

单词 spoilt
释义 spoilt 英spɔɪlt美spɔɪltAHDspoilt ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹³¹⁹⁸⁸BNC¹⁹³⁸⁴iWeb⁴¹⁴⁰³Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
having the character or disposition harmed by pampering or oversolicitous attention;

a spoiled child

of foodstuffs not in an edible or usable condition;

bad meat

a refrigerator full of spoilt food

affected by blight; anything that mars or prevents growth or prosperity;

a blighted rose

blighted urban districts

be spoilt for choice因供选择的事物过多而…spoil宠坏
spoilt-,⇒adj.宠坏的⁷¹;损坏的v.宠坏;溺爱;破坏;腐坏spoil的过去式和过去分词近义词 bad坏的spoiled宠坏的blighted枯萎的

用作形容词Stop acting like aspoiltchild.不要表现得像个被宠坏的孩子一样。
I cannot standspoiltchildren!我烦宠坏的孩子。
You can use the program for restoration of files fromspoiltdiskettes.您能使用文件的恢复的节目从被损坏的磁盘的。as in.defiled
同义词 besmirched,cooked,desecrated,dirty,dishonored,exposed,polluted,profaned,ravished,tainted,trashed,vitiatedcommon,impure,mucked up,unclean
反义词 clean,purecleansed,hallowed,honorable,purified,sanctifiedas in.ruined
同义词 derelict,dilapidatedshot,undid,undonefordone,irremediable,irreparable
反义词 flourishing,intact,mended,preserved,prosperous,protected,repaired,restored,rich,saved,solvent,successful,wealthy
defiledadjective corrupted, violated
besmirched,common,cooked,desecrated,dirty,dishonored,exposed,impure,mucked up,polluted,profaned,ravished,tainted,trashed,unclean,vitiated
ruinedadjective spoiled
derelict,dilapidated,fordone,irremediable,irreparable,shot,spoilt,undid,undone Shoppers in Ulan Bator, the capital, were not spoilt for choice—unless they were in the market for dried meat, vegetables or furry hats.
在蒙古首都乌兰巴托,那里的人民在超市里能买到干肉,蔬菜,和裘皮帽,没有其他更多的选择。 ecocn

There're plenty of spoilt brats elsewhere in the world, but they're unusually common in China right now.
被宠坏的淘气仔们在世界各地随处可见,但是现在在中国这些被宠坏的孩子尤为多见。 yeeyan

China's spoilt generation of single children is rapidly becoming overweight, a report shows, while their parents are also growing obese faster than any other country apart from Mexico.
据调查显示,中国被宠坏的独生子女一代,已经有越来越多的人体重超标,和墨西哥的父母比较起来,中国的家长也在在迈入肥胖的大军队伍中。 yeeyan

From various snippet archives to entire class databases, PHP developers are really spoilt for choice when it comes to reusing existing code.
从多中小的文档到整个数据库类, php开发者需要的时候可以随意的选择重用现有的代码。 yeeyan

He spoilt his little son.
他把他的小儿子宠坏了。 hjenglish

Her angry face would certainly silence any spoilt child demanding a better Christmas present.
她那张生气的脸当然会让想要更好的圣诞礼物的被宠坏的孩子安静下来。 yeeyan

Her husband behaves just like a spoilt child.
她丈夫的行为像个宠坏了的孩子。 iciba

Like Barcelona, United have found themselves spoilt for choice up front this season and Rooney insisted that a variety of options and competition for places was only a good thing.
就像巴塞罗那一样,曼联发现自己本赛季可供选择的球员过多而无从下手,鲁尼坚持认为,对于比赛位置的多种选择和竞争是一件好事。 goalhi

Our trip was spoilt by bad weather.
我们的旅行被坏天气搞砸了。 hjenglish

Players sometimes act like spoilt children on the field. Some are drunks or criminals off it.
圈子里的运动员们如同被惯坏了的孩子,还有酗酒犯罪之辈。 ecocn

Since the advent of modern urbanization, people have been confronted with the dilemma whether or not they should demolish old houses and buildings that seem to have spoilt the cityscape.
自从现代城市化的进程开始之后,人们一直面临着这样一种两难的境地:他们是否应该拆除那些是否有损市容的旧房屋和建筑物。 hjenglish

Some really good wallpapers on this site and a bunch of different categories, you’ll be spoilt for choice!
这个站点上有些确实不错的墙纸,以及各种分类,你一定会爱不释手! yeeyan

Tess, however, had undergone such painful experiences of this kind in her father's house, that the discovery of their condition spoilt the pleasure she was beginning to feel in the moonlight journey.
不过,苔丝住在她父亲家中的时候,已经经历过这种痛苦的体验了,她一看见她们的情形,她在月光下走路所开始感到的欢乐就被破坏掉了。 hjenglish

The first of the specific studies was on Salmonella, a bacterium found in spoilt food.
第一个具体研究是沙门氏菌,一种多见于变质食物中的细菌。 ecocn

The bad news has spoilt my day.
这坏消息把我这一天给毁了。 chinafanyi.com

The child was spoilt by his grandfather.
这个孩子被他的爷爷给惯坏了。 ebigear

The world of play is spoilt for the unfortunate youngster who is burdened with an unlimited quantity of playthings.
而对于那些为众多玩具所累的不幸孩童来说,他们的游戏世界已经被毁掉了。 yeeyan

Then all the old hands remembered that a certain dry mead, into which a few of the cows had been admitted of late, had, in years gone by, spoilt the butter in the same way.
于是所有的老工人也想起来了,近来有几头牛跑到了一块干草地里,在好几年前,也是因为一些牛跑进了那块地里而弄坏了黄油。 hjenglish

We're spoilt for choice; there are literally thousands of films to choose from.
我们可选的电影太多了,简直有成千上万的电影。 yeeyan

Who can say if the other five polling-stations did not contain just as much fraud— two of them produced suspiciously round numbers of votes and no spoilt ballots?
有谁能担保其余五个投票站没有类似的舞弊行为——其中两个投票站产生的得票数是可疑的整数,而且没有无效投票? ecocn




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