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词汇 barrier
释义 bar·ri·er 英ˈbæriːə美ˈbæriɚAHDbărʹē-ər ★★★☆☆常高四六研GIT宝牛46八COCA³²²⁵BNC⁴⁵⁴⁷iWeb²⁹¹³Economist⁸¹¹⁹


an object like a fence that prevents people from moving forward from one place to another


a problem, rule or situation that prevents sb from doing sth, or that makes sth impossible


sth that exists between one thing or person and another and keeps them separate


a particular amount , level or number which it is difficult to get past

a structure or object that impedes free movementany condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective;

intolerance is a barrier to understanding

anything serving to maintain separation by obstructing vision or access
barrier, barricade











发音释义:'bærɪə n. 障碍物,屏障;界线vt. 把…关入栅栏
结构分析:barrier = barr棒、栏杆+ier名词后缀→棒或栏杆做成的物品→障碍物
用作名词 n.
动词+~abolish the barrier消除障碍break down the barrier消除障碍build a barrier设置障碍constitute a barrier设置障碍create a barrier设置障碍demolish the barrier消除障碍erect a barrier设置障碍form a barrier设置障碍overcome a barrier越过障碍物pass through a barrier通过栅栏place a barrier安置障碍物put a barrier across the road在路上设关卡remove the barrier消除障碍set up a barrier设置障碍smash the barrier消除障碍tear down the barrier消除障碍形容词+~artificial barrier人为的障碍cultural barriers文化障碍ideological barriers思想障碍impassable barrier不可逾越的障碍impenetrable barrier不可逾越的障碍insurmountable barrier不可逾越的障碍natural barrier天然屏障racial barrier种族隔阂social barriers社会的障碍sonic barrier音障名词+~crush barrier栅栏police barrier警察屏障customs barriers关税壁垒immigration barriers移民障碍international trade barriers国际贸易障碍language barriers语言障碍sound barrier音障tariff barriers关税壁垒trade barriers贸易壁垒~+名词barrier bar障碍物barrier capacitance壁垒电容barrier cream护肤霜barrier potential壁垒电位介词+~crush against the barriers压向栅栏crash through the barrier撞在障碍物上~+介词barrier of race and religion种族和宗教的鸿沟barriers to human understanding影响人的理解力的种种障碍barrier to progress对进步的障碍
词形记忆river 把v看成船⇒河上有条船 rier⇒河上没有船 barrier⇒bar + rier 酒吧门前一条没船的河 成了去酒吧的障碍物钱博士barr障碍+i连接字母+er名词后缀,表工具⇒障碍物,屏障
非常记忆bar酒吧〖熟词〗+ri日〖拼音〗+er儿〖拼音〗⇒酒吧老板每日让儿子在门口设障碍物方振宇词汇奥秘barr横木+ier表名词,人或物→横木可以充当栅栏→栅栏,关卡barr障碍+i连接字母+er名词后缀,表工具⇒障碍物,屏障。谐音记忆栅栏bar每日ri都会拦下很多人er联想记忆bar栅栏+rier→栅栏;障碍联想记忆bar栅栏+rier→栅栏,障碍GRE红宝书bar + er 拦阻的东西词根记忆barr栅栏+ier近义词 barobstacledifficultyobstructionrestriction反义词 helpopeningpassageadvantage
用作名词n.At length the barriers were opened and five knights advanced slowly into the area.比武场的门终于开了,五位骑士缓缓进入场内。
Barriers have been erected all along the route that the Pope will take.教皇必经之路上已设置了许多障碍。
These regulations would place barriers in the way of genetic research.这些规定会为遗传学的研究设置障碍。
The horse jumped over the wooden barrier.那匹马跳跃过木头障碍物。
Fans broke through the barriers and rushed onto the pitch.球迷冲破护栏闯进球场。
The figure for inflation could go through the 5 per cent barrier.通货膨胀率可能会超过5%。
The police put up barriers to control the crowd.警察设置了栅栏以控制群众。
He is the first player whose earnings passed the $10 million barrier.他是第一位收入超过1000万美元大关的演员。
Language differences did not appear to be a barrier.语言差异看来不是障碍。
Show your ticket at the barrier before you board the train.上火车前先在进站口的验票处出示你的车票。
The crowd had to stand behind barriers.人群只好站在障碍物后面。
Despite the language barrier, they soon became good friends.尽管存在语言障碍,他们还是很快成为好朋友。
They were on different sides of a high barrier.他们被阻隔在高墙的两边。~+ prep. -phraseThere was a barrier across the road at the frontier.边境的道路上设了一道关卡。
A tree fell across the road and made a barrier to traffic.一棵树横倒在路上,挡住了交通。
They erected dikes as a barrier against the sea.他们筑堤挡海。
Ozone is the earth's barrier against ultraviolet radiation.臭氧是地球防止紫外线辐射的屏障。
The country set up trade barriers against imported goods.这个国家对进口货物筑起了贸易壁垒。
We're trying to break down barriers between young people from both communities.我们正试图消除两个不同社区的年轻人之间的隔阂。
The river is a natural barrier between the two countries.这条河是这两个国家之间的天然屏障。
The river is the last barrier between the rebel army and the city.这条河是阻拦叛军进入该城的最后一道屏障。
Barriers between nations are reared by slow and infrequent communication.国与国之间的隔阂是由沟通缓慢而又太少形成的。
There was an impassable barrier between the white race and the one which they had reduced to slavery.在白色人种和被他们奴役的种族之间有一道不可逾越的障碍。
These newcomers have helped to break down some of the old barriers between the two parties.这些新来者帮助消除了两党间的某些旧隔阂。
There was no real barrier between reality and fantasy in his mind.在他的头脑中,现实与幻想之间没有真正的界线。
The mountains acted as a natural barrier to the spread of the disease.山脉成为阻止疾病流行的天然屏障。
The Yangtze River is a natural barrier to the north-east.长江是东北面的一道天然屏障。
Disability need not be a barrier to a successful career.残疾不应该成为事业成功的障碍。
Lack of confidence is a psychological barrier to success.缺乏信心是阻碍成功的心理因素。
Lack of confidence is the biggest barrier to investment in the region.缺乏信心是在这一地区投资的最大障碍。
High levels of debt are a major barrier to economic development.高额负债是经济发展的主要障碍。
Language differences are often a barrier to mutual understanding.语言不同,常常阻碍到彼此的了解。
Poor health and lack of money may both be barriers to educational progress.身体不好与金钱匮乏都会妨碍学业的进展。
Racism is a barrier to success.种族主义是通向成功道路上的一道障碍。
Shyness is one of the biggest barriers to making friends.羞怯是交友的最大障碍之一。
That different peoples speak different languages is a real barrier to understanding.不同民族的人说不同的语言是增进了解的真正障碍。


barrier作“阻力;障碍;关卡”解时常接介词短语to sth;作“分界线;隔阂;障碍”解时常接介词短语between A and B或against sth。

用作名词The ice skater rammed into thebarrier.溜冰者撞到护栏上了。
Heavy duties on imports and exports are abarrierto international trade.进出口的高关税是国际贸易的障碍。
The Sahara Desert is a naturalbarrierbetween north and central Africa.撒哈拉沙漠是北非与中非之间的天然屏障。noun.obstruction
同义词 barricade,blockade,boundary,fence,hurdle,impediment,limit,obstacle,railing,roadblock,wallbar,bound,confines,curtain,ditch,enclosure,fortification,gully,moat,pale,palisade,rampart,stop,trenchblank wall
反义词 assistance,help,opening,opennoun.obstruction to goal
同义词 difficulty,drawback,handicap,hindrance,hurdle,impediment,obstacle,restraint,restriction,stumbling blockbar,check,encumbrance,limitation,pale,preventive
反义词 advantage,aid,assistance,benefit,freedom,helpopening
barricadenoun blocking object
bar,blank wall,block,blockade,bulwark,fence,obstruction,palisade,rampart,roadblock,stockade,stop,wall
blocknoun obstruction
bar,barrier,blank wall,blockage,chunk,clog,hang-up,hindrance,impediment,jam,mass,obstacle,obstruction,roadblock,snag,stop,stoppage,wall
blockagenoun obstruction
bottlenecknoun obstacle
barrier,block,blockage,clog,congestion,hindrance,holdup,impediment,jam,obstruction,snag,traffic jam
boundariesnoun outer limit
abuttals,ambits,barriers,beginnings,borderlands,borderlines,bordersboundsbrinks,circumferences,circumscriptions,compasses,confines,edges,ends,environs,extents,extremities,frames,fringes,frontiers,hems,horizons,limits,line of demarcations,lines,marches,margins,marks,meres,metes,outlines,outposts,pales,perimeters,peripheries,precincts,purlieuses,radii,rims,sides,skirts,terminals,terminations,termini,verges
boundarynoun outer limit
abuttals,ambit,barrier,beginning,border,borderland,borderline,bounds,brink,circumference,circumscription,compass,confines,edge,end,environs,extent,extremity,frame,fringe,frontier,hem,horizon,limits,line,line of demarcation,march,margin,mark,mere,mete,outline,outpost,pale,perimeter,periphery,precinct,purlieus,radius,rim,side,skirt,terminal,termination,terminus,verge The language barrier has been eliminated as all interfaces are in10 languages and there are more to come.
所有的界面都有10种语言支持,消除了语言障碍,未来还将会支持更多的语言。 yeeyan

They seem to work best when they allow some wind to pass through the barrier of trees or plants around a field.
似乎允许部分风穿过农田周围的树木或植物屏障时,防风林起到的效果反而更好。 voanews

At some stage there will always be maize around, and it jumps any class barrier or identity.
在某些阶段,我们生活周遭永远都有玉米的存在,超过了任何障碍与身份识别。 yeeyan

But actually I had to get over that barrier.
但事实上我不得不跨越这个障碍。 yeeyan

But he warned of a barrier to mobile phone take-up that is felt keenly in villages.
但他警告那些手机用户,他敏锐地感觉到在农村里这是一个极大的障碍。 yeeyan

But price can be an absolute barrier to access for the poor.
但价格对穷人获得药品可能是一个绝对障碍。 who

But there seemed to be an impenetrable barrier around her— as if she was sealed away by Tom.
但是,好像她周围有一种难以逾越的障碍——就像被汤姆密封了起来。 ebigear

Doing so will build an immune barrier that will effectively eliminate the risk of explosive urban outbreaks.
这样做将建立一种免疫屏障,从而有效地消除城市疫情大暴发的风险。 who

Everyone wants to see Lafayette succeeding from the moment they start to understand him which is not easy because there’s a huge barrier around him.
每个人都希望拉法耶能活下来。 观众开始理解这个角色,这很不容易,因为拉法耶周围有巨大的屏障环绕着他。 yeeyan

He then set up a photographic trap with a motion sensor and an infrared barrier to capture his idea.
然后他才设置了一个带有运动传感器和红外屏障的拍摄陷阱来实现他的想法。 yeeyan

If you have been avoiding the decision making process, why not break through that barrier right here and now?
如果一直以来你总是想要避开做决策的过程,那为何不此时此刻就突破这个障碍呢? yeeyan

It can detect the presence of people on the other side of a barrier by distortions to the reflected radio waves caused by their breathing or heartbeat.
它可以通过由人们呼吸和心跳所引发的,反射无线电波产生的扭曲,来探测障碍的另一边是否有人存在。 yeeyan

It is necessary to have a normal working regimen with colleagues, so that there is no language barrier.

It is one of seven barrier islands that, along with some mainland areas of Mississippi and Florida, make up the Gulf Islands National Seashore.
它是在密西西比和佛罗里达的一些大陆地区沿岸,组成海湾群岛国家海滨的七座屏障岛屿中的一座。 yeeyan

Note that this means, unlike vowels, intervening H and W characters do not act as a barrier to combining runs of letters with the same code.
请注意:这意味着,与元音的处理方式不同,插在中间的字符 H和 W不会对组合相同代码的字母形成障碍。 ibm

Perhaps doctors or other ED personnel might have more clout in breaking through the voicemail barrier to connect with clinic schedulers, she said.
可能医生或其他急诊部人员可以在打破语音留言壁垒、联系诊所日常调度上有更多建树,她表示。 yeeyan

Researchers usually link speciation to some sort of physical barrier, such as a river or mountain, which divides populations and causes them to evolve independently.
研究人员通常把物种形成与某种物理屏障相联系,如河流或山脉,这种屏障分隔种群,使它们独立进化。 yeeyan

She demonstrates that gender is no longer a barrier to success in one of the most conservative corners of the land, the Alaska Republican Party.
她向世人展示了在这块土地上最保守的角落里阿拉斯加的共和党,性别再也不是通向成功的障碍。 ecocn

Some people experience shyness as a barrier to communication, but this can be broken down gradually.
有些人觉得羞怯成为交际上的障碍,但这是可以逐渐克服的 。《21世纪大英汉词典》

Tracking the stored object, should it be stored into an already processed object and popped off the stack, preserves reachability through the write barrier.
跟踪存储的对象,应将其存储在已经处理过的对象中并从栈中弹出,通过写入屏障保持可获取性。 ibm




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