

单词 squander
释义 squan·der 英ˈskwɒndə美ˈskwɑndɚAHDskwŏnʹdər ★☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA¹⁷⁸⁴⁰BNC⁴⁵⁹⁶⁶iWeb¹⁸³⁸⁵Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

spend thoughtlessly; throw away;

He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends

You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree

spend extravagantly;

waste not, want not

词源不详,可能来自拟声词根 squ-,挤,压,模仿挤压湿物体时发出的吧唧声。比较 splurge, 挥霍,浪费。idle time squander time浪费时间idle time squander one's time浪费时间
GRE红宝书squ压, ander下: 把筹码从老虎机的slot中压下去-挥霍
GRE难词记忆squander 音“是狂得”→有了钱就恣意挥霍,是狂得很来自方言,因莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》一剧中用此词而广泛流传GRE难词记忆squander→ slander n.诽谤→诽谤他浪费公物近义词 shell壳throw扔moon月亮away离开blow打击ware制品waste废物spend预算misuse误用scatter散播consume消耗lavish大方的dissipate驱散throw away扔掉fritter away浪费时间等)…misspend浪费(时间、金钱等…

用作及物动词It's a crime tosquanderour country's natural resources.浪费我们国家的自然资源是一种罪恶
Don'tsquanderyour affection on him, he'll never love you.不要把感情浪费在他身上,他是永远不会爱你的。
He hassquanderedall his savings on drink.他把存的钱全买酒喝了。
Addictions are good ways tosquanderwealth and health.上瘾是挥霍健康和金钱的好办法。verb.fritter away, use up
同义词 blow,expend,lavish,misuse,wasteconsume,dissipate,frivol,misspend,scatter,spend,triflebe prodigal with,be wasteful,cash out,frivol away,go through,prodigalize,put out,run through,spend like water,spring for,throw away,throw money around
反义词 hoard,save,accumulate,collect,gatherset aside
abuseverb use wrongly
ateverb erode, wear away;use up
bit,condensed,corroded,crumbled,decayed,decomposed,disappeared,disintegrated,dissipated,dissolved,drained,exhausted,gnawed,liquefied,melted,nibbled,ran through,rotted,rusted,spilled,squandered,vanished,wasted away
blewverb use up money
departed,hit the road,split,took a hike,took a powder,went
blowverb use up money
dissipate,lay out,pay out,spend,squander,waste
consumeverb use up
absorb,apply,avail oneself of,deplete,devour,dissipate,dominate,drain,drivel,eat up,employ,engross,exhaust,expend,finish,finish up,fritter away,frivol away,go,go through,have recourse to,lavish,lessen,monopolize,obsess,preoccupy,profit by,put away,put to use,run out of,run through,spend,squander,throw away,trifle,utilize,vanish,wash up,waste,wear out
depleteverb consume, exhaust supply
bankrupt,bleed,decrease,dig into,diminish,drain,draw,dry up,empty,evacuate,expend,finish,impoverish,lessen,milk,reduce,sap,spend,squander,suck dry,undermine,use up,wash up,waste,weaken It is absolutely essential that countries do not squander these precious resources through poorly targeted measures.
重要的是各国要通过严格的有针对性的措施,避免浪费。 yeeyan

That’s the generation that usually prefers to squander its inheritance rather than add to it.
第三代往往喜欢挥霍他们的遗产,而不是在遗产的基础上有所增益。 ecocn

This is to squander a great comparative advantage: a labour force that is young, literate and cheaper than anywhere else in the region.
印尼的竞争优势就这样白白东流了:这里的劳动力年轻,有文化,而且与该地区其他国家相比成本更低。 ecocn

Addictions are good ways to squander wealth and health.
上瘾是挥霍健康和金钱的好办法。 yeeyan

American prosperity reflects a historical tradition of good government, an advantage we should be loath to squander.
美国的繁荣反映了一个好政府的历史传统,这是个我们不愿意挥霍的优势。 yeeyan

Do you love life? Then do not squander time, for that the stuff life is made of.
你热爱生命吗?那么别浪费时间,因为时间是组成生命的材料。 iciba

Don't squander your affection on him, he'll never love you.
不要把感情浪费在他身上,他是永远不会爱你的。 i21st

Dost thou love life? then do not squander time; for that is the stuff life is made of.
热爱生活就别浪费时间;因为是时间组成了生活。 putclub

How will history judge us if we squander that investment?
如果我们浪费这些投资,历史将对我们作什么样的评判? who

Maximize opportunities; don't squander them.
将机会最大化,不要白白浪费。 yeeyan

Never in the history of the world have women had so many amazing opportunities, and it makes not a whit of sense to squander them obsessing over our looks.
历史上女性从未拥有过如此多惊奇的机会,没有理由因为外表的困扰而浪费了这些机会。 yeeyan

Some fashion houses squander their hard fought cool rep by plastering a company logo on everything that moves.
一些时装公司将精力浪费在推销上,他们在任何可以移动的东西上涂上他们公司的标志。 yeeyan

Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of.
那么不要浪费时间;因为构成整个生活的是时间。 yeeyan

They squander cash on raising funds; they hoard it; they fail to oversee how efficiently they spend it.
他们费钱拉来资金,将其贮藏,却在如何有效支出这些资金上监管不力。 ecocn

They squander cash on raising funds;
他们在筹集基金上浪费钱; ecocn

They squander their resources.
他们最终浪费了时间资源。 yeeyan

This is so that you don’t squander your efforts or concentration.
如此这般你就不会浪费你的努力或专心了。 yeeyan

This seems mad, except that the obligation to repay the loan ensured the women did not squander the money.
这看起来太疯狂了,除非她们此举是为了确保自己不乱花钱而特意找个还贷的责任。 ecocn

Tomorrow it will be over90, 000. Every day they squander the Senate’s precious time, the American people lose.
明天这个数字可能超过90000,他们每浪费一天参议院的宝贵时间,美国人就遭受一天的损失。 yeeyan

We cannot afford, in this time of crisis, to squander our investments, to abandon our drive for greater balance in this world, which I firmly believe is a marker of civilized society.
我们不能在此危机时刻,浪费我们的投资,放弃我们在世界范围促进均衡的努力,我坚信这是文明社会的一个标志。 who

When we procrastinate, we squander away our free time and put off important tasks we should be doing them till it’s too late.
当我们拖延时,我们把空闲时间白白的学浪费掉了,并把我们应该做的重要事情推迟,直到一切为时已晚。 yeeyan




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