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词汇 sportfully
释义 sport·fully 英spɔːt美spɔːrt
C U 运动

an outdoor or indoor activity needing physical effort and skill and usually carried on according to rules

C 运动会

meeting for athletic competitions

an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competitionthe occupation of athletes who compete for payMaine colloquial a temporary summer resident of Mainea person known for the way she or he behaves when teased or defeated or subjected to trying circumstances;

a good sport

a poor sport

someone who engages in sportsbiology an organism that has characteristics resulting from chromosomal alterationverbal wit or mockery often at another's expense but not to be taken seriously;

he became a figure of fun

he said it in sport

wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner;

she was sporting a new hat

play boisterously;

The children frolicked in the garden

the gamboling lambs in the meadows

The toddlers romped in the playroom


❌ My favourite sports is swimming.

✔️ My favourite sport is swimming.

sport指具体的某种运动项目时,作单数名词, sports泛指运动。


❌ Are you going to run in the school sport?

✔️ Are you going to run in the school sports?


sport, game, match, play, tournament


1.sport一般指体力运动,如爬山、滑水、钓鱼等; game指常有一定的规则,而且决定胜负的脑力或体力劳动的“竞技”; match多指网球、足球、高尔夫球等运动项目的比赛,常用在英国; play泛指无目的或结果的消遣或娱乐活动; tournament指通过不同级别的比赛而夺魁的体育项目“比赛”“锦标赛”“联赛”。例如:

Swimming, fishing and horse racing are his favorite sports.游泳、钓鱼和赛马是他最喜欢的运动。
The golf match will be held tomorrow morning.明天上午举行高尔夫球赛。
Which side won the football game yesterday?昨天的足球赛哪一队赢了?
He is fond of play.他喜欢玩。
The International Table Tennis Friendship Invitational Tournament will be held in China this year.今年的国际乒乓球友谊邀请赛将在中国举行。

2.sport和game既可指室内也可指室外的活动; match和tournament一般指室外活动。







用作名词 n.
动词+~engage in a sport从事体育运动give sb good sport使某人获得大的运动量go in for sport参加运动,爱好运动hold the sports举行运动会take part in the sports参加运动会take up sport从事一种体育运动make sport of sb开某人的玩笑形容词+~dangerous sport危险的体育运动every sport每项体育运动exciting sport激动人心的运动indoor sport室内运动national sport全国性运动outdoor sport户外体育运动traditional sport传统的体育运动bad sport输不起的人,不讨人喜欢的人good sport堂堂正正的好汉poor sport输不起的人,不讨人喜欢的人名词+~contact sport身体接触的体育项目country sport野外运动motor sport摩托车比赛team sport以队为单位的体育运动water sport水上运动winter sport冬季运动school sports学校运动会track and field sports田径运动会~+名词sports activities体育运动sports centre体育中心sports club体育俱乐部sports goods体育用品sports ground操场,运动场sports meet运动会sports page报纸的体育专栏介词+~the world of sport体育界catching birds for sport捕鸟消遣say sth in sport说着玩的
近义词 playtrickactivityridiculeamusement反义词 work工作
用作名词n.All over the world men and women, boys and girls enjoy sports.全世界的男女老少都喜爱运动。
They indulged in indoor and outdoor sports within their physical capabilities.他们尽其体力所能进行室内和室外体育活动。
In order to keep fit, all the students go in for sports.为了保持健康,所有学生都参加体育运动。
My brother doesn't care for sports very much.我哥哥不大喜欢运动。
He played badminton for sport.他打羽毛球只是运动而已。
He likes sport, not music.他喜欢体育,不喜欢音乐。
He is interested in sports.他对体育运动感兴趣。
In sports she eclipsed her elder sister.她在体育方面超过了她的姐姐。
Simon is younger but he equals his brother in all sports.西蒙年纪虽小,但各项运动都比得上他哥哥。
Tennis is a popular sport.网球是一项大众化的运动。
Don't spend the evening in sport and play only.晚上的时间不要仅仅用于娱乐。
We find it great sport to go fishing.我们认为钓鱼很好玩。
It is great sport swimming in the sea.在海里游泳是件极有趣的事。
The cats are fighting in sport.猫在打着玩呢。
Please don't be offended by what I said in sport.请别为我的玩笑话而生气。
What sport!真好玩啊!
They were not going to hold the sports meeting as scheduled.他们不准备按原计划开运动会了。
They're going to have a sports meet very soon.他们不久将开运动会。
We've decided that our sports meeting should be put off till next Monday.我们已经决定将运动会推迟到下周一举行。
The sports day is an occasion which we can all join in.运动日是大家都能参加运动的一个机会。
The youth was initiated into the sports club because he applied for membership of the club.这位青年被吸收加入了体育俱乐部,因为他申请过加入该俱乐部。
A member of the tennis club is counted as belonging to the whole sports club.网球俱乐部的成员被认为是整个俱乐部的一员。
After only a year in the sports club, the youngest player was elected to the committee.参加运动俱乐部仅一年,那位最年轻的运动员就被选进了委员会。
A sports personality was invited to kick off at the final.一位体育界的著名人士被邀请为决赛开球。
As the bugle sounded we ran to the sports ground and fell in.军号一响,我们就跑到运动场集合站队。
His hat blew off and became the sport of the wind.他的帽子被风吹跑了,成了风捉弄的对象。
Come on, be a sport.得啦!拿出男子汉大丈夫的气概来!
You've been a real sport to laugh at the trick we play on you.你是一位真正胸怀宽广的人,对我们的捉弄只是一笑置之。
Be a sport and help me with this suitcase.行行好,帮我拿着这只衣箱。
John is a good sport, he is ready to try anything.约翰是一个胆大的人,他对任何事都想试试。
Hi, old sport, have another drink.嗨,好汉子,再来一杯。



sport 作“嘲笑〔捉弄〕的对象”解,是不可数名词,其前多加定冠词。



用作不及物动词Don't sport with her, she's an old-fashioned girl.别跟她开玩笑,她是个古板的姑娘。用作形容词




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