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词汇 splendour
释义 splen·dour 英ˈsplendə美ˈsplɛndɚAHDsplĕnʹdər ★☆☆☆☆高四八ICOCA⁷⁹⁸⁶¹BNC¹⁴³²¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
a quality that outshines the usualthe quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand;

for magnificence and personal service there is the Queen's hotel

his `Hamlet' lacks the brilliance that one expects

it is the university that gives the scene its stately splendor

an imaginative mix of old-fashioned grandeur and colorful art

advertisers capitalize on the grandness and elegance it brings to their products

splend-our⇒n.光彩¹¹;显赫¹⁵;辉煌²⁵;壮丽²⁶;华丽²³n.豪华;光辉;雄伟;恢弘气势;壮丽景色;光耀;杰出;显著;壮观;绚丽;卓越;荣耀 _null.=splendorv.使…变得壮观近义词 glory光荣sight视力finery装饰wonder惊奇lustre光彩luster光彩dignity尊严triumph凯旋miracle奇迹luxury奢侈品grandeur庄严splendor光辉sensation感觉spectacle景象grandness宏伟brilliance才华excellence优秀brilliancy亮度majesty最高权威magnificence豪华marvel奇异的事物impressiveness给人深刻印象…

用作名词The house has been restored to its originalsplendour.这座房子已经恢复了当初的光彩。
Can the city recapture its formersplendour?这座城市还能重现其往昔的辉煌吗?
He had never before gazed on suchsplendour.他生平从未见过如此壮观的场面。
The painter tried to depict thesplendourof the sunset.画家试图描绘出日落的壮丽景象。
The hotel has thesplendourof a nineteenth-century mansion.这家旅馆具有19 世纪豪宅的华丽风格。
My wife and daughters came down,and dressed out in all their formersplendour.我妻子带着女儿下楼来,穿得同以前一样华丽。 And for all its splendour, the cathedral is a newish building for a newly revived institution, one that remembers being weak.
除去一切富丽堂皇的装饰,大教堂作为一座新兴的慈善机构其成员均为弱势群体还不是很远的事。 ecocn

And sing aloud in the splendour. of starlight.
在星辉斓里放歌。 ebigear

And though of magnificence and splendour, your house shall not hold your secret nor shelter your longing.
纵然你们的宅邸金碧辉煌,它们也无法隐藏你们的秘密,掩盖你们的愿望。 ebigear

But amidst all the splendour of cities such as Mumbai, and the acclaim for the supposed economic boom in India, remember that there is still so much poverty in the country.
别忘了,在孟买这样奢华的城市当中,在所谓崛起的经济背后,仍然有不计其数的穷人。 yeeyan

It may have been shorn of its customary snow- capped splendour, but it was still a majestic sight.
此时的景象和人们所习惯的白雪覆盖山顶的壮丽形象虽然有所不同,但仍不失巍峨庄严。 yeeyan

The splendour of a peacock's tail and the throaty roar of a stag really do show which males are fittest, and thus help females choose.
孔雀尾巴的华丽程度与鹿鸣声可以真实地反映哪些雄性是最健康合适的伴侣,从而有助于雌性动物选择。 ecocn

The neo- baroque Berliner Dom Berlin Cathedral1905, has been restored to its pre- WWII splendour.
新巴洛克风格的柏林大教堂,建成于1905年。 经过修整,如今已恢复它在二战前的华丽辉煌。 kekenet

A few tram stops beyond the baroque splendour is a structure that has little to do with glory.
几个超越巴洛克式辉煌的电车站是带有少许荣耀的结构。 ecocn

After hours, days, of elemental splendour, it's bracing to see the seaside grow suddenly productive and menacing.
在经过长时间浸染在大自然的美景中,突然在海边看到人类生产活动的迹象令人耳目一新。 yeeyan

All those things pale into insignificance when we face the splendour of what it is that makes us tick.
在伟大的爱面前,所有这些都微不足道,因为正是爱使我们的生活不断继续。 yeeyan

In recent months the size and splendour of the rented house have become another flash point.
最近几个月来,州长租住房的恢宏和奢华已成为媒体的焦点。 ecocn

Of the meretricious splendour I had heard so much there is not a trace.
我听到过很多对此地豪华装饰的描述,但是我找不到一丝这样的痕迹。 yeeyan

Sculptures and tapestries add to the overall feeling of splendour.
摆放的雕塑和挂起的织锦为这富丽堂皇的氛围锦上添花。 ecocn

Snow- White agreed, and went with him, and the wedding was celebrated with great splendour and magnificence.
白雪公主答应了,跟王子回到王宫,举办了盛大的婚礼。 hjenglish

So to be able to face each day, knowing that if the world can exist in such beauty and splendour, there is nothing that you need to be concerned about.
那么要有勇气面对每一天,要明白如果这个世界可以在美丽和显赫中存在,你不需要去涉及。 yeeyan

Some years later he carried his son to the cave and taught him the secret, which he handed down to his posterity, who, using their good fortune with moderation, lived in great honour and splendour.
很多年之后他把他儿子带到这个山洞并且教给了他这个秘密,传给他的子孙后代,他们适度的运用他们的巨大的财富,生活的非常荣耀和舒适。 yeeyan

Soon after, their marriage was celebrated with great splendour, and the fawn was taken the greatest care of, and played where he pleased, or roamed about the castle grounds in happiness and safety.
不久之后,他们举行了隆重的婚礼庆典,小鹿也得到了最好的照顾,他可以随意的玩耍,或者在城堡里快乐安全的到处晃悠。 yeeyan

Thank God, that I stand so near and can at least see all the splendour.
谢天谢地,我靠得这么近,至少能够欣赏到她们的美。 yeeyan

The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendour.

The ray quivered to and fro, making her figure dim or distinct- now like a real child, now like a child's spirit- as the splendour went and came again.
那阳光来回抖动,使得她的身影忽明忽暗——一会儿象是个活生生的孩子,一会儿又象是孩子的精灵——随着阳光去面复返。 hjenglish

They stood in the noon of that strange and solemn splendour, as if it were the light that is to reveal all secrets, and the daybreak that shall unite all who belong to one another.
他们三人站在亮如白昼的奇妙而肃穆的光辉里,似乎正是那光辉要揭示一切隐秘,而那白昼则要将所有相属的人结合在一起。 hjenglish

To accommodate the pictures' increasing splendour the words are squeezed in around them, the texts becoming tangled in the branches of trees as heroes on horses slay their demons below.
为了给华丽的图画腾出地方,所有的文字都挤在图画周围,就像悬挂在树枝上,而大树的下面,英雄们正在马背上斩妖除魔。 ecocn

With its stone, the ancient Greeks had built the greatest city in the world, and although Siracusa was sacked in AD878, much of the splendour remains.
古希腊人就是用这里的石块建起了世界上最伟大的城市。尽管希劳克斯自公元878年就被废弃了,许多壮观的建筑保留了下来。 yeeyan




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