

单词 sponged
释义 sponge·d 英spʌndʒ美spʌndʒ COCA⁸⁰³⁸²BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
vt. & vi. 擦拭,清除

wash, wipe or clean with a sponge

vt. & vi. 骗取

get by sponging

a porous mass of interlacing fibers that forms the internal skeleton of various marine animals and usable to absorb water or any porous rubber or cellulose product similarly usedsomeone able to acquire new knowledge and skills rapidly and easily;

she soaks up foreign languages like a sponge

a follower who hangs around a host without benefit to the host in hope of gain or advantageprimitive multicellular marine animal whose porous body is supported by a fibrous skeletal framework; usually occurs in sessile colonies
wipe with a sponge, so as to clean or moistenask for and get free; be a parasiteerase with a sponge; as of words on a blackboardsoak up with a spongegather sponges, in the ocean直接源自古英语的sponge;最初源自拉丁语的spongia,意为海绵
用作动词 v.
~+副词sponge away〔down〕用海绵擦去sponge off用海绵擦去sponge out a memory抹除记忆sponge up the mess用海绵吸去污水~+介词sponge oneself in the bath在浴缸里用海绵擦身洗澡sponge sth off the car用海绵拭去车上的某物
sponge down v.+adv.

用海绵擦洗 wash (sb or sth with a sponge)

sponge oneself/sth ⇔ downWe sponged down the walls to get the worst of the dirt off.我们用海绵洗墙,把最脏处给擦净了。
It's so nice to sponge myself down in a hot bath, it makes me feel so much cleaner.在热水澡盆里用海绵擦洗真舒服,它使我感觉清爽多了。
sponge from v.+prep.

从…乞讨; 从…诈取 obtain sth from sb by asking, without praying, giving, or doing anything in return

sponge sth from sbSome beggars sponge money from passengers in the railway station.一些乞丐向车站里的旅客讨钱。
The gambler sponged a cigarette from the man sitting next to him.那个赌徒向坐在他旁边的人讨支烟抽。
The impostor sponged 1000 pounds from his acquaintance.那个骗子从相识者那里骗取1000英镑。
sponge off¹ v.+adv.

用海绵拭去,除去 be removed with a sponge

sponge offWill the mark sponge off?这污渍用海绵擦得掉吗?sponge sth ⇔ offThe mother sponged crayon marks off.母亲用湿海绵擦去了痕迹。
sponge off² v.+prep.

寄生于…; 依赖…生活; 诈取别人的金钱 live at sb else's expense; scrounge (money from sb)

sponge off sb/sthHe has been sponging off us.多年来他一直靠我们养活他。
It's ridiculous to accuse people who need state benefits of sponging off the state.指责需要国家救济金的人诈取国家钱财是荒谬的。sponge sth off sbOld William usually manages to sponge a drink off somebody in the pub.老威廉常常设法诈取酒客的钱。
The pedlar sponged money off us.那个小商贩骗了我们的钱。
sponge on v.+prep.

寄生于…; 依赖…生活 live at sb else's expense; get money from another without giving anything in return

sponge on sbHe's done no work for years, and lives by sponging on his relations.他多年不工作,依赖亲戚过活。
He feels it very shameful to sponge on his parents after he's grown up.他觉得自己长大了还依赖父母感觉很丢脸。
sponge out v.+adv.

用海绵等擦拭; 洗涤; 清除 wash, wipe or clean with a sponge

sponge sth ⇔ outTime sponges out all trace of truth.时间会抹去真理的一切痕迹。
You should try to sponge out the memory of the accident.你该努力抹除那次事故的记忆。
The sentence should be sponged out.这一句应删去。
sponge up v.+adv.

用海绵吸掉 take up with or as with a sponge

sponge sth ⇔ upThe nurse sponged up the blood from the wound.护士用海绵把伤口的血吸掉。
The state loan sponged up most of the available savings.这笔贷款把大部分可动用的储蓄存款都吸收去了。近义词 rub擦wipe擦wash洗mop拖把wiper雨刷leech水蛭bum流浪汉rinse清洗bathe沐浴mooch乞讨cadge乞讨loofah丝瓜beggar乞丐absorb吸收grub动蛆clean干净的swabC药签moocher乞丐parasite寄生虫deadbeat赖账者scrubber擦洗工具poriferan海棉动物squeegee橡皮清洁刷freeloader不速之客bloodsucker吸血动物exfoliator去角质成分quick study学得快的人sponger使用海棉擦拭的人…scroungerscrounge的名词形…parazoan侧生动物即海绵动物或多…
S+~+ n./pron.She sponged the boy's wound.她用棉球擦洗那男孩的伤口。
She sponged 400 yuan last night.昨天晚上她骗到手400元。



sponge后常接on, upon, off或from表示毫无顾忌地、恬不知耻地依赖别人生活,常用于口语。sponge后接介词off或from也可表示“骗取”。

用作名词Thespongesoaked in the water on the desk.海绵将书桌上的水吸了进去。
That child soaks up new facts like asponge!那孩子吸收新知识像海绵似的。用作及物动词I like tospongemyself down in a hot bath.洗热水澡时我喜欢用海绵擦洗全身。
Sponge the mud spots off the car.用海绵擦去车上的污泥。
Time canspongeout all trace of truth .时间会抹去一切真理的痕迹。 Oh, dear, haven't you sponged the mud out of the car?

The blood stains have been sponged out of the floor.

The vegetation in one of these parts is carefully sponged with water containing a detergent.
对其中的一部分用海绵蘸上含有去污剂的水仔细地擦洗。 kuenglish

The dishwasher sponged off the dishes.
洗碗机把那些盘子洗了。 nciku

The driver sponged down the car before turning water on it.
正在用清水冲洗车子以前司机用布擦了一遍。 huixue

First foreigner to make grand champion, Hawaii- born,485- pound220- kilogram Akebono is sponged off by a novice, who also runs errands and does laundry.
一个新手正在清洁身为第一个获得总冠军的外国人——夏威夷出生,重达485磅220公斤的曙太郎。新手们还要听候前辈差遣并负责洗涤衣物。 yeeyan

He sponged off his family for many years.

He sponged down the car to remove the shampoo.
他用海绵把汽车上的洗涤剂擦掉了。 huixue

He sponged up the pool of water on the floor quickly.
他很快就把地板上那一摊水吸掉了。 www.1stenglish.com

He sponged a dinner last night.
昨天晚上,他骗了一顿饭。 hotdic

He sponged a wrong letter off with a rubber.

He sponged some money from his friend and went to the bar.

I sponged off the dust on the screen window.
我用海绵擦掉了纱窗上的灰尘。 dj.client.iciba.com

She sponged the boy's wound.
她用棉球擦洗那男孩的伤口。 iciba

She sponged the water stains off the table.

She sponged the wound out gently.
她用海绵轻轻地拭清了伤口。 hotdic

She sponged400 dollars last night.
昨天晚上她骗到400美元。 iciba

The pedlar sponged money off us.
那个小商贩骗了我们的钱。 iciba

The shell shock sponged out his memory of the past.
弹震症使他忘却往事。 http://dj.iciba.com

The words and drawings sponged off yesterday.

We sponged down the walls to get the worst of the dirt off.
我们用海绵洗墙,把最脏处给擦净了。 iciba

Sponged clean, their glazes shone as brightly as the day they were fired.
学者们用海绵擦拭干净碗,碗表面的釉像刚出窑一样闪亮。 yeeyan




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