

单词 SRB
释义 SRB
Answer: due to smaller size for sms, normally we send it bySRBnot DCH or CCH.要发送短消息是可以通过专用控制信道和公共控制信道发送,但是都需要建立SRB,但是SRB不是信令承载么?
There existed a definite amount ofSRBin the deep aquatic environment.阿哈湖深层水体中有一定数量的硫酸盐还原菌存在。
The result shows that these sulphonates can be decomposed bySRBand then emit H 2S and D.结果显示 :这些磺化物能被SRB分解利用 ,放出硫化氢 ;
Common types of bacterias such asSRB,FB,TGB in oilfield and their harm mechanism was introduced.介绍了油田回注水常见的细菌类型,阐述了硫酸盐还原菌、铁细菌和腐生菌的危害机理。
METHODS Using data from The Third National Health Services Survey to computeSRBand it?s confidence interval.方法利用第3次国家卫生服务调查的资料,计算不同人口社会学特征人群的出生性别比及其95%可信区间。
Cytotoxicity of FAC on HL-60 and K562 cell line was confirmed by MTT andSRBassay in vitro.MTT法、SRB法观察FAC对体外培养的人白血病细胞HL-60、K562细胞的增殖抑制作用。




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