

单词 spongy
释义 spong·y 英ˈspʌndʒiː美ˈspʌndʒiAHDspŭnʹjē ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA³¹³⁸⁵BNC³³⁸²⁷iWeb²²⁴⁵⁶

easily squashed; resembling a sponge in having soft porous texture and compressibility;

spongy bread

like a sponge in being able to absorb liquids and yield it back when compressedspongi-,海绵,-y,形容词后缀。spongy parenchyma海绵组织spongy mass海绵体spongy copper海绵铜spongy particle海绵状粉粒spongy layer海绵层spongy rubber海绵状橡胶,泡沫橡胶…spongy iron海绵铁spongy tissue海绵组织spongy lead海绵铅,海绵状铅,铅…spongy bone松骨质spongy surface麻面,海绵面…spongy porosity海绵状孔隙spongy powder海绵状粉末spongy top海绵头,菜花头…spongy platinum海绵铂spongy soil绵土spongy structure海绵状结构,海绵构造…
GRE难词记忆spongy→sponge n.海绵+y→海绵的GRE红宝书来自sponge海绵+y
sponge 海绵
spongen.海绵+y⇒海绵的来自spongen.海绵近义词 soft柔软的moist潮湿的squishy湿软的elastic灵活的osmotic渗透的soggy湿而软的flexible柔韧的porous可渗透的springy有弹性的malleable可塑的sodden浑身湿透的absorbent能吸收的permeable可渗透的squashy容易压坏的penetrable可穿透的waterlogged浸满水的spongelike海绵状的, 象海绵的…

用作形容词The grass isspongyafter the rain.雨后的草地柔软湿润。
The pulp of this watermelon is toospongy.这西瓜瓤儿太肉了。
There grows somespongymosson the stone.石头上长着一些柔软的苔藓。adj.cushioned, absorbent
同义词 mushy,porous,rubbery,soft,springy,squishyabsorptive,cribriform,cushiony,elastic,light,pappy,pulpous,pulpy,resilient,yielding
反义词 hardimpermeable,inflexible
absorbentadjective capable of physically taking in a liquid
absorptiveadjective absorbent
bibulousadjective absorbent
flexibleadjective pliable, bendable
adjustable,bending,ductile,elastic,extensible,extensile,flexile,formable,formative,impressionable,like putty,limber,lithe,malleable,moldable,plastic,pliant,soft,spongy,springy,stretch,stretchable,stretchy,supple,tensile,tractable,tractile,whippy,willowy,yielding
lightadjective not heavy
lightestadjective not heavy
agile,airy,atmospheric,buoyant,crumbly,dainty,delicate,downy,easy,effervescent,ethereal,featherweight,feathery,filmy,flimsy,floatable,floating,fluffy,friable,frothy,gossamery,graceful,imponderous,inconsequential,insubstantial,light-footed,lightweight,lithe,little,loose,meager,nimble,petty,porous,portable,sandy,sheer,slender,slight,small,spongy,sprightly,sylphlike,thin,tissuelike,trifling,trivial,unheavy,unsubstantial,weightless The study's notion of a relatively warm, spongy ice layer beneath a thin, hard outer shell would also explain Titan's lack of major mountains.
薄而坚硬的外壳之下拥有一个相对温暖的海绵状冰层也解释了为什么在泰坦星上缺少较高的山峰。 yeeyan

The tunica albuginea surrounds the corpora cavernosa, specialized spongy tissue in the core of the penis that fills up with blood during an erection.
白膜包围着阴茎海绵体,以及位于阴茎核心的特殊海绵组织。这些海绵组织在勃起过程中会充满血液。 yeeyan

The shaft is a round fibrous segment of spongy erectile tissue, and like the glans, it is very sensitive.
阴蒂体圆柱状,它能勃起因为是海绵状的纤维组织,像阴蒂头,非常敏感。 yeeyan

Acute lymphocytic leukemia ALL is a type of cancer of the blood and bone marrow— the spongy tissue inside bones where blood cells are made.
急性淋巴细胞性白血病 ALL是一种发生于血液和骨髓的癌症——骨髓译者:此处指红骨髓是指作为造血场所的骨内的海绵组织。 yeeyan

Acute myelogenous leukemia AML is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow— the spongy tissue inside bones where blood cells are made.
急性骨髓性白血病 AML是指血液中和骨髓中的细胞发生了癌变——骨髓是指骨内作为造血场所的海绵组织。 yeeyan

Aside from a notepad- size writing surface, the desktop is made of a nice, spongy foam.
除了笔记本大小的书写表面外,整个桌面是由海绵泡沫制成的。 yeeyan

He led the way across the spongy yard to a row of hedges that fronted the elegant house.
他走着横穿过柔软的院子到这优雅宅子前的那排树篱。 yeeyan

He was a lively and friendly dog, almost buoyant, with a coat of spongy black coils that bounced when he trotted.
这是一只可爱而又温顺的小狗,它快跑起来,一身柔软的黑卷毛也在跳跃着,起伏着,显得欢快无比。 yeeyan

Her students push their colorful pencils topped with thick, spongy erasers across their tablets.
她的学生们用彩色铅笔头上的柔软橡皮在笔记本上擦着。 yeeyan

If you are younger, this anatomical structure probably feels soft and almost spongy, and you may be able to change the pitch and timber of your voice by gently manipulating your thyroid cartilage.
如果你尚未发育成熟,喉结会很软,就像海绵一样,通过操纵你的甲状软骨,你能够感觉到你音调和音质的变化。 yeeyan

In addition to the spongy form vacuoles that are the hallmark of the disease, their brains were littered with large, flower- shaped plaques.
除了海绵状空泡是这一疾病的标志外,他们的脑部布满了大得像花一样的斑。 jukuu

Massage the base of your tongue, in the spongy area just behind your chin bone, above and in front of your Adams apple.
按摩你的舌头底部,下巴骨后边海绵状部分,喉结上面和前端部分。 yeeyan

Nobody likes cold, spongy, week-old popcorn.
没人会喜欢冰冷的、海绵似的、不新鲜的爆米花。 yeeyan

Sarah Tabrizi of University College London, and her colleagues, have also examined the question of how prions kill nerve cells, transforming the brain into a spongy organ riddled with holes.
伦敦大学学院教授 Sarah Tabrizi和她的同事也对朊病毒杀伤神经细胞从而把大脑变成布满小孔海绵体的问题进行了研究。 ecocn.org

The average adult's lungs contain about600 million of these spongy, air- filled structures.
平均成人的肺里含有约60亿个这种海绵状的,充满空气的结构。 bbs.internet.org.cn

The spongy tissues that surround your urethra and comprise your g- spot are a complex bundle of— joy!
包围你尿道和组成 G点的海绵组织是一个复杂的欢乐之源! yeeyan

These are embedded in a spongy“ electroactive” polymer.
这些元素深埋在一种海绵“导电”聚合物中。 ecocn

These prions become malformed and in turn make all healthy prions they encounter malformed as well, in a chain reaction that ultimately destroys brains by turning them into a spongy mush.
这种朊病毒变异畸形,并反过来传染给其他健康的朊病毒,引起连锁反应,最终破坏大脑,将之变成海绵体。 yeeyan

They are produced by the spongy marrow inside large bones.
他们由大骨中的海绵骨髓产生。 yeeyan

To enjoy this delicious and nutritious produce, it's essential to wait until the fruit turns bright red and its spongy flesh peels away from the toxic black seeds within.
要想用这种美味且营养丰富的果子,必须要等到它的表皮变成亮红色,且它绵软的果肉和里面黑色有毒的种子分开才可以。 yeeyan

While I clung to the edge of the spongy womb holding back, back.
而我紧抓着绵软的子宫边缘往后缩,后缩 。 yeeyan

You will contact a spongy area of tissue just under the pubic bone, behind the clitoris.
你会触碰到一片海绵组织状的区域,就在耻骨之下阴蒂之后。 yeeyan

Spongy people who start to feel uneasy in company will often dismiss or tamp down their feelings, but a better idea is to let those emotions loose.
和人在一起的时候开始感觉不安的海绵人通常会排掉或者压缩了自己的感觉,一个更好的主意是让这些情绪放松。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn




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