

单词 sports meeting
释义 sports meeting spɔ:tsˈmi:tiŋ 短语⁶⁷⁵⁵⁸

a meeting at which a number of athletic contests are held近义词 meet遇见
The first prize was awarded to the best competitor of the annualsports meeting.头奖颁给了这一年一度的运动会上最优秀的运动员。
When will thesports meetingcome off?什么时候举行运动会?
How many days, can you guess, did thesports meetinglast?运动会持续多少天,你知道吗?
Should the weather be bad, thesports meetingwill be postponed.如果天气不好,运动会就要延期。 The date of the sports meeting all depends on the weather.
运动会的日期完全得看天气如何而定。 dangzhi

Because of the bad weather, we have to put off the sports meeting next week.
由于天气不好,我们不得不把运动会推迟到下星期。 zxksw

Besides ball games, some of us like running, jumping and swimming. Once a year we have a sports meeting.

I'm reporting to you about the sports meeting.
我正在向你报道运动会的情况。 pallasa

It is not decided whether the sports meeting will be put off.
运动会是否会被推迟还没决定。 putclub.com

Mainly for the sports meeting and also for sightseeing, I think.
主要是来参加运动会.我想也是为观光而来。 tingclass

Officers and sailors on the Chinese navy destroyer“ Haikou” held a unique sports meeting on deck in the waters off Somalia Friday.
为丰富官兵在索马里海域护航期间的文体生活,海军护航编队“海口”号驱逐舰从9日开始举办甲板运动会。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Please get some information about the Sports Meeting.
请在网上获取一些有关运动会的信息。 blog.sina.com.cn

The sports meeting coincided with a big storm.
运动会赶巧碰上一场大暴雨。 iciba

The sports meeting is coming up.
运动会就要到了。 http://mysearch.100e.com

They are talking about when and where to hold the autumn sports meeting.
他们正在谈论在何时何地举行秋季运动会。 edu.sina.com.cn

They asked me to design a poster for the sports meeting.

This week, our school will hold the first Sunny Children Sports Meeting.
这个星期,学校将举行第一届阳光少年运动会。 wybgy

We cannot calculate upon having fine weather for the sports meeting.

We discussed whether we had a sports meeting next week.
我们讨论下周我们是否举行运动会。 dearedu




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