

单词 spinal
释义 spi·nal 英ˈspaɪnəl美ˈspaɪnəlAHDspīʹnəl ★☆☆☆☆高六TICOCA¹¹⁴⁷⁷BNC¹¹⁴⁶³iWeb⁶³⁶⁰Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
anesthesia of the lower half of the body; caused by injury to the spinal cord or by injecting an anesthetic beneath the arachnoid membrane that surrounds the spinal cord
of or relating to the spine or spinal cord;

spinal cord

spinal injury

spine,脊柱,脊椎,-al,形容词后缀。spinal column脊柱spinal cord脊髓spinal canal脊髓管,脊椎管,脊柱…lumbar puncture〈医〉腰椎穿刺…spinal marrow脊髓spinal caries脊柱骨疽,波特氏病…spinal fluid脊髓液spinal concussion脊髓震荡spinal compression脊髓压迫spinal abscess脊柱脓肿spinal needle脊椎穿刺针,腰椎穿刺…spinal animal脊髓动物spinal ganglion脊髓神经节,脊神经节…spinal segment脊髓节,脊髓节段…spinal nerves脊髓神经spinal tap脊椎抽液,脊椎穿剌…spinal reflex脊髓反射spinal anesthesia脊髓麻醉,脊髓性感觉…spinal disease脊柱病spinal shock脊髓休克
spine脊柱-al…的形容词后缀⇒脊柱的,脊髓的。近义词 back后面backbone脊骨vertebral椎骨的spinal anaesthesia脊椎麻醉spinal anesthesia脊髓麻醉,脊髓性感觉缺失…

用作形容词He had aspinalinjury in that accident.他在那次事故中脊柱受了伤。
An insect or a mollusk lacks a backbone orspinalcolumn.昆虫或软体动物没有脊骨或脊柱。
Some say waterbed is bad for yourspinalcord.有人说水床对你的脊髓不好。
How does a ruptured disk affect thespinalcord?突出的椎间盘是怎样影响脊髓的?as in.anesthetic/anaesthetic
同义词 opiateanalgesic,anodyne,dope,gas,inhalant,shot,soporificgeneral anesthetic,hypnotic,local anesthetic,narcotic,pain-killer
反义词 analeptic,stimulant
anaestheticsnoun sleep-inducing or numbing drug
anestheticnoun sleep-inducer
analgesic,anodyne,dope,gas,general anesthetic,hypnosis,inhalant,local anesthetic,opiate,pain-killer,shot,soporific
anesthetic/anaestheticnoun sleep-inducer
analgesic,anodyne,dope,gas,general anesthetic,hypnotic,inhalant,local anesthetic,narcotic,opiate,pain-killer,shot,soporific,spinal
anestheticsnoun sleep-inducer
analgesics,anodynes,dopes,gases,general anesthetics,hypnoses,inhalants,local anesthetics,opiates,pain-killers,shots,soporifics,spinals As an alternative to acupuncture, patients will be able to opt for either a course of spinal manipulation, or a series of special exercise sessions.
针灸的治疗方法有两种:一个是患者可以选择脊椎推拿的方法,另一个患者可以选择一系列有针对性的治疗方法。 yeeyan

The machine is also being tested on spinal injury patients who have recovered some restricted movement in their legs.
机器正在接受脊柱损伤病人的测试。测试让一些下肢活动受限的病人得到康复。 yeeyan

The nerve cells themselves will not be replaced, so even in principle such treatment could not help everyone with a spinal injury.
神经细胞是不能被取代的,所以甚至原理上这种治疗不能够帮助每个脊髓受伤的人。 yeeyan

According to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, ASD is more common in the pediatric population than better known disorders, such as diabetes, spinal bifida or Down syndrome.
根据美国国家心理健康学会的报告,儿童当中患有自闭症要比那些更为人们所知的疾病,如糖尿病,脊柱裂以及唐氏综合症更为普遍。 yeeyan

All the people Young has helped were victims of spinal injuries, and they owe much of the mobility they have today to his landmark work.
杨咏威帮助的人都是损伤脊柱的患者。他们现在能够活动应归功于杨咏威卓越的工作。 hjenglish

Doctors at a hospital in the city of Atlanta say they have their first patient for the study which will involve the use of stem cells to treat severe spinal injuries.
亚特兰大一家医院的医生表示,他们已经对第一名病人进行了研究,使用干细胞来治疗一些严重的脊髓损伤。 ebigear

In the O.R.: Sometimes I have to take X-rays while an operation is going on; it happens a lot with spinal surgery.
在手术室:有时候我会在手术进行当中进行 X射线的操作;通常是在脊柱外科使用的多。 yeeyan

In one case highlighted by the British experts, an Israeli boy seeking treatment for a spinal injury in Russia developed multiple tumors.
在由英国专家着重指出的一个案例中,一名以色列男孩在俄罗斯寻求治疗脊髓损伤的病情演化成多发性肿瘤。 yeeyan

In the worst-case scenario, you could end up with severe spinal injury or a compression of nerves that might force you to discontinue work.
发展到最糟糕的时候,有些人会患上严重的脊柱损伤或神经压迫症,也许会被迫放弃工作。 putclub

Initial diagnosis of meningococcal meningitis can be made by clinical examination followed by a lumbar puncture showing a purulent spinal fluid.
脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎的最初诊断可通过临床检查做出,随之进行腰椎穿刺,发现化脓性脊髓液。 who

It's also present in spinal fluid and, in very small quantities, in the blood.
这种蛋白同时也出现于脊椎液中,并且极小量存在于血液里。 www.voanews.com.cn

Kennedy was the only passenger who had not fastened his seat belt, and he sustained six spinal fractures and two broken ribs.
爱德华是机上唯一未系安全带的乘客,这导致他六处脊柱受伤,两处肋骨骨折。 yeeyan

Official figures show that the number of mothers-to-be who receive an epidural, general or spinal anaesthetic has soared in recent years to 36.5%.
官方的数字显示接受采用全身或是脊椎局部麻醉之类无痛分娩的妈妈最近几年上升到了36.5%。 yeeyan

Silver went to the German squad, with the Russians—one of whom just recently recovered from a spinal injury—rounding out the medals count.
银牌被德国队摘得,紧随其后获得铜牌的是俄罗斯选手,其中的一位最近刚从脊椎的伤病中康复。 yeeyan

Since then he has undergone weeks of treatment as well as chemotherapy, infections, spinal taps and other painful procedures.
从那以后他接受了很多周的治疗,化疗、感染、脊椎穿刺和其他痛苦的疗程。 yeeyan

So spinal damage, a common cause of paralysis, does not affect these nerves.
这样脊髓损伤——形成瘫痪的一个常见成因,并不会影响到这些神经。 ecocn

The diagnosis is supported or confirmed by growing the bacteria from specimens of spinal fluid or blood, by agglutination tests or by polymerase chain reaction PCR.
通过脊髓液或者血液标本培养出细菌,做凝集试验或者聚合酶链反应 PCR实验,会支持或确认诊断结果。 who

The former pro beach- volleyball player says he recently underwent spinal surgery and then blew out a knee while recuperating.
这位前沙滩排球运动员近来经受了脊骨手术,在恢复过程中一个膝盖又受伤。 yeeyan

The bacteria can sometimes be seen in microscopic examinations of the spinal fluid.
对脊髓液进行显微镜检查时,有时可见到这种细菌。 who

The Food and Drug Administration has given a license to Geron to use the controversial cells to treat people with spinal injuries.
美国食品和药物管理局已经许可了杰龙使用那种饱受争议的细胞为患有脊髓损伤的人治疗伤痛。 yeeyan

The Spinal Injury Hospital located in Nairobi, Kenya is the only hospital in East Africa catering to people living with SCIs.
位于肯尼亚内罗毕的脊髓损伤医院是东非唯一一家为脊髓损伤者提供服务的医院。 who

These neurons are part of a bundle of spinal neurons called the spinothalamic tract, or STT.
这些神经细胞是束状脊髓神经的一部分,称为脊髓丘脑系统,或 STT。 yeeyan

They bring back specialised skills, some of which were not previously available in India, such as transapical procedures for heart patients and ballooning techniques in spinal surgery.
他们带回来专业技术,其中一些之前在印度都是无法使用的,比如为心脏病人进行经心尖的手术和在脊柱手术中运用气胀术。 ecocn

Wounded people, with broken limbs, head and spinal trauma, and open wounds need urgent attention.
有断肢、头部和脊椎创伤以及开放性伤口的受伤民众需要紧急医护。 who

Spinal fusion surgery numbers have grown about threefold, yet research shows that approach, too, frequently does little good.
脊柱融合术增加了约三倍,而研究表明,这种方法也往往没有一点好处。 yeeyan




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