

单词 Spiritual Cultivation
释义 Spiritual Cultivation短语¹⁸⁰⁰⁹⁸⁺¹
In spiritual cultivation, the first step in purifying out mind is to learn to control the invasion of our senses.
修行净化自己的心灵,首先要想学会自我控制感官的入侵。 blog.sina.com.cn

Physical activity enhances health; spiritual cultivation enhances wisdom.
生命健康需要活动,慧命健康需靠精进。 vegsochk

After they went into town, they came across a Pratyeka Buddha who carried himself with great dignity. He had a high level of spiritual cultivation and came and went freely.
当他们进城后,遇到一位辟支佛,他的行仪非常庄严,而且修行境界高深,来去自如。 jiexieyin

Born into this world, we are always with people; hence spiritual cultivation cannot occur in isolation.
人既然生在世间,就不能离开众缘,修行也不能离群隐世。 blog.sina.com.cn

Has pulls out firm, the refrigeration diuresis, to invigorate the kidney softly the spiritual cultivation, to reduce effects and so on blood pressure, promotion human body metabolism.
具有化拔软坚、清热利尿、补肾养心、降低血压、促进人体代谢等功效。 dongdong12

Words and writings are not the way to spiritual cultivation. Building equanimity and centeredness of mind through the tests of daily affairs and interactions is what shall lead to wisdom.
不是在文字上求,应在日常的人事中磨出「定力」,由「定」而产生「慧」。 vegsochk




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