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词汇 SPU
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A signal might need to be delivered to a thread that is executing SPU code.
我们可能需要将信号发送给正在执行 SPU代码的线程。 ibm

An SPU uses vector operations itself and can thereby execute up to eight floating point instructions per clock cycle.
SPU本身使用向量操作,每个时钟周期可以执行多达8 条浮点指令。 ibm

In the future, we are planning to change this so that more logical than physical SPU contexts can be present and have the kernel switch between them.
将来,我们计划要对此进行修改,使其可以保存逻辑上下文而不只是物理 SPU上下文,并且可以采用一些内核开关来切换它们。 ibm

The main communication method of the SPU with other parts of the Cell processor is defined by a number of “ channels.”
SPU与 Cell处理器的其他部件之间的主要通信方法由许多“通道”来定义。 ibm

The memory- mapped registers are used by the PPE to control certain aspects of an SPE, but are not accessible by the SPU code itself.
内存映射寄存器是由 PPE用来控制对 SPE的特定属性进行控制的,但是 SPU代码本身则不能对它进行访问。 ibm

The two transmission steps do not involve the SPU at all, but only the MFC which is part of the larger SPE.
两个传输步骤根本没有涉及 SPU,只涉及 MFC这是比较大的 SPE的一部分。 ibm

The SPU queues a DMA GET to pull a portion of the problem data set from main memory to a buffer.
SPU对 DMA GET进行排队,从而将涉及的数据集的一部分从主内存传输到一个缓冲区。 ibm

A single process can work with multiple SPU contexts, but to run on more than one SPU at a given time, the process needs to contain at least one thread for each running SPU context.
一个进程可以使用多个 SPU上下文,但是要在每个给定的时间点上在多个 SPU上运行,这个进程需要包含至少一个每个正在运行的 SPU上下文所使用的线程。 ibm

Debugging SPU programs creates a new set of problems.
调试 SPU程序会出现一些新的问题。 ibm

Future articles examine SPU programs more in depth, but here's a quick rundown of what is happening.
后续文章将更加深入地介绍 SPU编程的知识,这里只简单介绍一下。 ibm

If a serious error occurs, for example, an invalid opcode, the SPU is stopped and an interrupt is delivered to the PPE.
如果发生了一个非常严重的错误,例如一个无效的操作码,那么 SPU就会停止,并向 PPE发送一个中断。 ibm

In addition, by default, every branch encountered by the SPU is assumed to be not taken, including unconditional branches.
另外,默认情况下, SPU所碰到的每个分支都应当不会执行,包括无条件分支。 ibm

It has three mailbox registers for each SPU, and each of those accesses one of the three SPU mailbox channels.
每个 SPU具有三个邮箱寄存器,每个都可以访问这三个 SPU邮箱通道。 ibm

Knowing how the SPU's assembly language works will also aid you in exploiting the processor in higher-level languages.
了解 SPU的汇编语言是如何工作的,也可以对使用高级语言来使用处理器提供帮助。 ibm

Most importantly, if each SPU is represented by a single character device, it becomes hard for an application to find an SPU that is not yet used by another.
最为重要的是,如果每个 SPU都是由一个字符设备来表示的,那么程序就很难发现一个还没有被其他程序使用的 SPU。 ibm

Normally, no relocations need to be applied, since SPU programs are statically linked.
通常,不需要对内存重新进行分配,因为 SPU程序是静态链接的。 ibm

Now, there are two compilers currently available for SPU programming, and, as one might expect, they excel in different areas.
目前,有两个编译器可以用来进行 SPU编程,正如您期望的,它们适合不同的领域。 ibm

Often this is called by the SPU code itself.
通常这是由 SPU代码本身调用的。 ibm

Only the kernel can directly communicate with an SPU and therefore needs to abstract the hardware interface into system calls or device drivers.
只有内核才可以直接与 SPU进行通信,因此需要将硬件接口抽象为系统调用或设备驱动程序。 ibm

Previous discussions about the SPU have focused on the SPU's assembly language to help you get to know the processor intimately.
前面有关 SPU的讨论主要集中在 SPU的汇编语言上,从而帮助您更加深入地了解处理器。 ibm

Programs running inside the SPU need to be rather simplistic and self- contained, so you don't need complicated access protection or different privilege modes in the SPU itself.
在 SPU内部运行的程序需要非常简单,而且是自包含的,因此在 SPU中并不需要复杂的访问保护或不同的优先级模式。 ibm

Since the SPU has128 registers, it can keep a lot of temporary and intermediate values around without having to load and store back into memory like other architectures.
由于 SPU有128 个寄存器,所以它可以存储大量临时值和中间值,而无需像其他架构一样,必须加载和向内存转存。 ibm

This makes it possible to replace physical SPUs as the underlying unit of the abstraction from processes running on the SPU.
这使得在从 SPU上运行的进程进行抽象的底层单元时,替换物理上的 SPU成为可能。 ibm

This SPU context is treated like a physical SPU, and the current implementation enforces a direct mapping between them.
这个 SPU上下文会被当成一个类似的物理 SPU对待,当前的实现可以在它们之间强制进行直接映射。 ibm

Topics covered include the basic architecture, the syntax of the SPU assembly language, and the primary modes of communication between the SPE and the PPE.
所讨论的主题包括基本的架构、 SPU汇编语言的基本语法及 SPE与 PPE间的主要通信模式。 ibm

SPU code is compiled separately from the PPC code and gets loaded at run time.
SPU代码与 PPC代码分开进行编译,并在运行时进行加载。 ibm

SPU processes can be scheduled by the kernel, and all users can create them without interfering with each other.
SPU处理器可以由内核进行调度,所有的用户不用彼此进行交互就可以直接创建它们。 ibm

The SPU has no real hardware support for branch hinting.
SPU对于分支提示并没有没有实际硬件支持。 ibm

The SPU has a read channel for receiving a single data word from the mailbox and two write channels for sending data words more on this below.
SPU有一个读通道来从邮箱接收单个数据字,有两个写通道来发送数据字更详细的介绍请参看下文。 ibm




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