

单词 spread rumours
释义 spread rumours短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺
“ Many children in the village had spread rumours before, that my mother was a loose woman because she had gone to the big city, but I’d always defended her, ” says Li.
“以前村里有流言,很多小孩说我妈不守妇道,因为她去了大城市,但我总是帮她说话,”王丽说。 yeeyan

Once, an inmate threatened to spread rumours that I was sleeping with prisoners if I didn't rewrite his parole report.
有一次,一个囚犯威胁我修改他的假释报告,否则就诬陷我与囚犯睡觉。 yeeyan

There are also local journalists from local papers, freelancers, and all sorts of folks committed to making sure they spread the truth and don't spread rumours.
还有本地媒体的记者,自由撰稿人和很多承诺保证发布真实信息而非传言的网友们。 yeeyan




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