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词汇 squeak
释义 squeak 英skwiːk美skwikAHDskwēk ★☆☆☆☆高IT八GCOCA¹⁸⁰²¹BNC²⁷¹⁵⁶iWeb¹⁹⁹⁶⁸Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

C 短促的尖叫声,吱吱声

short high-pitched cry or sound

vi. 短促地尖叫,吱吱叫

make a squeak

a short high-pitched noise;

the squeak of shoes on powdery snow

something achieved or escaped by a narrow margin
make a high-pitched, screeching noise;

The door creaked when I opened it slowly

My car engine makes a whining noise

bubble and squeak炸马铃薯和洋白菜…squeak by勉强通过; 勉强赢得…pip squeak不重要的东西控制发…brake squeak制动时的啸声…spring squeak弹簧尖叫声narrow squeak差点跑掉的成功…pip-squeak不重要的东西…near squeak九死一生的脱险…squeak through非常勉强地通过…tight squeak九死一生的脱险,幸免…close squeak九死一生的脱险,幸免…
近义词 yelp吠pipe管子peep瞥见whine闹声screech尖叫creak辗轧声screak嘎嘎作响shrill尖锐的声音skreak发出尖叫声close call侥幸脱险narrow escape九死一生squeaker吱吱叫的东西…close shave侥幸的脱险squeal用长而尖的声音说…
用作名词(n.I don't want to hear another squeak out of you!我不想再听到你出声!用作动词v.
S+~+ACan you hear the micesqueaking?你能听到老鼠吱吱叫吗?Pantisqueak消声器Panti-squeak消声器Psqueakya.吱吱响的发轧声的Psqueakern.吱吱叫的东西小猪雏鸽Ppipsqueakn.矮小的人小人物无足轻重的东西Ppip-squeakn.无足轻重的人无价值的东西无聊的人

用作名词With a rustysqueak, a pair of steel doors slid open.伴随这因生锈而发出的吱吱声,两扇钢门打开了。
Shirley gave a littlesqueakof surprise.雪莉轻轻地惊叫了一声。
The bill passed by a narrowsqueak.议案勉强通过了。
We've pulled you through a tightsqueak.我们侥幸地助你通过了难关。用作动词Can you hear the micesqueaking?你听到老鼠吱吱叫吗?
Their wooden clogssqueakin the snow.他们的木底鞋踩在雪地上吱吱嗄嗄直响。
`Let go of me!' hesqueakednervously.“放开我!”他紧张地尖声嚷道。
He managed tosqueakby somehow.他总算想办法对付过去了。verb.make sharp, high-pitched sound
同义词 creak,screech,squealcheep,cry,grate,peep,pipe,scream,shrill,sing,sound,talk,whine,yelpscritch
反义词 be quiet
chancenoun possibility, probability
break,contingency,fair shake,fighting chance,indications,liability,likelihood,long shot,look-in,occasion,odds,opening,opportunity,outlook,prospect,scope,shot,show,time,wager
creakverb grind, grate with high noise
criesnoun calling out;yelling
crynoun calling out;yelling
gruntverb snort
gruntedverb snort
cried,groaned,squawked,squeaked Don’t miss the Whistling Sands, which squeak as you walk on them!
千万不要错过耳语沙滩,每当走在上面,沙滩都会为你吹起口哨! yeeyan

FOR the first time in many years, an Israeli government is scared stiff that an American administration may squeeze it until its pips squeak.
多年来,以色列政府第一次因美国政府或许会掐紧其脖子而冒了一身冷汗。 ecocn

The tiny mouse stands proudly on its hind legs, stares defiantly into the eyes of the cat just inches away and lets out its loudest squeak.
一只小老鼠后肢站立起来,瞪大了眼睛盯着相距只有几英尺的猫咪,眼中充满了骄傲自信和桀骜不驯。 ttpet

A second instalment of Germany's federal redesign, which would limit states' debts but allow them to raiseor lower taxes, may just squeak through.
另一项限制各州发型债券但允许他们增加收税的联邦体制改革将可能勉强得到通过。 ecocn

A Squeak class browser appears.
出现了一个 Squeak类浏览器。 ibm

All that was needed were the extra votes to squeak past Mr Odinga in what had been among the most closely contested elections Africa had ever seen.
所需的一切条件就是要拿到额外的选票,这样才能在非洲大陆上少有的最激励的肉搏战中战胜奥廷加先生。 ecocn

And though Mr Tadic may still squeak through, he cannot count on much enthusiasm from many of his erstwhile supporters who think he has been a weak president, bossed around by Mr Kostunica.
即使塔迪奇能够勉强闯过第一轮,他也无法指望得到许多他以前支持者的支持,因为他被认为是一个弱势总统,一切都让科斯图尼察指手画脚。 ecocn

As he grew, and I watched him stagger about, squeak his first words, and turn into a beautiful little boy, that feeling did not change.
当他逐渐长大,我看着他蹒跚地走来都去,依依呀呀地学会说第一个词,长成一个漂亮的小男孩,这种感觉还是没有改变。 yeeyan

Before I go too far, you should know a little Squeak syntax.
在深入之前,您应当了解一点儿 Squeak语法。 ibm

But in2010 many of these true believers, who wanted and expected audacious change, will be feeling let down by the weak legislation that will squeak out of Capitol Hill.
但是在2010年,这些真正的支持者,想要同时也期待大胆改革,但是很多人因将会在国会勉强通过的脆弱立法而感到失望。 yeeyan

Finally, Seaside handles your model in plain old Squeak objects.
最后, Seaside在简单老式的 Squeak对象中处理模型。 ibm

For each case, you pass a code block that fires a Squeak method.
针对每种情况,传递一个代码块,它触发一个 Squeak方法。 ibm

His support is volatile, but he may squeak past the 5% threshold to enter the Sejm parliament.
选民对他的支持不是很稳定,但他可能可以勉强拉到5%的选票—这刚好是进入议会的门坎。 ecocn

I heard the familiar squeak of my husband's brakes as he pulled into the drive.
我听到熟悉的吱吱声,那是老公汽车的刹车声,他将汽车驶入了车道。 yeeyan

I was still so hoarse I could barely squeak out Thank you.
我嗓子仍然嘶哑,连说声“谢谢”都很勉强。 yeeyan

Just as he was losing consciousness, he heard a faint squeak and looked down to see a baby wallaby that had fallen from its mother's pouch.
就在即将失去知觉时,他听见微弱的叫声。 循声看去,他看见一只小袋鼠从母袋鼠身上掉下来。 yeeyan

Labor, led by Julia Gillard, is still expected to squeak through, helped by the second- preference votes of the Green Party's supporters.
在绿党支持者第二偏好票的帮助下,朱莉亚•吉拉德领导的工党仍有望险胜。 ecocn

On the matter of increasing the consumption tax— an issue Mr Tanigaki fought on and which Mr Abe's allies say will be the most pressing domestic matter for the new government— barely a squeak.
而在提高消费税问题上,安倍几乎没有吱声,日本财相谷垣祯一努力促成此事,安倍的同僚们也称之为新一届政府最重要的国内事务。 ecocn

She interrupted herself after demonstrating the squeak by saying she had to go and write something down, thus suggesting that she might not have finished the demonstration.
她演示完怎样发出吱吱声后,声称要记下些东西而打断了她的演示,因此暗示她可能没有完成演示。 enboedu

Smalltalk dialects like Squeak use an image, which is a copy of all running applications, including the classes you were coding the last time you saved your Smalltalk image.
像 Squeak之类的 Smalltalk方言使用映像,映像是所有正在运行的程序的副本,包括上次保存 Samlltalk映像时正在编写的类。 ibm

The language features are already being discussed in context of the development of Squeak, Python, and Erlang.
在 Squeak、 Python和 Erlang开发环境中已经对这些语言特性进行了讨论。 ibm

They're willing to put up with a niche language like Squeak because the framework is so productive, lowering the total cost of development dramatically, and improving time to market.
他们愿意采用诸如 Squeak之类的语言是因为这个框架的生产效率非常高,大大降低了开发的总成本,并提前了产品进入市场的时间。 ibm

Together with its offspring, such as Squeak,7 it carries on the“ pure object” tradition.
与其后来的产物,比如 Squeak,7它继承了“纯对象”传统。 ibm

Unlike the Java language, Squeak uses a dynamic data structure instead of a call stack, but the concept is the same.
与 Java语言不同, Squeak使用动态的数据结构代替调用栈,但概念是一样的。 ibm

When I blow my nose, my ears squeak.
当我擤鼻子时,耳朵里有吱吱声。 iciba

You then touch interact with the Squeak desktop, and yes optionally you can save an image.
通过触摸与 Squeak桌面的交互,你也可以选择保存映像。 infoq

Squeak syntax is quite simple.
Squeak的语法十分简单。 ibm




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