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词汇 Spinibarbus
释义 Spinibarbus
Response: to use heat blisters on his hands after 20 minutes, and then clean scissors to cutSpinibarbusQigen.应对措施:先用热水泡双手20分钟后,再用洁净的剪刀齐根剪去倒刺。
The formation process of chromatoid body in spermatogenic cell of teleost,Spinibarbuscaldwelli was observed with electon microscopy.用电子显微镜观察了黑脊倒刺鲃生精细胞中拟染色体的形成过程。
Good,Spinibarbusare advised to eat milk, soy milk, carrots, eggs, vegetables, lean meat, liver, peanuts, walnuts, apples, Bai Muer, and so on.好发倒刺者宜食用牛奶、豆浆、胡萝卜、鸡蛋、蔬菜、瘦肉、肝脏、花生、核桃、苹果、白木耳等。
In fact, since the skinSpinibarbusis due to the lack of water and vitamins A, B, C, E and zinc, and other trace elements.实际上,起倒刺是由于皮肤缺乏水分和维生素A、B、C、E和锌等微量元素。
The constituents of 18 amino acids and the contents of 10 microelements inSpinibarbushollandi Oshima、Bardodes sinensis and S .denticulatus doenticulatus were determined.本文对光倒刺鲃,中华倒刺鲃和倒刺鲃18种氨基酸和8种微量元素进行了分析,结果表明:这三种鱼是营养价值很高、滋味很鲜美的鱼类。
Spinibarbusaffect not only from the hand of the beautiful and easy to cause pain, especially the laundry, Xicai, many people are deeply distressed that end.起倒刺不仅仅影响手部的美观,而且容易引起疼痛,特别是洗衣、洗菜时,很多人为此深感苦恼。




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