

单词 spokesman
释义 spokes·man 英ˈspəʊksmən美ˈspoksmənAHDspōksʹmən ★★★★☆高四六研I八COCA³¹⁸²BNC²¹³⁴iWeb⁵²⁵⁵Economist³²⁸¹

C 发言人,代言人

a man who speaks,or is chosen to speak,on behalf of a group

a male spokesperson模拟craftsman工匠的拼写方式,中间加了一个所有格后缀s。钱博士spoke=speak,说+s所有格后缀+man人⇒发言人
非常记忆spokes说话+man人⇒台上说话的人就是发言人蒋争熟词记忆spokes发言man人⇒发言人;代言人spoke=speak,说+s所有格后缀+man人⇒发言人。近义词 press按tool工具person人voice声音chair椅子devil魔鬼lawyer律师deputy代表agent代理人counsel劝告proxy代理人foreman领班advocate提倡delegate代表orator演说者chairman主席pleader辩论者referee裁判员solicitor律师reciter背诵者speaker说话者prophet预言者mediator调解人counsellor顾问instrument仪器lecturer演讲者talker说话的人prolocutor议长messenger报信者intermedium媒介middleman中间人appointed指定的addresser说话者moderator调解人declaimer演说者announcer广播员negotiator磋商者arbitrator仲裁人go-between媒介者chairwoman女主席salesman销售人员intercessor仲裁者intermediator仲人speechmaker演讲人stumper政治演说家interpreter口译员spokesperson代言人representative代表intermediary仲裁者elocutionist雄辩家interlocutor对话者saleswoman女售货员spokeswoman女发言人rhetorician修辞学者silver-tongued雄辩的press agent新闻广告员communicant领圣餐的人P.R.永久居民=perman…mouthpiece(电话送话口…REP距离公算偏差代表性…keynoter政党方针的演说人…elected动词elect的过去式和…salutatorian学校毕业典礼上…spellbinder能吸引听众的演说家…valedictorian致告别词的学生代表…barrister出庭律师(在英国有资格出…
用作名词(n.Her criticism brought an immediate reply from a governmentspokesman.她的批评立即引起了政府发言人的回击。
用作名词He was thespokesmanfor the workers on strike.他是罢工工人的发言人。
This journalist distorted thespokesman's remarks.这名记者曲解了该发言人的话。noun.communicator
同义词 agent,delegate,deputy,mediator,representative,spokesperson,spokeswomanchampion,mouth,mouthpiece,prophet,protagonist,speaker,substitute,talkerprolocutor
chairmannoun authority
mouthpiecenoun spokesperson
PR person,agent,delegate,representative,speaker,spokesman,spokeswoman
spokeswomannoun speaker
after-dinner speaker,announcer,elocutionist,keynoter,lecturer,mouth,mouthpiece,orator,public speaker,rhetorician,speechmaker,spokesman,spokesperson
talkernoun speaker
announcer,barker,bigmouth,blowhard,braggart,bragger,commentator,conversationalist,debater,gasbag,gossip,lecturer,mouthpiece,orator,raconteur,speechmaker,spokesman,spokesperson,spokeswoman,windbag A spokesman for the Department for Health said it was not endorsing a video game, but rather an exercise.
卫生部发言人表示此项举措并非认可某一视频游戏,而是认可一种运动方式。 yeeyan

Ibrahim, the government spokesman, reviewed my interview and objected to its tone, to the questions I asked and to the overall content. But Saadi Gadhafi overruled his objections.
那个政府发言人,审查了我的采访,反对采访的语气,我问的问题和大体的内容。但是萨阿迪·卡扎菲否决了他的反对。 yeeyan

The spokesman finally disclosed the facts to the press.

The spokesman wrong-footed them with this question.

“ International customers do pay a higher price for their books than US customers due to higher operating costs outside of the US, ” said the spokesman.
“由于在美国以外高额的营销开销,国际消费者确实要比美国消费者为他们的书籍支付更多,”发言人说。 yeeyan

“ President Lee said if South and North Korea solve problems through dialogue and in a sincere manner, there is nothing we cannot resolve, ” the spokesman added.
“李明博总统说,如果南北双方能以真诚的态度,通过对话解决问题,那就没有什么是我们不能解决的。”发言人补充道。 yeeyan

“ They simply had no idea of the scale of the tragedy, ” said a police spokesman.
一名警方发言人说道,“他们只是没有想到这场悲剧到底有多严重”。 yeeyan

“ We're relieved to hear that all civilians have come out of the combat zone, ” a UN spokesman said.
一个联合国发言人说:“听到所有平民已经脱离战区的消息让我们略感欣慰。” yeeyan

An agency spokesman said it did not comment on complaints or investigations.
一名机构发言人说他们不对投诉或调查发表评论。 yeeyan

But, spokesman, William Spindler, says resettlement in the United States offers them the best opportunity and hope for a future.
但是,发言人威廉.斯平德勒说,安置在美国给他们的未来提供了最好的机会和希望。 iciba

He was made spokesman.

His spokesman claimed that the63- day gap between sessions was less than the average prorogation of151 days since1867.
他的发言人声称这次两会期间只有63天的休会期,远远少于1867年以来的151天的平均数。 ecocn

However, an airline spokesman said poor weather was more likely to have been a factor in the crash than the condition of the plane.
然而,一名航空公司发言人说飞机失事的决定因素更大的可能是因为恶劣的天气而不是飞机的状态。 yeeyan

In an impromptu news conference outside the ballroom, a family spokesman said the couple had no plans for a honeymoon cruise.
在舞厅外举行的一次非正式新闻发布会上,家庭的发言人说:小夫妻没有蜜月旅行计划。 club.edu.sina.com.cn

NASA spokesman Steve Cole said that was possible because the last track for the satellite included Canada, starting north of Seattle and then in a large arc north then south.
NASA发言人史蒂夫.科尔说,因为加拿大留下了卫星的最后轨迹,所以存在这样一种可能,就是从西雅图北部开始,然后以大弧形向北再向南。 yeeyan

These figures are but a small indicator of the plunder carried out by the Empire, whose spokesman Winston Churchill famously said that India would descend into barbarism were the British to leave.
而在这个帝国的掠夺过程中,这些数字只是一个小指标,它的代言人温斯顿·丘吉尔有句名言,印度在英国人离开后将会陷入落后和野蛮。 yeeyan

They drew lots to decide who should be their spokesman.

Viewers saw him recite three. His spokesman says he managed seven in all.
观众看见他背出了三条,而其发言人则称他总共说出七条。 ecocn

Spokesman Jim Peters said if it was a weather balloon or any kind of organized balloon release, authorities should have been notified in advance.
发言人吉姆·皮特斯表示,如果这是一个气象气球或其他释放的热气球的话,当局应该提前被告知。 cri




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