

单词 Barro
释义 Barro ˈbɑːroʊ 
In Senegal, Mouhamadou Barro was underwhelmed by a speech that he said did not go far enough.
塞内加尔的巴罗对奥巴马的讲话印象并不太好。他认为奥巴马所说得还不够。 ebigear

It's even weirder seeing as how the trigger Mr Barro is looking for to kick off investment growth is a surge in the stock market.
更奇怪的是 Barro这一边在寻求消除引发市场动荡的导火索,而投资增长却实实在在是股票市场的一大动荡了。 ecocn

MARIO RITTER: Light barely reaches the ground of the dense rainforest on Barro Colorado Island in Panama.
在巴拿马的巴洛科罗拉多岛,地面上几乎没有阳光,因为这里的雨林非常浓密。 remword

Robert Barro, Vice- President of American Economic Association, is one of the most influential economists worldwide.
罗伯特·巴罗是当今最优影响力的经济学家之一,现任美国经济学会副主席。 cen

Robert Barro: “ To the extent you're running a fiscal deficit it's much better to stimulate the economy through lower taxes. Don't just throw money at people.”
罗伯特·巴罗:“以现在通过财政赤字的规模,最好通过较低税收来刺激经济,不要仅仅是把钱扔给大众” yeeyan

The Harvard economist Robert Barro, writing in The Wall Street Journal, recently made an intelligent argument against America's fiscal stimulus.
哈佛大学经济学家罗伯特·巴罗在《华尔街日报》撰文反对美国经济刺激方案。 www.sss.net.cn

The Barro and Ross results are sometimes questioned on the basis that oil exports are a symptom rather than a cause of a country’s political and economic situation.
Barro和 Ross的结果有时会被在这样的原则上质疑:石油出口是一种征兆,而不是一个国家政治和经济情况的起因。 yeeyan

“By any reasonable calculation, Microsoft has been a boon for society and the value of its software greatly exceeds the likely value of Mr Gates’s philanthropic efforts,” concluded Mr Barro.
“任何合理的计算都会得出微乳对社会是个福利,它软件的价值远远超过盖茨的慈善行为有可能带来的价值。”拜伦这样总结道。 kekenet

“What it looks like is what many European countries have done for decades: sustained low productivity and high unemployment, ” says Barro.
巴罗说:“这就类如许多欧洲国家几十年来已经实施的:持续的低生产率和较高的失业率。” yeeyan

As Barro concludes: “ The stock-market crashes of2008-09 in the United States and other countries provide ample reason for concern about depression.”
正如 Barro指出:“从2008到09年美国和其它国家出现的股市暴跌使得人们理直气壮地关注倒退的经济。” yeeyan

Blame data mining and bad analysis for multiplier sightings, Barro says.
必须谴责瞄准乘数效应的数据挖掘和错误分析工作。 yeeyan

For example, Robert Barro, the distinguished Harvard economist, noted that Krugman“ just says whatever is convenient for his political argument. He doesn't behave like an economist.”
比方说,罗伯特·巴罗,一位杰出的哈佛经济学家,指出克鲁格曼“只会说任何有利于他的政治观点的东西,他表现得不像是一个经济学家”。 yeeyan

I doubt your children are Becker- Barro altruists.
我对你的子女是否是贝克-巴罗式的利他主义者感到怀疑。 hjenglish

Job training, which Mr Barro also seems to be down on, is similarly an investment in human capital.
职业培训, Mr Barro似乎也很不屑的话题,就好比是投资人力资源。 ecocn

Mr Barro thinks the estimates of Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisors are absurdly large.
Barro先生认为奥巴马的经济顾问委员会对这一乘数的估值大得荒谬。 ecocn

Mr Barro thinks it is a case of “ moral hazard”: if people are insured against a risk such as joblessness, they will try less hard to escape it.
巴洛认为这是一种“道德风险”:如果人们在诸如失业这样的风险上得到保障的话,他们便不会那么努力地去摆脱它。 ecocn

Research by Harvard University economist Robert Barro has found that big market drops raise the probability of an outright depression, defined as a GDP drop of10 percent or more.
哈佛大学经济学家 Robert Barro的研究表明市场的萎缩提高了经济大萧条的可能性。 yeeyan

Robert Barro of Harvard found that countries with relatively large net oil exports were less likely to have a democratic national government.
哈佛大学的 Robert Barro教授发现,净石油出口比较大的国家不太可能有一个民主的国家政府。 yeeyan

So Barro is simply wrong when he claims that although the stimulus boosts employment now, amortizing the stimulus must inevitably reduce employment at some point in the future.
于是巴罗就错误地宣称,尽管经济刺激现在拉动就业,随后的代价将会在未来最终减少就业人口。 www.sss.net.cn

Stimulus fans like Paul Krugman say government spending will turn the economy around. Too bad the data refuse to cooperate, counters Harvard's Robert Barro.
类如保罗·克鲁格曼主张刺激经济的经济学家认为,政府开支可以拯救经济,哈佛大学经济学教授罗伯特·巴罗反击说,克鲁格曼想法虽好,糟糕的是,经济数据不配合。 yeeyan

There are other problems with Barro's analysis.
巴罗的分析还有其他破绽。 www.sss.net.cn

Barro agrees the country is“in a highly precarious economic position.”
巴罗同意美国经济正处于“高度危险的境地”。 yeeyan

Mr Barro, for his part, seems to blame the Fed for holding down interest rates and facilitating government borrowing.
但 Barro看来是怪罪于美联储抑制利率同时又为政府借贷提供方便了。 ecocn




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