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词汇 barricade
释义 bar·ri·cade 英ˈbærɪˌkeɪd, ˌbærɪˈkeɪd美ˈbærɪˌked, ˌbærɪˈkedAHDbărʹĭ-kād', băr'ĭ-kādʹ ★★☆☆☆高四六GIST宝6八COCA¹⁶⁷⁶²BNC³⁴¹⁷³iWeb¹⁷⁴³⁰Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺


a wall of things that people build quickly to stop other people going somewhere

vt. 设路障于;以障碍物阻塞

block off or close off with a barricade

vt. 设路障〔防御工事〕保卫或固守

defend or shut in with a barricade

a barrier set up by police to stop traffic on a street or road in order to catch a fugitive or inspect traffic etc.a barrier usually thrown up hastily to impede the advance of an enemy;

they stormed the barricade

render unsuitable for passage;

block the way

barricade the streets

stop the busy road

prevent access to by barricading;

The street where the President lives is always barricaded

block off with barricades




用作名词 n.
动词+~make a barricade修筑路障place a barricade设置路障remove a barricade排除路障set a barricade设置路障take down a barricade排除路障用作动词 v.~+名词barricade the street在街道上设路障barricade the windows把窗户堵上
GRE红宝书barvt 阻挡; n 木棒, 所以barric是阻止的词根-路障
bar 卡的,用bar栅栏设的关卡;barrier + cade 建筑,挡路用的建筑;类barrage,a→i c→g
barric阻止+ade→ 阻止物→栅栏; bar作为单词意为'阻挡'
barric和barrel同源,木桶+ade=ate,拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,在此构成名词,表示行为完成后的产物→用木桶做成的东西→路障,街垒⇒转作动词设路障,阻塞。非常记忆bar木条〖熟词〗+ri日〖拼音〗+cade擦得〖拼音〗⇒组成路障的木条每日都被擦得很平滑方振宇词汇奥秘barr横木+ic表名词+ade表抽象名词→放个横木在路中间→路障,障碍物词根记忆barr阻止+ ic + ade → 阻止物 ⇒栅栏词根记忆barr+ic+ade表名词近义词 bar酒吧dike堤坝wall墙壁stop停止block街区barrier栅栏fortify加强lock up上锁defense防卫cordon警戒线secure安全的obstruct阻隔block up堵塞enclosure附件barricado路障block off封锁roadblock路障obstruction障碍blockadeC封锁fortification防御工事尤指堡垒、要塞…
用作名词n.The soldiers cut down some trees to make a barricade across the road.士兵砍倒了一些树,在路上设置了路障。
The police put up barricades to keep back the crowds during the procession.警察设置了街垒,阻止行进的人群。
There are unconfirmed reports of several deaths among demonstrators who were manning barricades to stop the tanks.示威者筑起人墙挡坦克,未经证实的报道说有数人因此死亡。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.They barricaded all the doors and windows.他们用障碍物堵住了所有的门窗。
The terrorists barricaded themselves in the embassy.恐怖分子在使馆中筑起防御工事固守。
The farmers barricaded their houses.农民们用栅栏围住自己的房屋。
She barricaded herself in her room.她把自己关在房间里。


用作名词Please step behind the policebarricade.请站在警戒线之后。
The soldiers make abarricadeacross the road.士兵在路上设路障。
The soldiers stormed thebarricadeserected by the rioting crowd.士兵们向暴乱分子设置的街垒发起了猛攻。
Everyone should be guarded by legalbarricades.人人都应受法律保障。
The doorkeeper keeps people in or out by means of abarricade.门卫通过障碍物来控制人们的出入。
The man and his boys then started to pile up abarricadeto prevent livestock from running away.这时他和孩子开始堆栅栏,防止牲畜逃跑。用作名词Residents were ready to go to thebarricadesto fight the school closure.居民关于反对学校关闭一事准备展开争论。用作及物动词Theybarricadedthe main road with fallen trees.他们用倒下的树堵住了主要道路。
The policebarricadedoff the entrance to the square.警方在广场的入口处设置了路障。
The boybarricadedthe door to keep the stranger out.男孩挡住门不让那个陌生人进去。
They attempted to use sand package tobarricadethe floods, but was useless.他们尝试用沙包来阻挡淹水可是却没效。
Theybarricadedthemselves in .他们把自己关在里面。noun.blocking object
同义词 barrier,blockade,fence,rampart,roadblock,wallbar,block,bulwark,obstruction,palisade,stockade,stopblank wall
反义词 opening,aid,helpverb.block, usually to protect
同义词 blockade,fortifybar,defend,obstructshut in
反义词 allow,open
barnoun barrier;blockage
blank wall,block,clog,deterrent,encumbrance,fence,hindrance,hurdle,impediment,obstacle,obstruction,pale,rail,railing,restraint,road block,snag,stop,stumbling block,traverse,wall
barverb secure, usually with a length of material
barriernoun obstruction
bar,barricade,blank wall,blockade,bound,boundary,confines,curtain,ditch,enclosure,fence,fortification,gully,hurdle,impediment,limit,moat,obstacle,pale,palisade,railing,rampart,roadblock,stop,trench,wall
barriersnoun obstruction
barricades,bars,blank walls,blockades,boundaries,bounds,confines,curtains,ditches,enclosures,fences,fortifications,gullies,hurdles,impediments,limits,moats,obstacles,pales,palisades,railings,ramparts,roadblocks,stops,trenches,walls
blockverb obstruct
arrest,bar,barricade,block out,blockade,brake,catch,charge,check,choke,clog,close,close off,close out,congest,cut off,dam,dead-end,deter,fill,halt,hang up,hinder,hold up,impede,intercept,interfere with,occlude,plug,prevent,shut off,shut out,stall,stonewall,stop,stop up,stopper,stymie,tackle,take out of play,thwart
blockadenoun barrier
bar,barricade,blank wall,clog,closure,embolus,encirclement,hindrance,impediment,infarct,infarction,obstacle,obstruction,restriction,roadblock,siege,snag,stop,stoppage,wall As soon as we sit down, he starts telling us about the barricade on the railway line.
我们坐下后,他开始讲起在铁路线上设置路障的往事。 yeeyan

At a single point the insurgents yielded; they abandoned a barricade begun in the Rue de Temple after having fired on a detachment of the National Guard, and fled through the Rue de la Corderie.
只有一处,起义的人退却了,他们已在大庙街开始建立一座街垒,在和国民自卫军的一个排交火以后便放弃了那街垒,从制绳街逃走了。 ebigear

So you have brought him thither from the barricade?
您把他从街垒带到这儿来的吗? ebigear

The little barricade of the Mondetour lane can be scaled.
蒙德都巷子的小街垒很容易跨过去。 ebigear

Their most dramatic effort, a charge of three white horses with strap- on explosives last summer, ended when the cavalcade blew up before reaching its target, Israel’s border barricade.
去年夏天,一队捆有炸弹的三匹白马在接近目标(一处以方的边界路障前炸弹爆炸,马队阵亡,这次引人注目的行动宣告失败。 ecocn

A barricade before the arrival of danger is chaos; in danger, it is discipline itself. Peril produces order.
一个街垒处在危急状态之前是混乱的,而在危急时刻则纪律严明;危难产生了秩序。 ebigear

At the barricade of the Rue des Menetriers, a well- dressed man distributed money to the workmen.
在游乡提琴手街的街垒里,有个穿得相当好的人向工人们发钱。 ebigear

Before it had traversed two thirds of the street it was received by a general discharge from the barricade.
他们还没有进入到这条街三分之二的地方,就遭到街垒中发出的一次全面射击。 ebigear

But Marius thought of the little barricade, and went thither.
马吕斯却想到了小街垒,并走去望了一眼。 ebigear

Death on the barricade or the tomb in exile, is an acceptable occasion for devotion.
死于街垒或流亡,对于忠诚的人来说,在不得已时都是可以接受的。 ebigear

Enjolras, who was standing on the crest of the barricade, gun in hand, raised his beautiful, austere face.
安灼拉,手里握着步枪,昂起他那俊美庄严的头,直立在街垒的顶上。 ebigear

Gavroche produced a greater sensation in the barricade than the cannon-ball.
伽弗洛什的进入,在街垒中起着比炮弹更大的影响。 ebigear

Gavroche warned“ his comrades” as he called them, that the barricade was blocked.
伽弗洛什警告“同志们”这是他对大家的称呼,街垒被包围了。 ebigear

He went to the barricade, and here he is.
他到街垒去了,现在在这儿。 ebigear

His authority was great. Enjolras was certainly the head of the barricade, but Marius was its savior.
他的威望很高,安灼拉虽是街垒的指挥官,但马吕斯是救命人。 ebigear

I must crumble up those big stupids of pillars a bit and make a nice barricade out of them.
它那些老大老粗的石头柱子,得替我稍微打扫一下,好好地做一座街垒。 ebigear

Marius on that barricade after the octogenarian was the vision of the young revolution after the apparition of the old.
马吕斯继那八十岁老人之后,屹立在街垒上,这是继老革命而起的新生革命的形象。 ebigear

Nothing is more curious than a barricade preparing for an assault.
没有什么比一个准备冲锋的街垒更令人惊奇的了。 ebigear

Now, in broad daylight, in that widening street, surprise was decidedly impossible, rude force had, moreover, been unmasked, the cannon had begun the roar, the army hurled itself on the barricade.
现在大白天,在敞开的大街上,奇袭肯定是不可能的;此外,强大的兵力已经暴露。大炮已开始狂吼,军队向街垒猛冲。 ebigear

Of what was that barricade made?
这街垒是用什么东西构成的? ebigear

One felt that the chief of this barricade was a geometrician or a spectre.
我们感到这个街垒的首领是一个几何学家或一个鬼怪。 ebigear

The insurgents' whole attention had been directed, therefore, to the grand barricade, which was, evidently, the spot always menaced, and there the struggle would infallibly recommence.
因而这些起义的人把全部注意力都集中在大街垒方面,这儿显然是时时受到威胁、也必然是要再次争夺的地方。 ebigear

The police watch warily from behind a barricade, clutching bamboo shields and their long wooden lathis.
警察警惕地在路障后看着,手握着竹制盾牌和他们长长的木头警棍。 yeeyan

The enormous barricade felt him on its haunches.
那庞大的街垒感到他坐镇在它的臀部。 ebigear

The mattress had, in fact, fallen outside the barricade, between besiegers and besieged.
的确,这床垫是落在街垒外边,在攻守两方的中间。 ebigear

The barricade has two saviors, Marius Pontmercy and yourself.
这街垒有两个救护人:马吕斯·彭眉胥和您。 ebigear

To a foreigner a pile of logs on the road is just a barricade. To former Yugoslavs it evokes complex emotions.
对一个外国人来说,路上的一堆木头不过是路障而已,但是它们却能引起前南斯拉夫人复杂的情感。 ecocn

Your barricade is very small.
太小了,你们的这街垒。 ebigear




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