

单词 barrage
释义 barrage 英ˈbɑːrɪdʒ美ˈbɑrɪdʒAHDbärʹĭj ★☆☆☆☆高四GIS宝八COCA¹⁵³⁰⁹BNC¹¹¹⁹⁸iWeb¹³⁷⁶⁵Economist¹²⁴¹⁶

the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication spoken or written;

a barrage of questions

a bombardment of mail complaining about his mistake

the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target;

they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops

the shelling went on for hours without pausing

address with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage;

The speaker was barraged by an angry audience

The governor was bombarded with requests to grant a pardon to the convicted killer

发音释义:'bærɑːʒ n. 拦河坝;火力网;弹幕vt.以密集火力攻击或阻止
结构分析:barrage = barr棒、栏杆+age物品→用来阻拦的物品→拦河坝、火力网
同源词:bar棒、栏杆;barrier障碍物、屏障barrage balloon阻塞气球box barrage方形弹幕rolling barrage徐进弹幕射击…river barrage拦河堰barrage jamming抑制干扰,阻塞干扰,…mine barrage雷幕antiaircraft barrage对空拦阻射击…barrage altitude拦阻射击高度; 气球…balloon barrage气球阻寒网,气球拦阻…barrage receiver双天线抗干扰接收机…barrage fire高射炮火网barrage jammer全波段干扰机…barrage width抑止频带宽度…regulating barrage调节坝
GRE红宝书bar酒吧, rage愤怒. 酒吧里出现暴怒的场面. 一定是因为中国队输球了, 遭遇了黑色3分钟什么的. 只见酒吧里酒瓶子乱飞, 形成弹幕. 然后, 酒越来越多, 需要一个大坝拦住, 不然, 北京就成了威尼斯了.
bar 阻拦栅栏 + rage 疯狂→疯狂阻击,拦截
barr=bar,阻拦-age集合/活动/动作名词后缀→阻拦之物→火力网,弹幕,齐射式攻击;拦河坝⇒转作动词以密集炮火进攻,比喻连珠炮似地发问或指责。词根记忆barr条,棒age年龄→火力像棒子一样长或连续→弹幕射击;火力网例 The army has laid down a barrage. 军队已经布设了火力网。非常记忆bar酒吧+rage暴怒⇒酒吧老板暴怒后骂了一连串脏话分拆记忆bar酒吧+ rage大怒→ 酒吧大怒 → 飞起弹幕 ⇒弹幕词根记忆barr-age集合/活动/动作表名词=用捧拦住=阻塞近义词 shell壳dam水坝hail冰雹bomb炸弹dike堤坝bank银行salvo齐射flood淹没volley齐发shower淋浴storm暴风雨bombard炮轰battery电池shelling去壳onslaught猛攻outpouring流露embankment堤防bombardment炮击fusillade枪炮齐射…barrage fire高射炮火网

用作名词Make your opponents spin and crash as you bombard them with abarrageof weapons.向你的竞争对手们进行弹幕式的炸掉袭击,让他们团团转并一一被摧毁。noun.weapon fire
同义词 blast,bombardment,fusillade,gunfire,hail,salvo,shelling,shower,storm,volleybattery,broadside,cannonade,crossfire,discharge,enfilade,firecurtain of firenoun.profusion of something
同义词 assault,attack,blast,bombardment,burst,deluge,hail,onslaught,rain,shower,storm,stream,surge,torrentmass,plethora
attacknoun physical assault
advance,aggression,assailing,assailment,blitz,blitzkrieg,charge,defilement,dirty deed,drive,encounter,encroachment,foray,incursion,initiative,inroad,intervention,intrusion,invasion,irruption,mugging,offense,offensive,onrush,onset,onslaught,outbreak,push,raid,rape,rush,skirmish,storming,strike,thrust,violation,volley
attacksnoun physical assault
avalanchenoun falling large mass;sudden rush of large quantity
battlenoun military fight
action,assault,attack,barrage,blitzkreig,bloodshed,bombing,brush,campaign,carnage,clash,combat,conflict,contention,crusade,encounter,engagement,fighting,fray,havoc,hostility,onset,onslaught,press,ravage,scrimmage,significant contact,skirmish,sortie,strife,struggle,war,warfare
battlesnoun military fight
actions,assaults,attacks,barrages,blitzkreigs,bloodshed,bombings,brushes,campaigns,carnage,clashes,combats,conflicts,contentions,crusades,encounters,engagements,fightings,fray,havoc,hostilities,onsets,onslaughts,presses,ravages,scrimmages,significant contacts,skirmishes,sorties,strife,struggles,warfare,wars
bombardverb assault, attack
assail,barrage,batter,beset,besiege,blast,blitz,bomb,cannonade,catapult,fire upon,harass,hound,launch,open fire,pester,pound,shell,strafe,strike A barrage of strikes, work stoppages and sit-ins will peak with a paralysing two-day general walk-out on Wednesday.
接二连三的罢工、停产和静坐将在周三至一次为期两天的全民游行时达到顶峰。 yeeyan

The protests may have prompted Hamas to unleash its mortar barrage at Israel, to deflect attention from its own woes.
抗议活动也许已经促进哈马斯解除对以色列的迫击炮弹幕,来转移它问题的焦点。 ecocn

The trigger for the latest barrage was the jobs bill Barack Obama submitted to Congress last month.
上个月巴拉克•奥巴马向国会递交的就业法案触发了最近一次的交火。 ecocn

They now are facing a barrage of requests for interviews, job offers, world tours, and film and book deals.
被救矿工现在面对着无数的采访请求,工作邀请,世界旅游和电影拍摄和新书发布。 yeeyan

To the left the infantry had been halted by the devastating artillery barrage.
左翼步兵被敌人破坏性的炮兵弹幕所阻滞。 yeeyan

Benghazi residents interviewed by telephone reported a relentless artillery barrage before government tanks entered the city from the west on Saturday morning.
通过电话采访,班加西居民报道了周六早上在政府坦克从西面进入城市之前巨大的大炮火力。 yeeyan

But in the barrage of press attention since the news broke, little mention has been made of a large group of other casualties: high- achieving female executives.
但当事情败露,诸多媒体大肆宣扬此事的时候,却很少有人关注另外一个同样受到伤害的群体——表现出色的女性高管。 letaoba.info

But that’s passive relaxation and due to the constant barrage of stimuli it’s not relaxation at all.
但那只是一种被动的放松,而且因为不断的,密集的感官刺激,这完全就不是放松。 yeeyan

Far from harming the established publications, the multimedia gossip barrage may be driving readers to check scurrilous rumours with them.
多媒体八卦的攻势非但不会波及现有杂志,也许会驱使读者和他们一起核查损人的谣言。 ecocn

Financial markets increased the odds of more short-term interest-rate cuts this week after a barrage of grim economic news.
在一些令人厌烦的财经新闻报道之后,本周金融市场增加了短期利率下调的可能性。 ecocn

I worried whether the barrage of shattering surprises would disorient you.
我担心一连串令人吃惊的倒闭是否将误导你。 yeeyan

In this society of more is better, there is a non- stop barrage of words, images, noise.
在这个越多越好的社会里,不停的出现各种文字,图像,声音的攻势。 yeeyan

Media reports of this latest trick have stirred up an online barrage toward the scammers.
媒体对最新的这个伎俩的报道在网上掀起了对骗子的一片声讨。 yeeyan

The barrage came only days after North Korea revealed a new uranium-enrichment facility to American scientists.
这次袭击发生在朝鲜向美国科学家展示其新研发的浓缩铀设备之后。 ecocn

This week he declared that France could no longer “maintain the illusory barrage of a so-called model that each day shows itself to no longer work, nor protect anything or anybody”.
这个人很有可能是萨科奇。他这周对外宣称:法国将不会被桎梏于在所谓没有工作,任何自然人或财产都不受到保护的现代社会的幻觉枷锁中。 ecocn

We’ve been subjected to a steady barrage of disinformation about the supposed merits of spending cuts, ranging from simple misunderstandings to outright propaganda.
我们已经遭受太久而猛烈的关于削减消费所可能带来好处的冲击,从简单的误解到彻底的去宣传。 yeeyan

We shrug and nervously reassure ourselves that our brains’ “ hard drives” are just too full to handle the barrage of new information that comes in daily.
对此,我们只能无奈的耸耸肩,安慰焦虑的自己:我们的大脑硬盘太满了,已经无法处理每天潮涌而至的信息。 yeeyan




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