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词汇 sprightly
释义 spright·ly 英ˈspraɪtliː美ˈspraɪtliAHDsprītʹlē ☆☆☆☆☆高四GCOCA⁴⁸⁹³³BNC⁴²⁰⁷¹iWeb³⁸⁴⁶⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

full of spirit and vitality;

a sprightly young girl

a sprightly dance

spright,精神,精力,活力,-ly,形容词后缀。即精神饱满的,多用于形容老年人。GRE红宝书spring+brightly = 明快的春天, 我们会愉快活泼的
sprite的变体,源自spirit 精神,灵魂,勇气,热情;有精神头的;spring 春天 + bright 明亮欢快的
分割记忆:spring+b rightly→明快的春天
联想记忆spr看作spring+ ightly看作brightly明亮地→ 明快的春天 ⇒愉快的GRE难词记忆sprightly→spright=spring 春天+ly→像春天的→轻快的近义词 alive活着的lively活泼的active活跃的spry精神好的nimble敏捷的cheerful高兴的vivacious活泼的animated生气勃勃的spirited精神饱满的vigorous精力充沛的energetic精力旺盛的agile动作敏捷的…full of beans精力旺盛的gay同性恋多指男同性恋)…

用作形容词He's surprisinglysprightlyfor an old man.他这把年纪了,还这麽精神,真了不起。
As an old man of 75, he is surprisinglysprightly.作为一个75岁的老人,他可谓精神矍铄,令人称奇。
As asprightlycomedy, this show fills the bill.作为轻喜剧,这样演是适宜的。
The patient smiled when he heard thesprightlymusic on the radio.听到收音机里传来的轻快乐曲,这个病人笑了。用作副词Judith is asprightlyyoung woman.朱迪思是个机灵的姑娘。
The boat moves forwardsprightly.船儿轻快地向前行进。adj.(fun, vivacious
同义词 agile,bouncy,cheerful,chirpy,energetic,jaunty,lively,peppy,playful,spry,zippyactive,airy,alert,animate,animated,blithe,breezy,bright,brisk,cheery,chipper,clever,dapper,dashing,fairylike,frolicsome,gay,good,grooving,hyper,jolly,joyous,jumping,keen,keen-witted,light,nimble,perky,quick,quick-witted,saucy,scintillating,smart,snappy,spirited,sportive,swinging,zappy,zingy
反义词 apathetic,depressed,inactive,lethargic,lifeless,serious,tireddull,lazy
activeadjective very involved in activity
aggressive,agile,alert,alive,animated,assiduous,bold,brisk,bustling,busy,chipper,daring,dashing,determined,dexterous,diligent,dynamic,eager,energetic,engaged,enlivened,enterprising,enthusiastic,eventful,fireball,forceful,forcible,fresh,frisky,hard-working,high-spirited,hyper,industrious,intense,inventive,jumping,keen,lively,nimble,on the move,perky,persevering,purposeful,pushing,quick,rapid,ready,resolute,sharp,spry,whiz,zealous
agileadjective physically or mentally nimble, deft
active,acute,alert,athletic,brisk,buoyant,bustling,clever,dexterous,easy-moving,energetic,fleet,frisky,limber,lithe,lively,mercurial,prompt,quick,quick on the draw,quick on the trigger,quick-witted,rapid,ready,sharp,spirited,sportive,spright,sprightly,spry,stirring,supple,swift,twinkle toes,vigorous,vivacious,winged,zippy
airyadjective buoyant, light, or lively in nature
aliveadjective being active, full of life
animatedadjective lively
blitheadjective happy
animated,buoyant,carefree,cheerful,cheery,chirpy,gay,gladsome,gleeful,jaunty,jocund,jolly,jovial,joyful,lighthearted,merry,mirthful,sprightly,sunny,vivacious A graying work force focusing on rebuilding its nest egg while the young struggle for entry doesn't bode well for an economy dependent on sprightly consumers.
老年劳动力专注于积攒养老金,年轻人则努力寻找工作机会,这种状况对依赖于强劲消费的美国经济来说并不是什么好兆头。 iciba

As they watch tour buses disgorge groups of sprightly60-year-old pensioners in trainers into cobbled squares and historic cathedrals, most Europeans know that there is something amiss.
看着大批脚蹬运动鞋,精神矍铄的的退休工人涌下观光车,走进鹅卵石广场和历史大教堂,大多数欧洲人都知道事有蹊跷。 ecocn

But painful decisions now will lay the groundwork for an eventual return to growth— with luck, at a sprightly pace rather than a giddy one.
现在做出艰难的抉择就是为日后的强力反弹做出准备。如果足够幸运能远离苦难的话,爱尔兰将会以轻快的步伐走出困境。 ecocn

The sprightly, lifelong Chicagoan grandmother apparently left her home city“kicking and screaming”, according to one relative.
根据一位亲属的描述,这位精力充沛而长寿的芝加哥祖母明显是“大声抱怨”着离开她家乡的城市的。 yeeyan

Sprightly and bearded, he completed a half marathon at the weekend in five hours13 minutes.
留着大胡子的马丁精力十足。他于上周末参加了一个“半程马拉松赛”,并以5小时13分钟跑完了全程。 ebigear

A usually sprightly or mischievous or sometimes spiteful person.
通常活泼的或恶作剧的或怀有恶意的人。 tdict

For Mr Amir, or even Mr Butt, a still- sprightly25, four or five years away from internationals would not necessarily end a career.
对 Mr Amir和仍充满朝气的二十五岁的 Mr Butt先生来说,四五年无缘国际赛事也不一定就能断送其职业生涯。 ecocn

Germany was especially sprightly: its economy rose by almost4% in the year to the third quarter.
德国尤其活跃:截至去年三季度,该国经济几乎增长了4%。 ecocn

He doesn't buy the idea that our kids are suffering, their school work has never been better and they are a lot more sprightly, he points out, since he moved out.
他对我们的孩子在承受煎熬的看法并不买账,他们的功课从来都不好而且他们现在快乐多了,他搬走后指出。 yeeyan

Heidi Holland, the author of a forthcoming book, “ Dinner with Mugabe”, who has interviewed many relatives and colleagues of the president, sees him as sprightly and canny.
即将出版的<和穆加贝的晚餐>>的作者,海蒂·何兰 Heidi Holland,他采访过很多总统的亲戚和同事.他看到总统的是非常地充满活力和精明。 ecocn

I wrote this sprightly little one-acter only to test out my new paper shredder.
我写了这出轻快活泼的小独幕剧纯粹是为了试一哈我的新碎纸机。 douban

In the G7 only Americans remain relatively young, with a median age in2009 of just36.4 years, thanks to a steady influx of sprightly Mexicans.
得益于不断涌入的墨西哥青年人,七国集团中只有美国还相对较年轻,到2009年他们的年龄中位数只有36.4岁。 ecocn

In an ageing society where many pensioners are refreshingly sprightly, the ruling party looks utterly clapped-out.
在这个老年化社会里,很多退休老人都很充沛愉快,当权党派却显得疲惫不堪。 ecocn

It hasn’t turned out that way; indeed the recovery is more sprightly than after the previous recession, in the early1990s, although the downturn then was less severe see chart.
虽然还不是最好的状况,但相比上一次90年代初的经济衰退,这次的复苏的确是强劲多了,尽管那次的衰退没有这次严重见图表。 ecocn

Mr Hirst credits the man he calls his manager, Frank Dunphy, a sprightly70-year-old accountant, for dreaming up this sale.
赫斯特全权委托一位他称之为经理的人,此人名叫弗兰克•丹菲,是一位性情活跃的70岁会计师,一心想着完成这项交易。 ecocn

Nor will Labour benefit from the juxtaposition of grizzled Mr Brown and sprightly Mr Cameron that the election will involve.
工党也不会从选举涉及到的人物——布朗和加默伦的对比中获得益处。 ecocn

Owing to high traffic and a sprightly character, OK Cupid was also perhaps the most desirable eligible bachelor out there, until February, when it was bought, for fifty million dollars, by Match.
由于高流量和活泼的性格,“ OK丘比特”也可能是让最多有魅力的合格单身男子找到伴侣的网站,直到二月它被“默契网”以5千万美元收购。 yeeyan

Some forecasters say cheerily that the world economy is likely to make a sprightly recovery.
有些预言家高兴地说,世界经济可能强劲复苏。 ecocn

Some people age better than others, of course: the65-year-old Harrison Ford looks sprightly enough in the new Indiana Jones film.
当然有些人要比别人老当益壮得多。 比如说在最新的印第安纳琼斯电影中,65岁的哈里斯福特看起来身手依然那么敏捷。 ecocn

Strip out this cyclical stimulus and the country's performance would look less sprightly.
剥去这些周期性的刺激,巴西经济的表现实际上并没有那么让人乐观。 ecocn

Ten thousand saw I at a glance, tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
所有瞥见我的人,都摇着头,那动作像在跳一支明快的舞。 chinadance

These flowers, which were splendid and sprightly, waking in the dawn of the morning, in the evening will be a pitiful frivolity, sleeping in the cold night's arms.
这些华丽而明快的花朵在清晨苏醒,傍晚却成了轻浮的遗憾,在寒夜中沉沉睡去。 yeeyan

This was built in 1938 by Japan to support its colonisation of Manchuria and, on the Chinese side, a modern highway big enough for semi- articulated lorries sweeps down to a sprightly border post.
1938年日本为了支持满洲的殖民地化修建了这座雄伟的大桥,中国这边的一条现代化公路延伸至繁忙的边防哨所,这条路的宽度足以半挂式铰接货车畅行。 ecocn

Wolpert treats us to a sprightly tour that encompasses the diseases and neurological conditions that may await us en route to extinction.
沃伯特用欢快的笔调引领我们展开一场围绕疾病和神经状况的欢快之旅,它们往往在通向灭亡的道路上等候着我们。 yeeyan




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