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词汇 spoofed
释义 spoof·ed 英spuːf美spuːf COCA¹¹³⁵⁷⁸iWeb³⁶⁶⁷⁴
a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way
make a parody of;

The students spoofed the teachers

electronic spoof电子欺骗
近义词 hoax欺骗fool傻瓜trick诡计parody仿作takeoff起飞prank开玩笑deceive欺骗mockery嘲弄satire讽刺文skit滑稽短剧satirize讽刺take off起飞put-on做作的deception骗局send up使上升leg-pull恶作剧lampoon讽刺文章travesty滑稽模仿burlesque滑稽模仿pasquinade讽刺文章sendup讽刺性模仿作品…charade看手势猜字谜游戏…

用作名词It's aspoofon horror movies.这是对恐怖片的滑稽模仿。
Once again, thank you for alerting us to thespoofemail you received.再一次,感谢您提醒我们您所收到的欺骗信件。用作动词It is a movie thatspoofsother movies.这是一部夸张地模仿其他电影的影片。
Someone has beenspoofingmy address.有人一直在冒用我的电邮地址发送电邮。
You've beenspoofed.你上当了。as in.jest
同义词 banter,chaff,deride,flout,fool,fun,gibe,gird,jeer,jive,jolly,josh,kid,mock,needle,quip,rag,razz,rib,roast,scoff,sneer,spoof,teaseput on
反义词 commend,compliment,flatter,praiseas in.joke
同义词 banter,laugh,quipchaff,deceive,deride,fool,frolic,fun,gambol,jape,jest,jive,jolly,josh,mock,needle,play,revel,rib,ridicule,roast,spoof,sport,taunt,trick,wisecrackhorse around,kid around,make merry,play the clown,play tricks,poke fun,pull one's leg,put on
反义词 compliment,flatter,praise,be seriousas in.kid
同义词 bother,delude,joke,teasebanter,beguile,cozen,dupe,flimflam,gull,hoax,hoodwink,jape,jest,jolly,josh,mock,rag,razz,rib,roast,spoof,trickmake fun of,make sport of
反义词 be seriousas in.satirize
同义词 lampoon,mock,parody,spoofbanter,burlesque,caricature,cartoon,deride,haze,humiliate,jeer,jive,josh,kid,mimic,needle,pan,rib,ride,roastcaricaturize,jape,laugh at,make a fool of,make fun of,poke fun at,pull one's leg,razz
反义词 praiseas in.take off
同义词 ape,burlesque,caricature,imitate,lampoon,mimic,parody,ridicule,send up,spoof,travesty
反义词 arrive,come,stayas in.tease
同义词 annoy,badger,bother,harass,mock,needle,nudge,pester,pick on,ridicule,tantalize,taunt,tormentbait,banter,bedevil,beleaguer,chaff,devil,disturb,dog,gibe,gnaw,goad,harry,hector,importune,jive,josh,plague,rag,rally,razz,rib,ride,roast,slam,snap,sound,spoof,vex,worrybe at,give a hard time,lead on,put down,send up,swipe at
反义词 aid,delight,flatter,help,make happy,please,praise,assist,free,quiet,reassure,sootheas in.josh
同义词 banter,jest,jive,kid,needle,razz,rib,spoof,teasejapeas in.dupe
同义词 baffle,bamboozle,betray,cheat,deceive,defraud,delude,hoodwink,mislead,swindle,victimizebeguile,catch,chicane,circumvent,con,cozen,dust,flimflam,gull,hoax,hornswoggle,kid,outwit,overreach,rook,shaft,spoof,trickdouble-cross,jerk around,pull one's leg,pull something,rip off,rope in
反义词 aid,assist,be honest,help,protect,support,be seriousas in.fake
同义词 counterfeit,fabricate,feign,put onact,affect,assume,bluff,copy,disguise,dissimulate,forge,sham,simulate,spoofput on an act
反义词 reveal,tell the truthas in.fool
同义词 cheat,deceive,delude,dupe,hoodwink,pretendbamboozle,bluff,chicane,con,diddle,flimflam,fox,gull,hoax,jive,juke,kid,outfox,scam,snow,spoof,triflefake out,lead on,make believe,play-act,play a trick on,put on,put one over on,suck in,take in
反义词 be honestas in.imitate
同义词 act like,ape,assume,duplicate,echo,emulate,impersonate,mimic,mirror,mock,pretend,replicate,reproduce,resemble,simulateaffect,borrow,burlesque,caricature,clone,copy,counterfeit,ditto,falsify,feign,follow,forge,match,mime,parallel,parody,personate,reduplicate,reflect,repeat,sham,spoof,travesty,Xeroxbe like,carbon,do like,do likewise,follow in footsteps,follow suit,look like,model after,pattern after,play a part,put on,send up,take off
反义词 differ,tell the truth,disregardbe original,clash,oppose,reverse And a person only known play, don't think he is doing his homework in deception the teacher, he spoofed himself.

In the 1980s, a parody map emerged called The World According to Reagan. It spoofed Ronald Reagan's outlook on the rest of the world.
二十世纪八十年代,一张名为“里根看世界”的戏仿小图曾风靡一时,嘲讽罗纳尔多里根眼中的世界局势。 yeeyan

The ISA flaw enables an attacker to insert malicious content, such a spoofed form, in the cache and relabel it as content from a banking site, for example.

The potential impact of form spoofing, really, is that if you have a form that has drop-down boxes, radio buttons, checkboxes, or other limited input, those limits mean nothing if the form is spoofed.
表单欺骗的潜在影响是,如果拥有含下拉框、单选按钮、复选框或其他限制输入的表单,则当表单被欺骗时这些限制没有任何意义。 ibm

“ Static” means unchanging; this prevents hackers from adding spoofed ARP entries for devices in your network.
“静态”就是不会变化;这可以防止黑客的欺骗 ARP进入你的网络设备中。 yeeyan

“ The Girl Who Was Death” cleverly spoofed Sherlock Holmes, James Bond, existentialism and even McGoohan's own celebrated spy-fi series Danger Man, resulting in seriously psychedelic television.
“已死的女孩”聪明的嘲弄了歇洛克·福尔摩斯、詹姆斯·邦德、存在主义甚至包括麦高汉自己著名的谍幻电视剧《危险男人》 Danger Man,呈现出一种严肃的迷幻剧观感。 yeeyan

A third method to encourage social networking users to click on infected links is the old but still effective technique of sending out spoofed email.
第三种诱导社交网站用户点击恶意链接的方法就是向用户发送欺诈邮件。 yeeyan

Alternatively, the attacker sends emails spoofed to look like they came from legitimate sites.
同时,攻击者发送看起来好像来自合法站点的邮件。 ibm

BB receives a bogus email with a spoofed sender address, which, for example, may appear to come from a legitimate friend, business associate or family member.

By increasing the number of spoofed packets broadcast or the size of the network broadcast to, you can see that this can be a very serious form of attack.
通过增加欺骗包广播的次数或网络广播的规模,您将发现这能够成为非常严重的攻击形式。 ibm

Despoof is another security tool you can use in detecting spoofed packets used to carry your Ajax applications across networks.
Despoof是另一种检测欺骗数据包的安全工具,这些欺骗数据包能够跨网络传送 Ajax应用程序。 ibm

Even though, browsers have spoofed their UA string to get around this type of detection in the past.
即便如此,在过去浏览器都有欺骗性用户代理字符串绕过这种检测。 yeeyan

Everything from IP addresses to hostnames, at the end of the day, can be spoofed.
从 IP地址到主机名,所有内容都是可以欺骗的。 ibm

He was spoofed by his employees.

He spoofed the movement of his boss, which set everybody laughing.

If you receive a packet that you suspect is spoofed, try to determine the real Time- to- Live TTL of the packet and compare it to the TTL of the packet you received.
如果收到一个可疑的数据包,要尝试判断它真正的 Time- to- Live TTL,并将其与所接收包的 TTL进行比较。 ibm

In their big Superbowl ad, they spoofed the Grand Theft Auto series of video games with the“ Give a Little Love” ad.
在他们的大量广告中,他们用“献出一点爱”的广告改编出侠盗猎车手一系列视频游戏。 yeeyan

It is not safe when using extended protection to make policy decisions based on the requested URL, since this can be spoofed.
使用扩展保护基于请求的 URL进行策略决策是不安全的,因为这可以被欺骗。

It was greeted with scepticism, both by politicians and academics, but went on to become a much loved, and often spoofed, British institution.
开放大学在当时备受政客和学者的质疑,可后来,它逐渐成为备受爱戴、效仿者无数的英国高等院校。 jlpzj

Knowing this, imagine that an attacker constructs an ICMP echo message containing the spoofed source address of some arbitrary Host A, such as192.168.2.2, in its header.
知道了这一点,假设攻击者构造了一条 ICMP回应消息,它的头中包含伪造的任意主机 A的源地址,如192.168.2.2。 ibm

MIME types for uploaded files can be spoofed under some circumstances, so checking the file's MIME type alone is not a reliable security check.
在某些情况下,已上载文件的 MIME类型可能是伪造的,因此只检查文件的 MIME类型不是一种可靠的安全检查。

Surely five billion euro will not go missing through the use of a few spoofed emails.
当然500亿欧元不会由于几封小小的伪造邮件就不知所终。 infoq

The only real way to accomplish that is for the attacker to become interposed somewhere on the route between the spoofed machine and the target.
唯一真正能实现该任务的方法是将攻击者插入到被欺骗的机器和目标之间的路由上的某个地址。 ibm

There is one more sign Meyer really has arrived: she's been spoofed.
还有更多的迹象说明梅尔的成功:她被揶揄了。 yeeyan

Therefore, we have to keep the transformed messages in the network from being stolen, spoofed and changed by the hacker.
因此,要保证这些在网上传送的敏感信息不被窃取、假冒和篡改。 fabiao

Within hours of their release, the latest round of Tory campaign posters were viciously spoofed by left-wing bloggers.
发布网站后的几个小时内,托利党最后一批竞选海报被左翼博客人恶意攻击。 ecocn




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