

单词 baroness
释义 bar·on·ess 英ˈbærənɪs美ˈbærənɪsAHDbărʹə-nĭs ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁹²⁸⁶BNC²⁰³⁸²iWeb²²⁴⁸⁹
a noblewoman who holds the rank of baron or who is the wife or widow of a baronbaron-ess表阴性⇒n.男爵夫人⁷⁰;女男爵³⁰
用作名词Thebaronesslives on the money her late husband left her.男爵的夫人靠前夫遗留下的钱生活。
Thebaronessreturned the salute in the most smiling and graceful manner.男爵夫人满脸堆笑地以最殷勤的态度回复了那个礼。
She was awarded the title ofbaronessfor her loyalty to the king.由于对国王的忠诚,她被封为女男爵的头衔。noun.noblewoman
同义词 aristocrat,gentlewoman,lady,peeress
damenoun noblewoman
ladynoun woman of rank
noblewomannoun woman of noble birth
noblewomennoun woman of noble birth
rexnoun a title used for a king
rulernoun historically, person who ruled an area
baron,baroness,caesar,caliph,contessa,count,countess,crowned head,czar,czarina,dame,duchess,duke,dynast,emperor,empress,gerent,imperator,kaiser,khan,king,lady,lord,magnate,maharajah,maharani,majesty,mikado,mogul,monarch,oligarch,overlord,pasha,pharaoh,potentate,prince,princess,queen,rajah,rani,rex,royal,shah,sovereign,sultan,sultana,tycoon On June22th, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming called on Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, the British Minister without Portfolio and Chair of the Conservative Party.
2010年6月22日,驻英国大使刘晓明拜会英国无任所大臣兼保守党主席沃西女男爵。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The onetime French and classics major at the University of Exeter recalled her own1987 college graduation, at which the main speaker was British philosopher Baroness Mary Warnock.
罗琳于1987年大学毕业于埃克塞特大学法国和古典文学专业,她们当时的演讲是英国哲学家男爵 Mary Warnock。 ecocn

The Captain hurries into the house to see children singing to the Baroness.
上校匆匆走向屋内,看到孩子们正在给男爵夫人唱歌,他微笑了着加入了孩子们的歌声中。 ebigear

The extraordinarily high estimate was revealed by the security minister, Baroness Neville- Jones, and reflects the spread of computers into many aspects of domestic and business life.
安全部长内维尔-琼斯男爵夫人透露了这项高得离谱的估计,反映了计算机在家用和商用生活的多方面传播。 yeeyan

With a dense, dark nose and juicy, brooding fruit, the2008 Grand Vin is a wine of which the Baroness can be proud.
气味浓厚,而且果味多汁新鲜,这是支可以让男爵感到骄傲的2008年顶级葡萄酒。 yeeyan

“ They are in a very difficult situation,” one diplomat said of Baroness Ashton and her staff.
“他们的处境非常艰难,”一位外交官谈到阿什顿和她的同事时说。 tesoon

Baroness Greenfield, professor of pharmacology at Oxford University, described the results as‘ very striking’.
牛津大学的药理学教授,描述这调查结果为“非常震惊”。 yeeyan

A pioneering baroness, Shidzue Kato, forced a male- dominated parliament to legislate for easier birth control.
具有先见的男爵夫人加藤静惠力推男性主导的议会立法进行生育控制。 yeeyan

As Director of Business in the Community she worked with business to abolish inequalitythat is why she is a baroness, unlike less equal people.
作为社区商业协会负责人,她与企业界一道致力于消除不平等她因此摇身一变成了男爵夫人,跟我们这些小老百姓大大的不平等。 yeeyan

Britain's High Commissioner to Australia, Baroness Amos, said in a statement last week that the apology would be an' important milestone'.
上星期英国驻澳大利亚高级专员阿莫斯男爵夫人发表了一份声明,表示首相的道歉将是一个‘重要的里程碑’。 yeeyan

But the baroness will still not be able actually to take the real decisions.
即便如此,女官员也还是不能给出任何切实的决定。 ecocn

Frau Schmidt: It all depends. The last time he visited the Baroness he stayed for a month.
史:看情况,上次他去看男爵夫人时呆了一个月。 ebigear

She will only be a Baroness, which is a come down for her; she was born a Marquise.
她将来只能是个男爵夫人,这未免委屈了她;她生来就该是侯爵夫人才对。 ebigear

This is Baroness Schneider.
这位是施奈德男爵夫人。 ebigear

You will be familiar with the work of Professor Baroness Susan Greenfield.
你也许对苏珊格林菲尔德男爵夫人的工作很熟悉。 yeeyan

Baroness Thyssen, the former Spanish beauty queen whose wealthy art- collector husband founded the museum, is an enthusiastic supporter of the project.
前西班牙选美皇后,其富有的艺术品收藏家丈夫创立这家博物馆的蒂森女男爵是这一项目的热情支持者。 yeeyan

Baroness Warsi said that China and other emerging economies are in an important position in the foreign strategy of the new British government.
沃西表示,中国等新兴经济体在英新政府外交战略中处于重要位置,英方致力于发展更加紧密的英中关系。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Baroness Butler- Sloss is to step down as coroner for the Princess Diana inquest after admitting she feels she is not up to conducting such a high profile jury hearing.
日前,英国已故王妃戴安娜的验尸官、男爵夫人巴特勒-斯洛斯宣布辞去戴妃验尸官一职。巴特勒-斯洛斯此前表示,她不能胜任主持一个有陪审团参与的立场鲜明的死因听证会。 cri

Baroness Taylor, Minister for Defence Equipment and Support has announced the development of a Defence Technology Plan DTP.
英国负责国防装备和支持的部长 Baroness Taylor日前宣布英国的国防技术计划 DTP。 www.etiri.com.cn




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