

单词 sputtered
释义 sput·ter·ed 英'spʌtəʳ美'spʌtər 高COCA²⁶⁹⁹⁷BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively;

he heard a spatter of gunfire

an utterance of words with spitting sounds as in rage
make an explosive sound;

sputtering engines

cause to undergo a process in which atoms are removed;

The solar wind protons must sputter away the surface atoms of the dust

climb awkwardly, as if by scramblingutter with a spitting sound, as if in a ragespit up in an explosive mannersputter point改进阈sputter coating溅射涂膜sputter pump溅射泵sputter etching溅射蚀刻sputter out爆响着熄掉停息…
近义词 spit唾液gasp喘气skin皮肤spatter溅shin 胫骨stammer口吃spit out吐出struggle努力scramble混乱crackle发劈啪声snort喷鼻息作声sputtering飞溅声spattering飞溅的pop发出砰的响声…splatter使水等飞溅shinny简易曲棍球棒…clamber艰难地爬上…splutter杂乱而仓促的话…splattering动词splatter的现…sizzle油煎食物时发出咝咝声…

用作及物动词Be aware that the infant will cough,sputter, and choke during feedings.注意小儿在吃奶时会咳嗽,喷溅或呛噎。用作不及物动词Be aware that the infant will cough,sputter, and choke during feedings.注意小儿在吃奶时会咳嗽,喷溅或呛噎。 At a time when American society was racing through change like a reckless teenager, feminism had sputtered and stalled.
那时整个美国社会像个莽撞的少年,匆忙的进行着变革,女权主义劈啪作响又马上熄火。 yeeyan

That deal ended a war between north and south Sudan that had bloodily sputtered on and off for50 years, killing some2m Sudanese and displacing4m more.
2005年签署的和平协议终止了北部苏丹与南部苏丹的一场战争,那持续了50年的血腥战争残杀了二百万苏丹人民,而多于四百万的人民流离失所。 ecocn

The engine sputtered and seemed about to cut out; then it picked up again.
发动机劈劈啪啪响了几声,像是要停下来似的,接着又转了起来。 hotdic

The strong yen hurts exports. Plans for Japan to join regional free- trade talks have sputtered.
日元走强对出口不利,日本对加入地区性自由贸易谈话已迫不及待。 ecocn

After the talk with his mother, his excitement sputtered out.
和母亲争吵过以后,他的激动已经消失了。 kuenglish

At last the engine of my car sputtered out on the way to the border.

But Franco- German ambitions for Europe have sputtered.
但是德国和法国在欧洲的雄心却渐渐消失。 ecocn

Defeat didn't seem an option either, so I pulled the rope one more time. The motor sputtered to life.
但是失败也不是我想要的,所以我再次拉动牵引索。轰隆隆的声音响了起来,电动机开动了。 yeeyan

He dumped chunks of raw, pink meat into the oil, which sputtered furiously.
他把大块的生肉扔到滋滋响的油锅里。 yeeyan

He flared up and sputtered out the story.

Investors are warming up to IPOs again after the market sputtered in2008 and2009.
在市场经历了2008和2009年的诟病之后,投资者重新燃起了对新股上市的热情。 yeeyan

LAST year, as Kenya slid into mayhem, the words that sputtered forth from crude transmitters were cryptic but, to those in the know, horrifying.
去年,肯尼亚陷入混乱,粗糙的收音机里喷溅出的话都是暗语,但是对熟悉暗语的人来说,内容却让人不寒而栗。 ecocn

Meanwhile, unemployment remains at close to10 percent, and consumer demand— once the engine that drove a large percentage of the economy— has sputtered.
同时,失业人数仍接近10%,与此同时消费需求—曾经推动了经济的高速发展—已经断断续续的发展了。 yeeyan

Neurogenesis ramped way up, then, after several weeks, sputtered and slowed.
神经发生次数一路高升,然后几周后突然减缓。 yeeyan

Once the stars sputtered out, the scientists posited, the remaining gas would collapse under its own gravity into an infinitely dense point.
科学家推测,一旦这些恒星爆发完毕,剩余的气体就会在自身重力下塌缩进一个无限密集的点。 blog.sina.com.cn

Russia's gas dispute with Ukraine sputtered on.
俄罗斯与乌克兰的天然气争端继续口沫横飞。 topsage

Several strong men eventually moved her away and calmed her down, although she sputtered and fumed for quite a while.
最后几个魁梧的男人才把祖母制住,把她拉开让她冷静下来,但她还是气急败坏地嚷了好一阵子。 ebigear

She sputtered out the details of the disaster but unfortunately, she had no idea where she was.
她快速地说明了事故的详细情况,但不幸的是,她不知道她们在哪。 yeeyan

She sputtered out her plan for building houses.

The maid took the matches and lighted them; dear me, how they sputtered and blazed up!
女佣人拿起柴火,点起他们,尊敬我,他们怎么气急败坏地闪耀起来! youeredu

The match sputtered out.
火柴作兹兹声而熄灭。 iciba

THE machine that sputtered badly during the slump in world trade is now firing on all cylinders.
这台在全球贸易的萧条期间剧烈爆炸的机器正在发动他所有的气缸。 ecocn

When China's economy sputtered late last year, fears arose that the one bright spot had faded.
当去年年末,中国经济增速放缓的时候,忧虑四起,人们开始担心这唯一的希望也要破灭了。 yeeyan




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