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词汇 Spring soybeans
释义 Spring soybeans
By the help of the technology, the new line Liao 21051 with the yield of 4 908kg/hm 2 in the area of 3 134m 2 was obtained, which was the highest yield in the north spring soybean area in China.采用辽 2 10 5 1大豆新品系以上述超高产技术为指导 ;在 0 .;31hm2 面积上获得了产量 4 90 8kg/hm2 的北方春大豆单产最高记录
Wang Z Q,Wang M E.Study on genotypic variation in nitrogen utilization efficiency and correlation among traits of spring soybean;;.J.of Biomathematics,2002,17:221-228.;汪自强;王美娥.;春大豆氮利用效率基因型核性状间的相关研究;
Abstract: Abstract: "Guichun No. 6" is a new spring soybean variety with high protein content.It was bred from hybridization of "Qiyue huangdou" as female and "Guidou No. 2" as male.文章摘要: 桂春6号系以七月黄豆为母本,桂豆2号为父本,经有性杂交选育而成的高蛋白春大豆新品种。
Regional Trial of Spring Soybean in Guangxi广西春大豆区域试验
special early maturing spring soybean特早熟春大豆




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