

单词 splatters
释义 splat·ter·s 英'splætəʳ美'splætər COCA⁶⁸⁵³⁸BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively;

he heard a spatter of gunfire

a small quantity of something moist or liquid;

a dab of paint

a splatter of mud

just a splash of whiskey

cause or allow a liquid substance to run or flow from a container;

spill the milk

splatter water

dash a liquid upon or against;

The mother splashed the baby's face with water

splatter movie凶杀影片splatter filter溅泼过滤器
近义词 wet湿的dab轻触dash猛冲splosh钱spatter溅spray喷雾swash飞溅plash激溅spill溢出sprinkle洒dabble喷洒bespatter溅sputter喷溅splash溅泼声sputtering飞溅声spattering飞溅的slop液体等晃荡…splutter杂乱而仓促的话…splattering动词splatter的现…

用作动词When using the toilet fullback water every time, drip cansplattereverywhere, and the bacterium can distribute each corner.当每次如厕后冲水的时候,水珠便会四处飞溅,细菌便会散布到每一个角落。
Don'tsplatter. Say it out flatly!不要吱吱唔唔的,直接说出来吧! Is the inside of your microwave sporting some soup splatters?
微波炉里是不是有一些汤洒出来了? yeeyan

Slurry used for wafer planarization splatters and sticks on the surface of CMP retaining rings.
CMP制程使用的研磨液会飞溅和粘附在 CMP环的表面上。 scm-peek

Blood splatters across the wall and window as T- Bag rises and exits, leaving Abruzzi on the floor, clutching his neck with a pool of blood around him.
血喷溅到窗户和墙上, T- Bag起身离开了。 Abruzzi躺在了血泊中,双手紧握脖子。 yeeyan

I also use paint and water to create semi-opaque splatters on the negative before I scan them.
我也会在扫描前用颜料和水弄在底片上以制造一种半透明的模糊效果。 yeeyan

Right now blare, the clay that splatters falls on their body in succession.
此时一声巨响,飞溅起来的泥土纷纷落在他们的身上。 bbs.24en.com

Take off heat, add a little cream and whisk vigorously. Watch out for steam and splatters.
关火,加一点点奶油和威士忌,小心沸腾和蒸汽。 blog.sina.com.cn

What splatters on the floor the dog licks up.
溅到地板上的被狗舔光。 blog.sina.com.cn




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