

单词 squirts
释义 squirt·s 英skwɜːt美skwɜːrt COCA⁵⁷⁰³⁶BNC⁶⁴³⁹⁸
someone who is small and insignificantthe occurrence of a sudden discharge as of liquid
cause to come out in a squirt;

the boy squirted water at his little sister

wet with a spurt of liquid;

spurt the wall with water

squirt gun水枪sea squirt动海鞘squirt sampling pump进样注射泵cut squirt切断喷水oil squirt油枪grease squirt注油器,滑油枪…
近义词 spew喷出gush迸出shot注射spurt喷出spray喷雾expel驱逐surge汹涌shoot发射forth向前eject喷射spirt喷出squeeze挤压spoutC喷口fountain喷泉stream小河eruption爆发pour不断流动jet喷气式飞机small fry儿童pour forth流出squeeze out榨出splash溅泼声force out挤出去pip-squeak不重要的东西…

用作动词If all else fails, the species can alsosquirtink, like octopuses.如果变色之后仍被敌人发现,它们则会像章鱼一样喷出墨液,并在墨液掩护下逃生。
In it spends to be generally American tosquirtin the hole.在从这个洞里喷出如花一般美的颜色。
When the operating medium contains some granules, you cansquirtlotion or lubricant to clean the seal face, making sure a reliable seal.当输送的介质不洁或含有少量颗粒时,为保护密封面,确保达到可靠的密封,还可给这一装置注射相应的清洗剂或润滑剂对密封面进行清洗。用作名词The little boy wants to buy asquirtgun.这个小男孩想买个水枪。
If all else fails, the species can alsosquirtink, like octopuses.如果变色之后仍被敌人发现,它们则会像章鱼一样喷出墨液,并在墨液掩护下逃生。
In it spends to be generally American tosquirtin the hole.在从这个洞里喷出如花一般美的颜色。 And more than a grapefruit squirts.
比柚子汁喷射得更猛。 jin18516.tianyablog.com

Food for sponges, tridacnas and sea squirts.
促进珊瑚的生长与在海洋里一样。 cmfish

The animals that can possibly achieve immortality under ideal conditions, such as sea squirts, certain corals, Hydra, and Turritopsis curricula the immortal jellyfish, often activate telomerase.
有些动物很可能可以在理想的环境下达到长生不老,比如海鞘、特定种类的珊瑚、九头蛇、灯塔水母不死的海蜇。 yeeyan

“ Dopamine squirts, ” be damned; there are ethical dimensions to disconnecting.
“多巴胺喷射器”,给讨厌的那些人。这就是道德层面的的隔绝。 yeeyan

An unpredictable, asocial borderline individual who squirts water in your face and makes fun at the expense of others.
一个难以揣测的社会边缘人士,总是朝着你的脸喷水并把快乐建立在开别人玩笑的基础上。 yeeyan

At the other end, in the paint shop, a sprayer dressed in a protective suit squirts a mist of colour inside the back door of a car shell.
在工厂另一头的喷漆车间,一个穿着防护服的喷漆工人正在为一个汽车外壳的后门内部喷上彩漆。 ecocn

But dopamine is all about the hunt, not the trophy: only the anticipation, rather than the buying, squirts the chemical.
但多巴胺只和寻觅过程有关,和得到战利品无关:只有预期,而不是购买,能释放这种物质。 yeeyan

Chordates that lack a backbone, such as sea potatoes, sea peaches, and sea squirts.
没有脊柱的脊索动物,例如海土豆、海桃子和海蛸等。 yeebang.com

Gray patches of sea squirts glistened on the ceiling and colonies of raft coral were a pale apricot color.
洞顶上一片片灰色的海蛸闪闪发光,一堆堆软珊瑚披着淡淡的杏黄色衣裳。 hjenglish

If you prefer, you can substitute a few squirts of liquid dish detergent for the vinegar.
如果你喜欢,还可以用液体的清洁剂来替代白醋。 dict

Japanese high- tech lavatories have a built-in temperature- controlled nozzle that squirts water to wash your bottom, then dries it with warm air, delivering a“ hands- free clean”.
日本科技盥洗室已经制造出内嵌温度控制的喷嘴可以喷撒在你屁股上,只有以暖暖的风烘干,实现了“解放手的清洁”。 ecocn

Out of the animal immortality A-list, sea squirts and starfish have genes that most closely resemble those of humans.
海鞘和海星的基因是长寿的动物里与人类最为相似的。 yeeyan

Patrons can scan through illustrations of each bottle with their fingertips, and with the swipe of a credit card, an Enomatic dispenser squirts out the wine.
顾客用指尖就能浏览每瓶酒上的图解,用信用卡一刷,美酒就从分配器中喷涌而出。 www.kle100.cn

The molten plastic squirts from a nozzle onto a platform moving beneath it, drawing a pattern.
从喷嘴喷射出的溶化的塑料喷到一个在下面移动的平台上,然后画一个图案。 transcn

This is usually blamed on those squirts of acetylcholine, an excitatory neurotransmitter, percolating upwards from the brain stem.
这通常被归结为乙酰胆碱的喷射,乙酰胆碱是一种兴奋性的神经递质,从脑干开始自下而上渗透。 yeeyan

Water squirts out.
水喷出后会使水管。 open.163.com

Squirts probably don't need any more reasons to envy their longer- limbed neighbors.
小个子也许已经有足够的理由嫉妒他们的高个子邻居。 iciba




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