

单词 splits up
释义 splits up短语¹⁸⁰⁰⁹⁸⁺¹
The phenomenon that social stratum of China splits up has already become a problem that must be studied emphatically at the present stage.
现阶段中国社会阶层分化现象已经成为一个必须着重研究的问题。 cnki

The war has brought reorganization and splits up of politics, the economy, the culture and so on, and causes China to be divided national area, the liberated area and the enemy-occupied area.
战争带来了政治、经济、文化等各方面的重组与分化,并使得中国分割成国统区、解放区和沦陷区。 dictall

Under certain conditions this compound splits up, or decomposes, into two substances.
在一定条件下,这种化合物就会分裂或分解成两种物质。 www.ecp.com.cn

But splits up and the edge production is because in the system social burden overweight, the social security project too is comprehensive and so on the factor influence.
而分化和边缘化的产生是由于体制内的社会负担过重、社会保障项目过于全面等因素的影响。 fabiao

In a situation that the social stratum splits up and the subject of interests is pluralistic, it is one of the administrative responsibilities of government to combine the social interest relation.
在社会阶层分化、利益主体多元化的情况下,整合社会利益关系是政府的行政责任之一。 cnki

Past research pays close attention to the impact on social structure of change of mass media technology more, seldom discuss the function in the social stratum splits up of mass media.
以往的研究更多地关注大众传播技术的改变对社会结构的影响,很少讨论大众传播在社会阶层分化中的作用。 cnki

Regardless of splits up from the theory category by the logical chain link to depend on, rational supposition or Ming Huoan existence in modern West society theory.
无论是从理论范畴上分化还是以逻辑链条为依准,理性假设均或明或暗的存在于近代西方社会理论中。 www.qikan.com.cn

So, what the government should do is to adjust the policy, to change the pattern so that rural society splits up rationally.
为此,政府需要调整农村政策、改变城乡二元格局,以促进农村社会的合理分化。 cnki

But the martial arts fist plants the basic reason which appears is the technology splits up unceasingly.




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