

单词 spouted
释义 spout·ed 英s'paʊtɪd美s'paʊtɪd COCA⁶⁶⁷¹⁵BNC⁶⁶¹⁷³iWeb⁵⁶⁶⁶¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
动词 spout:
gush forth in a sudden stream or jettalk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
Thespoutof the teapot is jammed by tea.茶壶的壶口被茶叶堵住了。
Children dislike beingspoutedat by pompous teachers.学生不喜欢听自命不凡的教师对他们夸夸其谈。 Hot spring spouted out from underground at times.
赤热的泉水不时自地底喷出。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the upside-down cabin, water spouted through the hatch.
水哗哗地从舱口涌进翻倒的船舱。 yeeyan

It is a referential use for the design of spouted bed in commercial scale.
对于工业规模喷动床设计,具有一定的参考价值。 cnki

The broken pipe spouted water all over the room.
破裂的水管喷了一屋子的水。 editor.www.iciba.com

The hot vapour spouted from a rusted pipe.

The machinegun spouted angry bullets.

The trade diplomat’s incantation that to open his market is a “ concession” granted in exchange for an opening somewhere else is economic nonsense spouted for domestic political purposes.
贸易外交人员经常说,做出敞开本国市场的妥协是为了换取在其它地区开辟市场的权利。 从经济的角度来讲,这简直是荒谬的。 ecocn

A new semi- dry desulfurization using spray spouted bed was introduced in the paper.
提出了一种新型的喷雾-喷动床半干法烟气脱硫技术。 cnki

Accordingly, the spouted bed is effective for coating fuel particles.
因此,该喷动床适合于包覆燃料颗粒的制备。 ilib

Blood spouted from the wound.
血自伤口涌出。 iciba

Blood spouted from my leg.

Experiments with wheat is carried out through in a two-dimension draft plate spouted bed which is made of glass to study its hydrodynamic characteristics and the movement of wheat in the spouted bed.
在一个自制的全玻璃二维导流板喷动床上,进行了小麦的喷动特性实验,直观地研究了小麦在二维导流板喷动床中的运动情况及其动力学特性。 cnki

Four flow regime as packed bed, spouting-moving bed, spouted bed with pulsation and slugging bed are observed when auxiliary and spouting gas velocities are changed into different levels.
随着辅助气速和喷动气速的改变,可观察到床中粒子处于固定床、稳定喷动床、脉动喷动床、腾涌床四种不同的流动状态。 cnki

I remember an eye-roll or two at the dutiful patriotic mantras spouted by a younger teammate.
对尽责的年轻队友喊出的爱国口号,我记得她会给予一两个白眼。 yeeyan

In his reply, Hitler spouted an anti semitic diatribe, in which he said Jews were“ pure materialists in thought and aspirations” and that their effect was“ racial tuberculosis on the nation”.
在他的答复中,希特勒的反犹太谩骂喷涌,他说犹太人的“思想和抱负纯粹是唯物主义者的”,而且其效果“对国家是种族结核病”。 zjets.cn

The pipe burst and water spouted out.
管子破裂,水喷了出来。 www.difficult.com.cn

The spring water welled from the break of an earthen jar, and spouted up to the lotus flowers.
泉水从瓦瓶中喷出莲花的形状,以此这个温泉有命名为莲花唐荷花温泉。 ebigear

This is a variation on the“ mental recession” lunacy spouted by Phil Gramm, John McCain’s top economic adviser during the presidential campaign.
这是 Phil Gramm所称的“心理衰退”精神失常的变体。 Phil Gramm是麦凯恩在总统大选期间的首席经济顾问。 yeeyan

Water spouted from the break in the pipe.
水自管子破裂处涌出。 iciba

Water spouted from the break of the pipe.




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