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词汇 splurge
释义 splurge 英splɜːdʒ美splɝdʒAHDsplûrj ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA²⁹³²⁶BNC⁶⁸¹⁴³iWeb¹⁶⁵⁶⁷Economist⁹⁹²⁷

an ostentatious display of effort or extravagance etc.any act of immoderate indulgence;

an orgy of shopping

an emotional binge

a splurge of spending

indulge oneself;

I splurged on a new TV

be showy or ostentatious可能来自 splash 和 surge 的合成词,或直接来自拟声词,模仿水流的声音,引申比喻义挥霍, 浪费。GRE红宝书spl = splashv 溅+surgen 巨浪-像泼水般花钱-挥霍
可能源自splash 溅,泼 + surge 汹涌的巨浪,象浪头向外泼水般挥霍
缩合组词:spl=spla sh溅水+surge 浪潮→像泼水般花钱 →挥霍
GRE难词记忆splurge → splash v.泼 溅 , 大 手 大 脚 花钱+surge v.波涛汹涌,急剧上升→联想记忆spl看作splash溅水+ urge → 花钱如泼水 ⇒摆阔近义词 fling投blow打击bout回合show证明spoil宠坏treat对待spend预算waste废物spree欢闹wallow打滚parade游行indulge迁就session会议display显示orgy纵酒狂欢binge狂欢作乐bender弄弯曲者exhibition展览fritter油炸馅饼demonstration示范

用作名词I had asplurgeand bought two new suits.我大手大脚花了一笔钱买了两套新衣服。
The victory meeting should be one without anysplurge.庆功会应该开成一个毫不炫耀摆阔的会。用作动词She won 100 and thensplurgedit all on new clothes.她赢了100英镑,都挥霍在买新衣服上了。verb.spend lavishly
同义词 binge,celebrate,fling,rampage,spreadbe extravagant,give a party
反义词 hoard,save
displaynoun public showing;spectacle
act,affectation,arrangement,array,arrayal,blaze,bravura,dash,demonstration,example,exhibit,exhibition,expo,exposition,exposure,fanfare,flourish,for show,frame-up,frippery,front,grandstand play,layout,manifestation,ostentation,ostentatiousness,pageant,panorama,parade,pedantry,pomp,presentation,pretension,pretentiousness,revelation,sample,scheme,shine,showboat,splash,splendor,spread,unfolding,vanity
displaysnoun public showing;spectacle
acts,affectations,arrangements,arrayals,arrays,blazes,bravuras,dashes,demonstrations,examples,exhibitions,exhibits,expos,expositions,exposures,fanfares,flourishes,for shows,frame-ups,fripperies,fronts,grandstand plays,layouts,manifestations,ostentation,ostentatiousnesses,pageants,panoramas,parades,pedantry,pomp,presentations,pretensions,pretentiousness,revelations,samples,schemes,shine,showboats,splashes,splendors,splurges,spreads,unfoldings,vanities
expendverb exhaust;spend
ante up,blow,consume,disburse,dish out,dispense,dissipate,distribute,employ,finish,foot the bill,fork out,give,go through,lay out,outlay,pay,pay out,put out,shell out,splurge,spring for,throw money at,use up,wash up
expenditurenoun payment
amount,application,bottom line,cash on barrelhead,charge,come to,consumption,cost,disbursement,dissipation,expense,figure,investment,kickback,outgo,outlay,output,payoff,price,rate,setback,spending,splurge,squander,throw,tune,use,valuation,value,waste
expendituresnoun payment
amounts,applications,bottom lines,cash on barrelheads,charges,come tos,consumptions,costs,disbursements,dissipations,expenses,figures,investments,kickbacks,outgos,outlays,outputs,payoffs,prices,rates,setbacks,spendings,splurges,squanders,throws,tunes,uses,valuations,values,wastes
flingnoun unrestrained behavior
affair,attempt,binge,celebration,crack,essay,fun,gamble,go,good time,indulgence,orgy,party,rampage,shot,splurge,spree,stab,trial,try,venture,whirl A pre- election splurge another tradition helped widen the deficit.
大选前的挥霍另一个传统有助于扩大赤字。 ecocn

Resisting the urge to splurge on holidays or weekends, NWCR members eat the same foods on a regular basis.
他们在假期及周末的时候控制自己挥霍饮食的习惯。定期内的食谱是一样的。 yeeyan

The Labour government doubled school spending in real terms during its13 years in power; despite the splurge, the attainment gap between the two systems has widened.
工党政府在其执政的13年中,实实在在地让学校的开支翻了一番,尽管挥霍,但在两个体系之间的差距已经扩大了。 ecocn

The splurge was spurred by unprecedented discounts offered by retailers after sluggish pre- Christmas sales.
经历了圣诞节前销售呆滞的零售商们,提供的前所未有的折扣刺激了这次挥霍。 dltcedu

“ We may not be able to buy luxuries any more, but we can still splurge on small pleasures like chocolate, ” he laughs.
“虽然我们付不起奢侈享受的钱,但是仍然可以在巧克力这类享受上小挥霍一把。”他笑着说。 yeeyan

Although sophisticated chips are an essential ingredient of many European exports, from cars to medical equipment, the answer is unlikely to be a splurge of taxpayers’ money.
虽然精密芯片是很多欧洲出口品的核心要素,从汽车到医疗设备,但答案是不可能去挥霍纳税人的金钱。 ecocn

But remember, such fried treats as this are a health splurge: The popular battered-and- fried onion at some restaurants, for example, can pack a day's worth of calories.
但请记住,像这些油炸食品对健康是一种挥霍:例如,在一些餐厅很受欢迎的油炸洋葱已经包含一天所需的热量。 yeeyan

Experts do not expect it will take investigators long to catch up with the couple; the only question is how much they can splurge before they are found.
专家不认为抓获这对夫妇会花很长时间;唯一的问题是,在被捕之前他们能挥霍多少。 yeeyan

Fewer people want to splurge on snakes that cost thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars.
越来越少的人愿意把钱挥霍在这些上千或上万的蛇身上。 ecocn

He cautions in Marketing Letters that when you see and touch the plastic it is just like smelling biscuits baking when you are hungry: you feel compelled to splurge to satisfy the craving.
他在《市场快报》中提醒人们,当看到、接触到信用卡时,就像饥饿的人闻到烤饼干的味道:你将感到不得不挥霍,以满足自己的欲望。 yeeyan

How to control the politicians’ urge to splurge?
那如何才能控制政客们挥霍无度呢? ecocn

However, it was reactivated two years later as the politically motivated urge to splurge once again took over.
但是,两年后,政治驱动的挥霍之风再次抬头,债务钟又被激活。 ecocn

I splurge when I’m stressed and when I’m celebrating.
当我有压力时或当我庆祝时,我会挥霍。 yeeyan

If you're going to splurge, do it on an experience you'll remember, not goods or gadgets.
如果想去挥霍一下,最好把钱花在那些让你铭记的体验上,而不是花钱买些商品或器具。 yeeyan

If your priorities are fuzzy, how do you know when to save, spend or splurge?
如果你都不知道哪些事情是需要优先处理,你如何判断何时该节约,何时该花费甚至挥霍呢? yeeyan

In fact, say analysts at HSBC, a bank, its Keynesian splurge is one of the world’s least green.
事实上,汇丰银行分析人士称,银行的凯恩斯主义式挥霍是世界最不绿色环保方式之一。 ecocn

It's surely promising that consumers are confident enough in their economic future to splurge on pleasure boats and booze.
从消费者在游艇和名酒的挥霍上能看出他们对经济前景的乐观。 yeeyan

Still, the Gulf's splurge might be better spent if governments were doing even less of the splurging.
但是,如果政府的炫耀性建设再少一些的话,这种炫耀会是更好的消费。 ecocn

The alternative to a lending splurge is to try again to push global product lines.
挥霍贷款的备选方案就是试着再一次推动全球产品线。 ecocn

The spending splurge prefigured the most toxic aspect of Labour’s domestic record: vaulting debt see chart2 and a fiscal deficit that equalled 11.6% of GDP in2009-10.
挥霍的开支预示着工党本国纪律的最毒的方面。跳马站务见表2和财政赤字在2009年10以11.6%相等。 ecocn

This splurge has outstripped even the expansion in oil revenues: the Chávez administration has managed the admirable feat of running a budget deficit in the midst of an oil boom.
这种挥霍甚至超过了石油收入的增长:查韦斯政府在石油发展的黄金时期能够获得令人敬佩的功绩,那就是财政赤字。 ecocn

When your income goes up, it’s fine to splurge a little.
如果你的收入增加了,当然可以适当挥霍一点。 yeeyan

While the occasional impulse buy or splurge or day out window shopping is not a problem, shopping should not be the cure for everything that ails you.
虽然偶尔的冲动购买或挥霍或者一天逛街购物不是一个问题,但是购物不应该是治愈你一切的不舒服的方式。 yeeyan




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