

单词 spur
释义 spur 英spɜː美spɝAHDspûr ★★★☆☆高四六研GIMST宝4八COCA⁹⁰⁷⁰BNC¹¹⁹²⁸iWeb⁶⁷⁶²Economist⁴⁴⁵²

C 马刺

either of a pair of sharp-toothed wheels or projecting points, worn on the heels of a rider's boots and used to make a horse go faster

C 激励因素; 刺激,鞭策

thing that urges a person on to greater activity; incentive

vt. 驱策; 激励

urge on with spurs, or as with spurs

a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something;

the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves

any sharply pointed projectiontubular extension at the base of the corolla in some flowersa sharp prod fixed to a rider's heel and used to urge a horse onward;

cowboys know not to squat with their spurs on

a railway line connected to a trunk line
incite or stimulate;

The Academy was formed to spur research

give heart or courage tostrike with a spurgoad with spurs;

the rider spurred his horse

equip with spurs;

spur horses

用作动词 v.
~+名词spur the horse and galloped away策马疾驰spur one's recovery促进康复~+副词spur amusingly有趣地激励spur deliberately有意地激励spur kindly好心地激励spur unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地激励spur usually经常激励spur on鼓励,激励,鞭策~+介词spur to刺激,促使spur to sb's imagination激发某人的想象力
用作名词n.on the spur of the moment

凭一时冲动on a sudden impulse, without previous planning

win one's spurs

获得荣誉〔名声〕achieve distinction or fame

spur on v.+adv.

驱赶; 激励 drive; whip on; encourage; urge

spur sb/sth ⇔ onIt is foolish to spur on a willing horse.驱策温顺的马是愚蠢的。
The thought of the prize spurred me on.要把锦标夺到手这一思想激励着我前进。
It was bitterly cold walking home tonight but the thought of a hot drink in the house spurred me on.今晚步行回家非常寒冷,但是想到能在家里喝上一杯热饮我就来劲了。
He was spurred on by ambition.他被野心所驱使。
She was constantly spurred on by a fear of failure.她担心会失败,这种想法不断刺激她发愤图强。
spur to v.+prep.

激励 impel sb to sth

spur sb to sthThe cheers spurred the team to victory.喝彩声激励队员们去夺取胜利。
Even a small success would spur me on to greater effort.即使是一次很小的成功也会激起我作出更大的努力。故事记忆超女成名是 Spur激励泪水把眼睛 Blur弄模糊好办法脑中 Occur出现卖了房子买来 Fur毛皮大家都窃笑 Murmur低语说她老毛病 Recur重现非常记忆s美女〖编码〗+pu扑〖拼音〗+r草〖编码〗⇒受刺激的美女突然扑向草地GRE红宝书音:拨, 用棍子拨,刺激;音:撒泼,因为受刺激发音记忆死吧 ⇒醉生梦死是年轻人追求的刺激联想记忆美国NBA中2003赛季总冠军为马刺队Spurs谐音记忆音“死吧”⇒刺激物会让人死联想记忆NBA的马刺队就是Spur近义词 push推poke戳ridge脊prick刺gad闲逛urge驱策goad刺激prod刺针limb肢体needle针awaken醒spike长钉point观点speed速度tooth牙齿spine脊柱branch分部hasten催促incite煽动reason原因signal信号heel脚后跟motive动机provoke激怒actuate促使acantha脊椎hurry up赶快prompt迅速的headland海角urging催促的encourage鼓励stimulate刺激spur track支路incentive刺激的provocation激怒stimulant兴奋剂inspiration灵感mountainside山坡speed up加快速度foreland沿海地区branch line铁路支线goading动词goad的现在进行式…spurring动词spur的现在进行式…prodding动词prod的现在进行式…
用作名词n.He dug in his spurs.他用马刺策马。
International competition is a spur to modernization.国际竞争是走向现代化的动力。
Such stories serve as a spur to children's imagination.这类故事能激发儿童的想象力。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The riders spurred their horses.骑手们用踢马刺策马前进。
The girl's loving care spurred his recovery.姑娘的亲切照料促进了他的康复。
Professor Smith's new book spurs interest in his course.史密斯教授的新书鼓起了大家对他的课程的兴趣。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- vThe coach spurred his players to fight harder.教练激励他的选手们奋力拼搏。Pspurgall靴刺伤斑Pcockspurn.公鸡的距Plarkspurn.翠雀属植物Pspurriern.马刺制造者Photspurn.性急的人暴躁的人Pspurreda.靴上装有踢马刺的Pspurlessa.没有踢马刺的没有花距的






用作名词She went to London on thespurof the moment.她一时兴起就到伦敦去了。
International competition was aspurto modernization.国际竞争是实现现代化的动力。
A good heart horse often needs a goodspur.好马常需好靴刺。
The thought of the prize was thespurfor the team.夺取锦标的想法是该队的动力。用作及物动词Whatspurredher to do that?是什么促使她那么干的?
This book is aspurto the child's imagination.这本书能促进孩子的想象力。
Several strong targets have been set tospuraction and guide the way forward.已经制订了若干强大的目标来促进行动和指导我们前进的道路。noun.incitement, stimulus
同义词 activation,actuation,catalyst,excitant,goad,goose,impetus,impulse,incentive,incitation,inducement,motivation,motive,needle,prick,stimulant,trigger,turnon,urge
反义词 block,deterrent,discouragement,hindrance,preventioncurbverb.incite, prompt
同义词 arouse,drive,propel,push,spark,stimulate,stir,triggeranimate,awaken,countenance,exhort,favor,goad,goose,impel,instigate,press,prick,prod,rally,rouse,sic,urgeegg on,fire up,key up,put up to,turn on,work up
反义词 calm,check,discourage,dissuade,halt,repress,stop,deadendisapprove
abetverb assist, help in wrongdoing
advocate,back,condone,egg on,encourage,endorse,goad,incite,instigate,prod,promote,provoke,sanction,support,urge
accelerateverb increase speed, timing
advance,drive,dust,expedite,fire up,forward,further,gun,hammer on,hasten,hurry,impel,lay a patch,lay rubber,make tracks,nail it,open up,peel rubber,precipitate,put on afterburners,put pedal to metal,quicken,railroad,rev,rev up,roll,speed up,spur,step on the gas,step up,stimulate,tool
acceleratesverb increase speed, timing
advances,drives,dusts,expedites,fires up,forwards,furthers,guns,hammer on,hastens,hurries,impels,lies a patch,lies rubber,makes tracks,nails it,opens up,peels rubber,precipitates,puts on afterburners,puts pedal to metal,quickens,railroads,revs,revs up,rolls,speeds up,spurs,step on gas,steps up,stimulates,tools
actuateverb start a function or action, motivate
activate,animate,arouse,cause,drive,egg on,energize,excite,fire up,impel,incite,induce,influence,inspire,instigate,key up,mobilize,motivate,move,prompt,propel,put up to,quicken,rouse,spur,stimulate,turn on,work into lather,work up
animateverb bring to life
activate,arouse,cheer,embolden,encourage,energize,enliven,exalt,excite,fire,gladden,hearten,impel,incite,inform,inspire,inspirit,instigate,invigorate,kindle,liven,make alive,move,quicken,revive,revivify,rouse,spark,spur,stimulate,stir,urge,vitalize,vivify
arouseverb excite, entice
agitate,alert,animate,awaken,call,challenge,electrify,enliven,fire up,foment,foster,goad,heat up,incite,inflame,instigate,kindle,move,provoke,rally,rouse,send,spark,spur,stimulate,stir,thrill,turn on,wake up,waken,warm,whet,whip up,work up Higher share prices have raised household wealth by some $1.4 trillion, which will spur some spending.
股价上涨已使家庭财富增加了1.4兆亿美元,这将在某种程度上刺激消费。 ecocn

The disclosure of fire- sale prices could force them to slash carrying values on their own books. This in turn would spur more selling, driving prices further down in a vicious cycle.
同时,贱卖的价格披露后,他们将不得不大幅削减账簿上的资产价值,这转而刺激更多的抛售,从而使价格在一个恶性循环中持续走低。 ecocn

The furious rows that divide them are a blow to their credibility, but may prove to be a spur to creativity.
使他们产生分歧的一系列激烈争论对他们的信誉是一大打击,但也许能刺激他们的创造力。 ecocn

You’re always at odds with your environment, and I think that’s the spur you want.
当你总是和你的环境发生矛盾时,或许这是你想要体验的刺激。 yeeyan

All this should provide a spur to the waste industry and speed the adoption of new technology.
所有这一切都应该给废弃品处理行业提供一个刺激,加快新技术的采用。 ecocn

And if he cannot, how can he spur the economy?
如果他不能的话,他又将如何刺激经济增长? ecocn

Higher stock prices have raised household wealth, which should spur spending and offset some of the damage of lower home values.
较高的股票价格能够增加家庭的财富,这将会刺激消费并会抵消房价下跌的损失。 ecocn

If it achieves these savings it may spur Germany’s legion of savings banks and Landesbanken to look harder at their own options for avoiding duplication and trimming costs.
如果储蓄量能达到这个数,那么这将激励德国众多储蓄银行和德国国有州立银行做出更加谨慎的选择,以避免重复和削减成本。 ecocn

In fact, these benchmarks can help spur you on, as many of us are naturally inclined to work harder when we are able to set our sights towards specific, attainable goals.
事实上,这些基准能够激励你前进,因为我们中许多人只要能够着眼于一些具体的能够实现的目标,我们自然而然地就会想要努力奋斗。 lailook.net

Only fear will spur investors to price risks better and get them to put more effort into monitoring their counterparties.
只有担忧会刺激投资人更好地对风险进行定价,并迫使他们加大力度监视业务对手。 ecocn

Patents spur innovation and lay the foundations for future growth, by assuring inventors that they will reap the rewards of their effort and by publicising their discoveries.
通过保障将收获其努力成果回报的发明人以及通过公布他们的发现,专利刺激了创新,并且为未来的发展奠定了基础。 ecocn

President Obama stressed the importance of trimming the budget while also making critical investments in education, research, and technology to spur job growth and invest in our future.
奥巴马总统还强调调整预算,同时对教育、研究和技术等关键领域进行投资以刺激就业增长,为我们的未来进行投资。 yeeyan

That should spur the market further.
此举将进一步刺激市场。 ecocn

Then again, such a plan might spur the militias to redouble their efforts at ethnic cleansing, so as to maximise the area they will control when the Americans leave.
然后,这样的一项计划可能又会刺激民兵组织加倍努力于种族清洗,在美国人离开时,他们会将要控制的地盘占到最大。 ecocn

There is much evidence that having to compete with best practice is itself an important spur both to innovation and to other aspects of industrial performance.
有相当多的证据显示,对创新和企业表现的其它方面而言,必须以最佳实践为基础的竞争本身就是个激励。 ecocn

This readily available functionality can spur enough knowledge sharing and networking in the team to foster great collaboration momentum in the organization.
这个开箱即用的功能可以刺激团队中足够的知识共享和联网,在组织中形成良好的协作氛围。 ibm

To spur growth, the politicians look to the Bank of Japan rather than in the mirror, or at the deadening regulations and protectionism that hold back the economy.
为了刺激经济增长,政客们将目光投向了日行,或是投向了阻碍日本经济发展的那些冷冰冰的法规和贸易保护主义,而非他们自身。 yeeyan

We want you to take your own notes to help you, if you like, spur your own learning process.

What information should my utility company or others be sharing with me that will spur me to use less energy?
我的公共公司或其它公司需要提供哪些信息,才能刺激我去节省更多的能源? yeeyan




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