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词汇 spines
释义 spines spainz COCA²³⁶⁵⁵BNC¹⁰⁴⁴⁴Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
n.脊柱⁸⁹;棘状突起¹¹;体刺spine的复数原型spine的复数 Although some use noxious sprays or prickly spines to deter their predators, generally the bugs assume the shape of sticks and leaves to avoid drawing attention.

In ditching these chunks of DNA, our ancient ancestors lost facial whiskers and short, tactile spines on their penises.
丢失了这些 DNA片段,使得我们古老的祖先脱掉了面部胡须和阴茎上短的,有触觉的刺。 yeeyan

Signs of TB were found in the spines of Egyptian mummies.

The bright red color of a fire urchin warns predators that its spines are poisonous.
火海胆鲜红的颜色警告捕食者它的刺有毒。 yeeyan

The bright red color of a fire urchin warns predators that its spines are poisonous. Sea otters are the major predators of sea urchins.
火海胆鲜红的颜色警告捕食者它的刺有毒。海獭是海胆的主要捕食者。 yeeyan

The exotic looking lionfish, a favorite of aquarium owners, is a species of multi- colored, striped fish, also known as the Fire Fish because of its venomous spines.
充满异域风情的狮子鱼被赏鱼爱好者所青睐。 狮子鱼身上条纹斑斓,色彩丰富,但因为其脊柱有剧毒,所以也被人称为“火鱼”。

The loss of penile spines may have allowed our ancient ancestors to copulate for longer, a development thought to have nurtured monogamous couples and paved the way for more complex social structures.
阴茎刺的脱落可能使我们古老的祖先能够加长交配的时间,据认为,这个进化培育了一夫一妻制的配偶,为更复杂的社会结构铺平了道路。 yeeyan

The raised bumps on the white grain represent the sites of insertion for the sea urchin’s spines.
白色颗粒上突起的肿块就是海胆脊柱的着生部位。 yeeyan

The skin of our backs descends into a V, like a bird’s wing does to its body— a bone hinge covered in smooth skin, our spines locked together at the base.
我们背上的皮肤向下延伸成一个“V”,就像鸟儿身体上的翅膀——一段覆盖在光滑皮肤下,绞缠在一起的骨头。我们的脊椎在底部锁在一起。 yeeyan

Also, male chimpanzees have smaller penises than humans, and their penises have spines.
同时公黑猩猩比人类有更小的“根”,他们的“根”有刺状突起。 yeeyan

Boats have long had spines and ribs like an animal's ribcage.
船一直保持很长的船脊和船肋,好像鱼类的胸腔。 yeeyan

Cells that have the potential to be changed into any kind of cell in the body, making it possible to repair organs, spines, nerves, and fight the high white blood count of cancer.
干细胞有着令人咋舌的潜在能力,它能被改变至任何种类的体内细胞,使修复器官、脊柱成为可能,并且可与癌症中高计数的白细胞作抵抗。 chinafanyi

I rapped the bit of bone and skin that joined Hattie and me at the base of our spines.
我轻轻拍打着在脊椎底部把海蒂和我连在一起的那块骨头和皮肤。 yeeyan

In fact, speculation abounds about what purpose the spines serve.
事实上,关于脊椎存在的目的有很多的猜测。 yeeyan

In the dimly lit and more depressed group, there were fewer hair- like growths, called dendritic spines, in this part of the brain.
在微光下低落的一组的那部分脑子中,很少长有如毛发的叫做树突刺的东西。 yeeyan

In the global IT environment, where the Agile movement is gaining increasing attention, the thought of introducing another formality may send shivers down the spines of some practitioners.
在全世界的 IT环境中, Agile敏捷运动正在获得越来越多的关注,引介另一种形式的思想有可能刺到某些从业者的痛处。 ibm

On the spines of books shelved in certain libraries and bookstores you will see OATES but this is a descriptive term, this is not a noun.
在某些图书馆或书店里某些图书的书脊上,你会看见“欧茨”,但这里的“欧茨”不能作名词解,它是个描述性的词语。 yeeyan

Scientists recently discovered that the eyeless invertebrates “ see” by detecting light with their spines.
科学家最近发现这些没有眼睛的无脊椎动物可以用它们的刺上的探测光来看东西。 yeeyan

Sea urchins brandish their spines on the seafloor near the Channel Islands.
海胆在海峡群岛附近的海底挥舞着它们的棘突。 yeeyan

Some claim that it eases back pain by keeping their spines supple and strengthening the muscles that support it.
一些人说做瑜伽能通过让他们的脊柱变得柔软并拉伸背部肌肉以达到缓解背部的疼痛的目的。 yeeyan

The spines on some plants were horrific, going straight through wellies or into kneecaps.
一些植物上的刺非常恐怖,它们能刺穿长统雨靴或刺进护膝。 yeeyan

These are not your average starfish—adorned with long, shiny spines on each of their arms, these stars come in a range of colors befitting a sunset.
它们不像一般的海星那样每个腕上都有长长的有光泽的棘,这些海蛇尾有与日落相适应的一系列颜色。 yeeyan

They are relatively large, growing up to5cm long, have sharp spines across their thorax and legs and a pair of strong biting jaws.
它们体型较大,能长到5厘米长,在它们的胸部,腿部和强壮的颚部都生有尖刺。 yeeyan

They have two spines and two esophaguses and share other organs.
她们有两个脊椎和食道,其他的器官则共用。 yeeyan

With its multiplicity of spines and tentacles, little about Hallucigenia made sense.
由于其脊柱和触手的多重性,怪诞虫的身体结构至今还让人有点摸不着头脑。 ecocn

Spines are common, as are spots, helices, and stripes.
虫卵上通常会有突刺、斑点、螺纹和条纹。 yeeyan




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