

单词 bartender
释义 bar·tend·er 英ˈbɑːˌtendə美ˈbɑrˌtɛndɚAHDbärʹtĕn'dər ☆☆☆☆☆高SCOCA¹⁰⁶⁸⁴BNC⁴⁸¹⁹⁷iWeb¹¹⁷⁸⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

an employee who mixes and serves alcoholic drinks at a barbarmaid酒吧女招待barman酒吧间男招待…
bar-tend-伸展-er名人|物⇒n.酒保近义词 barkeep酒吧店主barkeeper酒吧老板barman酒吧间男招待…mixologist酒吧调酒员

用作名词Thebartenderfilled Ted's empty glass with beer.酒保为泰德的空杯倒满啤酒。
Bartender thought you liked strong drinks.我猜那个酒保大概以为你喜欢烈一点的酒。noun.one who serves drinks at a bar
同义词 barkeep barkeeper mixologist tapster alewife barmaid barman publican tapper taverner victualler boniface,butlersoda jerksteward,vintner Do it through the bartender with the girl's permission. And don't insist if she doesn't want it.
别太当真了,最好是先通过酒保,征得她们同意,如果她们不接受也别强求。 yeeyan

On a Thursday night I’m the only customer, and the bartender, a woman named Casey, tells me that she just bought a three-bedroom house in Nucla for fifty-three thousand dollars.
某个周四的晚上,酒吧里就我一个客人,女酒保凯西告诉我,她刚在纽克拉花五万三千美元买了一座三居的房子。 yeeyan

There is, however, one social stigma I noticed back when I was a bartender.
然而,当我还是个酒吧招待员的时候,我注意到有件侮辱的事。 yeeyan

Work as bartender and marriage counselor.
调酒师兼婚姻咨询师。 fortunechina

“ Better keep her straight, ” the bartender said to me.
“你最好让她正常点。”酒保对我说。 yeeyan

“ What do you wish?” the genie asks the bartender.
“您有什么愿望?”妖精问调酒师。 yeeyan

A martini recipe appears as early as1882 in a bartender’s manual, although in addition to gin and vermouth, it calls for sweet syrup.
马提尼的调制方法早在1882 年就出现在一个调酒师的调制手册中,但是除了杜松子酒和苦艾酒外,他还要求加入糖浆。 cri

An exchange relationship is all about what you get out of it, the kind of amicable alliance one forges with a client or bartender.
在交换关系中,其全部是你从中获得什么,像那种和睦的联盟——客人或是酒吧招待。 yeeyan

But the intrigued bartender really needs to find out, and offers the guy drinks on the house all night long if he lets him in on the secret.
但是着了谜的调酒师实在是很想知道,向那人提议说如果他告诉自己这个秘密,他可以在这里免费喝一晚上的酒。 yeeyan

Don the bartender: What's wrong, Herbert?
唐酒保:怎么了,赫伯特? ebigear

Each bartender in Puerto Rico concocts his or her own favorite rum drink, but other island cocktails are made with fresh fruit juices.
波多黎各的每一个酒保,都有他或她自己最钟爱的朗姆酒,而其他品种的鸡尾酒则是用新鲜果汁调制的。 kekenet

Growing up in Florida, Mr. Gould enjoyed working in restaurants as a waiter and bartender.
古尔德在佛罗里达州长大,他喜欢在餐馆里做侍应生和酒吧招待。 iciba

I glanced to my right and saw the bartender pissed and calling over a bouncer.
我往右边瞥了一眼,酒保已经怒了,叫了一个保安过来。 yeeyan

I was engaged in conversation and wasn’t watching the bartender as she poured me a stiff, ice-cold concoction that she then gingerly placed on the table in front of me.
当时我正在和别人谈话因此并没有注意女招待,她为我倒了一杯加冰的烈性调和物,随后小心翼翼地摆在我面前的桌子上。 yeeyan

See the bartender at the Playboy Mansion for cocktail recipes.
你看看“花花公子公馆”酒保的密制鸡尾酒配方就明白了。 yeeyan

So, the bartender wants to know where the guy found the small pianist.
于是,调酒师想知道这个人从哪里找到的小钢琴师。 yeeyan

So the guy opens his bag again, and hands the lamp to the bartender, who immediately starts rubbing it.
于是那人又一次打开包,拿出神灯给调酒师。 调酒师马上开始摩擦神灯。 yeeyan

The man turned to the bartender, who fell silent under his sharp gaze and returned to inventorying the bottles of cheap, well liquor.
那人转过身来,酒保在他锐利的目光下默默地回去盘点便宜好酒的空瓶。 yeeyan

The bartender can't believe his ears, and remains silent.
调酒师不敢相信自己的耳朵,沉默了半晌。 yeeyan

The bartender comes over and refuses service to the man and again offers to call a cab.
酒保过来说不能给他酒喝,再次提议帮他叫部计程车。 hjenglish

The bartender looks at him and says I know you.

The bartender shook my bottle of ale in front of me like a Swiss bell-ringer so it foamed inside the green glass.
酒保在我面前摇着麦芽酒,就像是一名瑞士乐手在摇动手铃,绿色的酒瓶里晃出了许多泡沫。 yeeyan

Unfortunately, Thad was by himself, and the bartender— though he recognizes Thad as a regular— can't be certain that Thad was actually in the bar at that precise time.
不幸的是,萨德本人和酒保——虽然他知道萨德是常客——却无法确定那个时间点萨德就在酒吧里。 yeeyan




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