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词汇 splashed
释义 splashed 英sp'læʃt美sp'læʃt 高COCA²⁵²¹¹BNC²⁴⁹⁶²iWeb⁴²⁴⁶⁶Economist¹⁴⁴⁵²
of a fluid having been propelled about in flying drops or masses;

with clothes wet by splashed water

covered with bright patches often used in combination;

waves dabbled with moonlight

a blood-spattered room

gardens splashed with color

kitchen walls splattered with grease

近义词 dabbled动词dabble的过去式…spattered动词spatter的过去…splattered动词splatter的过…

The rainsplasheddown all day.雨 里啪啦下了一整天。
Watersplashedinto the bucket from the tap.水从龙头里喷溅著注入水桶中。
Wesplashedacross the stream.我们哗啦哗啦地 尚过小河。
The spacecraftsplasheddown in the Pacific.那艘宇宙飞船溅落在太平洋中。
Shesplashedthrough the puddles.她哗哗地 尚过水坑。
Shesplashedout on a new pair of shoes.她心血来潮买了一双新鞋。
The story wassplashedacross the front page of the newspaper.这篇报道刊登在报纸头版显著位置。 In December1997, a technician at Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center was splashed in the eye with body fluid from a monkey infected with Herpes B; she died six weeks later as a result.
1997年12月,在耶基斯地方灵长类动物研究中心的技术人员眼中溅入感染了乙型疱疹的猴子体液,结果6个星期后她就死了。 yeeyan

The hot oil splashed out of the pot.

The water splashed out of the tub upon the floor.

“In the morning, I was left in the cold weather after they splashed me with water, ” he said.
“早上,他们用冷水泼湿我后就把我留在寒冷的天气里就不管了。” 扎伊迪控诉道。 yeeyan

A bit of plaster which fell into the stream and splashed up the water a few paces away from Jean Valjean, warned him that the ball had struck the arch over his head.
一块泥土掉入小股流水中,使水溅到冉阿让前面几步的地方,这告诉他枪弹已打中了他头上的拱顶了。 ebigear

After a month spent moping around while my bicycle gathered dust in a garage, I have allocated five days to the task and splashed out on a ridiculously bulky new jacket plus an extra pair of gloves.
在原地踏步一个月之后,我在车库里的自行车已经积了厚厚一层灰。我打算用五天时间来完成这个任务,穿上一件笨重得可笑的新茄克,再多加一副手套,我出发了。 yeeyan

As the two splashed in the cool, green water, whoops rose from the bank.
当他们两个在凉爽而碧绿的水里弄得水花四溅,河岸上大声的呼喊响起来了。 yeeyan

Britain has indeed splashed out on education but in some questionable areas, and it has squeezed, perhaps unwisely, in others.
英国确实在教育领域大量花钱,但是在有疑问的领域却压缩开支,或许愚笨地,来支持其他领域。 ecocn

But given the adulation with which Chinese fans shower the country's divers, there's little question that they, too, will soon be splashed across thousands of billboards.
但他们却受到大量中国粉丝对中国跳水运动员的赞扬,他们将很快被登上数以千计的广告牌,这也不是一个问题。 yeeyan

Dr Renno thinks that when the craft settled, its thrusters melted some of the ice and the resulting mud splashed onto the leg.
雷诺博士认为当飞行器着陆时,它的推进器融化了一些冰,随之产生的泥溅到了支架腿上。 ecocn

Everyone seemed to agree with Michael Collins’s thought as he splashed back down into the Pacific with Armstrong and Aldrin: “ Nice ocean you got here, planet Earth.”
每个人似乎都同意迈克尔·柯林斯与阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林一起返程溅落太平洋时的想法:“在这里,在地球上,拥有美好的海洋。” yeeyan

For the next two hours there were up-turned faces and gasps of astonishment, roars of laughter as water splashed about and balloons popped.
接下来的两个小时里,那里有仰面大笑,惊讶的喘息声,以及水花四溅和气球爆裂时的哄堂大笑。 ebigear

Gore splattered the beige plastic panel behind the corpse, splashed to the floor in thick black drops.
尸体背后米色的塑料壁板喷满鲜血,地板上也溅满暗红粘稠的血斑。 yeeyan

He remembers that when he returned home after fleeing the crime scene, he splashed water on his face before noticing something strange in the bathtub.
他记得当他从犯罪发生现场离开后,他回到家里捧水洗脸,然后发现在浴缸里有奇怪的东西。 yeeyan

Her clothes were wet, but it wasn's Ellen's fault because children all get splashed when they fish.
她的衣服湿了,但这并不是艾伦的过错,因为所有的孩子在钓鱼时都会被溅湿。 ebigear

I was joking, it was not serious, but naturally the press picked up on it and splashed it all over the headlines.
当时我是开玩笑,并非严肃的说,但是媒体如获至宝,把它作为头条大肆报道。 yeeyan

It worked, and the station was able to successfully complete its communications role in the mission. Apollo11 splashed down safely the next day.
很快,这个轴承就可以正常运转了,于是跟踪站顺利地完成这次通讯任务,使阿波罗11号于次日安全地溅落,回到地球。 yeeyan

Once she faltered for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.
踌躇了一分钟,一动不动地立在那儿,破旧的红地毯上溅落了一、两滴眼泪。 hjenglish

She smiled up at me when I looked in, and splashed a little.
她对着我微笑,甚至还把水给溅出来一点。 yeeyan

Sure, you can be angry at getting splashed with mud, stepping in dog poop, or inadvertently throwing a red towel in with the white laundry.
要是泥水溅脏了衣服,踩到了狗屎,或是无意中将一条红色毛巾混在一堆白色衣物中洗,你当然会很生气。 ebigear

Sure, you can be angry at getting splashed with mud, stepping in dog poop, or inadvertently throwing a red towel in with the white laundry. In fact, that is probably the most normal response.
当然,如果被溅了一身泥,踩了狗屎,或者无意间把红色的毛巾与白色的衣物混在一起洗了,你是可以发火的,事实上,这是最自然不过的反应了。 ebigear

The sea itself has receded, and where merry green waves once splashed there are wastelands, vineyards, silence.
大海本身退却了,曾经四处飞溅过欢快的绿色浪花的地方,现在成了荒地,葡萄园,寂静无声。 yeeyan

The story of their success was splashed all over the front page.
有关他们的成功的报道醒目地占用了报纸的整个头版。 iciba

The waves splashed on the beach.

They splashed through the mire to the village.
他们一路踏着泥水向村子去。 for68

Tourists and Romans alike splashed themselves with water from some of the Italian city's famous fountains on Monday as temperatures climbed to33 degrees.
周一的时候,随着气温爬升至33度,游客和罗马人都把意大利城市的著名喷泉的水往自己身上泼。 hxen

We've all splashed water over our face in a bid to wake up in the morning.
早上起床后,我们都会将水泼到脸上,这可以使我们清醒。 yeeyan

Yet it was inescapable that he should be lauded as Palestine’s poet laureate, and not merely because his words were made into popular songs and splashed as headlines to sell newspapers.
然而,无可回避,他理应被誉为巴勒斯坦的桂冠诗人,这不仅仅是因为他的话被编作流行歌谣并被刊作报纸头条以刺激报纸销售。 ecocn




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