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More powerful as a counterweight to the SPLM are the churches, both Catholic and Protestant.
同苏丹人民解放运动 SPLM力量相当的是天主教和基督教会。 ecocn

The African Union- backed accord was signed between the Sudanese government and the SPLM North party.
非洲联盟支持的该协议在苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动 SPLM之间签署。 hxen

The Dinka, the biggest tribe, run the SPLM and get most of the spoils.
Dinka是最大的部落,管理苏丹人民解放运动 SPLM,获得大部分的贿金。 ecocn

The Dr John Garang Memorial University, named in honour of the SPLM's former leader who died in a helicopter crash in2005, was set up in2008.
于2008年建立的约翰•加朗博士纪念大学是为了纪念苏丹人民解放运动前领导人于2005年出现空难而建立的。 ecocn

The influential former foreign minister, Lam Akol, is founding his own party to challenge the SPLM.
颇具影响力的钱外交部长 Lam Akol,正在组建自己的政党来反对苏丹人民解放军 SPLM。 ecocn

The main southern opposition party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement SPLM, withdrew its presidential candidate and most of its parliamentary ones in the north.
主要的南方反对党,苏丹人民解放运动 SPLM,撤下了其在北方的总统候选人和大多数的议员候选人。 ecocn

“ The NCP is planning to renege on its commitments, because it wants our petrodollars,” the SPLM secretary-general, Pagan Amum, said in the heated atmosphere before the deal was struck.
“全国大会党有违背其承诺的打算,因为它需要我们的石油利润”,苏丹人民解放运动秘书长 Pagan Amum在协议达成之前的紧张氛围下说。 ecocn

A large proportion of the SPLM's small revenue goes on new weapons, such as, it is widely assumed, the T-72 tanks now stuck off the Somali coast.
苏丹人民解放运动微薄收入中的一大部分都用到了新武器上,比如,大家都说,困在索马里海岸的 T-72坦克。 ecocn

An unaccountable SPLM would be perfectly happy to get through to its own referendum in 2011 without elections.
一个不用对谁负责的苏丹人民解放运动将非常乐于进入2011年它自己的全民投票而不进行选举。 ecocn

Businessmen say they all need good“ friends” in the rebel-army-turned- ruling-party, the SPLM, which controls access to most economic opportunities.
商人们说他们都需要由反抗军转为执政党的苏丹人民解放运动 SPLM中的好“朋友”,这些人掌控着绝大多数做生意的机会。 yeeyan

But beyond the SPLM leaders’ rosy poolside view is a more worrying picture.
但在苏丹人民解放运动领导人的这些乐观的池畔念想的远方,存在着更令人担忧的东西。 ecocn

But in the south the former rebels of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement SPLM, which rules a vast semi- autonomous region, are sure to win handsomely— and pretty fairly.
但在南方,管理着大面积半自治区的前叛军苏丹人民解放运动,将会毫无悬念地以漂亮而且绝对公平地胜出。 ecocn

But whether the SPLM would then do a good job is increasingly doubtful.
但南方是否能做好他们接下来的工作,越来越充满疑问了。 ecocn

Few opposition figures won seats in the parliament; like so many liberation movements in Africa, the SPLM finds it hard to tolerate dissidents.
反对派没有在议会赢得席位;同非洲的许多自由运动一样,苏丹人民解放运动 SPLM也难以接受持不同政见的人。 ecocn

For its part, the NCP worries that the SPLM will scare voters in the south into saying yes.
站在全国大会党的立场上,他们担心苏丹人民解放运动将胁迫南方的投票者投赞成票。 topsage

In this article, a simple and practical method of evaluating sound isolation and leak of cabs is introduced, and an example of cab sound isolation and leak measurement using SPLM has been given.
本文介绍一种简单可行的评价驾驶室隔声漏声的测量方法,并结合实际给出了声压法在驾驶室隔声漏声测量中的应用实例。 cnki

like so many liberation movements in Africa, the SPLM finds it hard to tolerate dissidents.
同非洲的许多自由运动一样,苏丹人民解放运动 SPLM也难以接受持不同政见的人。 ecocn

Many voters saw the election as a dry run for next year’s promised referendum, especially after the SPLM pulled its candidate out of the race against Mr Bashir for Sudan’s national presidency.
许多选民把这次选举看作承诺明年进行的全民公决的铺垫,尤其是苏丹人民解放运动候选人退出与巴希尔竞选总统的比赛之后。 ecocn

METHOD:34 targets of6 diseases were investigated and analysed with SPLM system.
方法:调查6种疾病的34项指标,周SPLM统计软件处理分析。 cnki

Now, however, the NCP and the south's ruling Sudan People's LiberationMovement SPLM have at last worked out most of the details.

President Omar al-Bashir says he will cancel a promised referendum on independence for southern Sudan if the SPLM boycotts the poll.
苏丹总统巴希尔表示,如果人民解放运动 SPLM抵制投票,他将取消此前承诺的针对南苏丹独立进行全民公决。

Some feel betrayed by the boycotts and naked politicking of the opposition parties, particularly the SPLM.
反对党赤裸裸的政治活动和抵制让一些人觉得被出卖,特别是 SPLM。 yeeyan

The call came from the secretary general of SPLM- North, who accused government troops of perpetrating atrocities.
该呼吁来自北苏丹人民解放运动 SPLM秘书长,他指控政府军队实施暴行。 putclub

The SPLM will then direct its focus on the referendum of2011, in the hope that the south will secede and it will emerge as ruler of a new country rising from the ashes of half a century of turmoil.
苏丹人民解放运动将把注意力转向2011年的公投,寄希望于南方能够独立,并能够在动荡了半个多世纪的国家的废墟上建立起一座新的国家。 ecocn

Yet a state built solely on the SPLM’s narrative is bound to disappoint.
然而,单靠苏人运的鼓吹建立起来的一个国家必然是会让人失望的。 ecocn

SPLM-North wants the UN Security Council to impose a no- fly zone over Blue Nile, Southern Kordofan and Darfur.
苏丹人民解放运动希望联合国在蓝尼罗河,南科尔多凡和达尔富尔地区设立一个禁飞区。 hxen




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