and the woman who had worked for the SS in it, and all the crimes Hanna was accused of doing.
不过我相信,观众们也都相信,站在我们大家面前的、我们所看到的制服,这个就是穿着这身制服为纳粹党卫军卖过命的女人,以及汉娜被指控所犯下的所有罪行。 yeeyan

Compound sentence: The system shall be able to display the elapsed time for the car to make one circuit around the track, and the time format shall be hh: mm: ss.
并列句:系统应能显示车沿跑道绕行一圈花费的时间,且时间的格式应是 hh: mm: ss。 ibm

Contrast that with Mr Grass's mastery of character once the “ dubious” few months in the SS are over. He meets a salt- of-the- earth corporal who helps him back to the German lines.
与格拉斯对人物形象的娴熟掌握成鲜明对比的是当他在党卫军中那疑窦重重的几个月结束后,他遇上了一位对法西斯事业衷心耿耿的下士,后者帮助他重新回到德国军队。 ecocn

Do you mean to suggest that a woman should prefer to become a foreman at Siemens than join the SS?
您的意思是否是说一个女人应当宁愿做西门子公司的看门人也不该加入纳粹党卫军? yeeyan

Fatherland and Freedom which has roots in the anti- Soviet dissident movement says Latvian SS veterans have the right to pensions and public gatherings.
祖国与自由党该党派源自于反对苏维埃的持异见者的运动认为拉脱维亚曾服役于纳粹党卫队的退伍军人有权获得养老金并进行公共集会。 ecocn

He also suggested picking a handful of top Nazi defendants as representatives of key Nazi organizations like the SS.
他还建议以一小撮纳粹高端被告作为纳粹关键组织的代表受审。 例如:纳粹党卫军。 yeeyan

He did succeed in making the judge look irritated and stop pursuing the question of why Hanna had joined the SS.
他做的很成功,使得那个法官面露怒色,阻止了追问汉娜为什么加入纳粹党卫军的问题。 yeeyan

He was the highest ranked SS man to be hanged.
他是排名最高的党卫军人绞刑。 yeeyan

Her father had served in the Waffen SS during World War II, and her mother was one of many Germans deported to the Soviet Union in 1945.
她父亲在二战期间曾参加德国党卫军 Waffen SS,母亲是1945年被罗马尼亚流放到苏联的诸多德国人之一。 iciba

Her French companions, especially Henri Tardivat, praised her fighting spirit; amply demonstrated when she killed an SS sentry with her bare hands to prevent him raising the alarm during a raid.
她的法国同伴们,特别是亨利.塔尔德瓦对她的战斗精神称颂有加。在一次突袭中,她曾徒手杀死一名正要去拉响警报的纳粹哨兵。 yeeyan

His visit to the Munich Hofbräuhaus mostly described the enormous girth and appetite of ordinary Bavarians, barely mentioning the black- clad SS men in another room.
他对慕尼黑宫廷啤酒坊的拜访描述的主要是普通巴伐利亚人的大肚带和好胃口,他几乎没有提及隔壁房间穿黑色衣服的党卫军。 ecocn

I have never seen the uniform of the women who worked for the SS.
我从没见过在纳粹党卫军服役过的女人制服。 yeeyan

Mueller's family came from a German- speaking minority in Romania, and her father was in the German SS during World War Two.
米勒的家庭来自一个在罗马尼亚讲德语的少数民族,她的父亲曾在二战中参加了德国党卫军。 iciba

One is a nuanced and convincing piece, both sympathetic and devastating, about Günter Grass, the German novelist, who revealed in his memoirs that he had briefly been in the Waffen SS.
其中,关于德国小说家君特•格拉斯的一篇文章细致入微、令人信服,字词间既存有恻隐,又不留情面;这位德国作家在其回忆录中透露,当年曾短暂效力于纳粹党卫军。 这段历史是令其著作黯然失色? ecocn

Powerful archival footage shows Red Army officers drinking toasts with their counterparts from the SS in Berlin in December1939.
强有力的档案资料镜头展现出苏联红军军官与党卫队人员1939年在柏林举杯祝酒的场面。 yeeyan

Right-wing historians have claimed the planning for the murder of six million Jews was carried out by SS chief Heinrich Himmler.
右翼历史学家认为,屠杀六百万犹太人的计划应当出自党卫军首领海因里希·希姆莱。 yeeyan

Run the command ss short status at this prompt to see the status of the bundles.
在这个提示中运行命令 ss短暂状态,查看包的状态。 ibm

Several among our father had been in the war, two or three of them as officers of the Wehrmacht and one as an officer of the Waffen SS.
在我们的父亲中,必定有人投入了这场战争。他们中,有那么两到三个人当了国防军的长官,还有一个当上了武装党卫队的军官。 yeeyan

The KN-02 is a modified version of the Soviet-designed SS-21 missile.
据悉,KN-02是苏联 SS-21导弹的修改版本。

There are colour images of Mr Misch in an SS uniform at Adolf Hitler's home in the Alps, snapshots of Hitler staring at rabbits, and photos of Hitler's mistress and future wife Eva Braun.
这里面有米施先生穿着 SS党卫军制服在阿尔卑斯山的希特勒家拍的彩色照片,有希特勒盯着兔子看的快照,还有希特勒的情妇,即他未来的妻子埃娃.布劳恩 Eva Braun的照片。 yeeyan

To say that the record found in the SS archives said otherwise would be wrong, .
要说在党卫军档案里找到的记录并非如此那是有误的。 yeeyan

We just planned that I would play the role of an SS officer so well that the guards would believe me.
我们只能计划由我扮演党卫军军官的角色,要演得逼真,好让卫兵相信。 yeeyan

Yes, she had worked at Siemens in Berlin and had joined the SS in the autumn of1943.
是的,她在柏林的西门子公司工作过,于1943年加入纳粹党卫军。 yeeyan

SS guards shoved each prisoner in the direction the doctor had indicated.
希特勒的党卫军按医生所指的方向把被监禁的人推过去。 ebigear

SS1921 deals with“ Augustine and Neoplatonism, ” where the title- theme is concerned with Augustine's eventual relapse into Greek cosmological categories.
SS1921讨论过的“奥古斯丁和新柏拉图主义”的主题是关于奥古斯丁最终对古希腊的宇宙论的复发。 yeeyan




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