

单词 spilt
释义 spilt 英spɪlt美spɪltAHDspĭlt ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁸⁰⁷⁹⁵BNC³²⁸⁴⁰iWeb³⁹⁷³⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
名词 spill:
liquid that is spilleda channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstructionthe act of allowing a fluid to escapea sudden drop from an upright positionspill溢出cry over spilt milk作无益的后悔…

用作形容词Thespiltcoffee has left a mark on the table cloth.洒出来的咖啡在桌布上留下了印渍。
Thespiltmilk made a terrible mess on the carpet.牛奶洒在地毯上弄得一塌糊涂。
She sopped up thespiltmilk with a cloth.她用一块布抹去溢出的牛奶。
It is no use crying over thespiltmilk.事已至此,徒悲无益。
Whospiltthe news?是谁把这消息捅出去的?
Although I poured it carefully, Ispiltsome of the oil.虽然我倒油时很小心,但还是洒了一些。
He knocked the bucket over and all the waterspiltout.他撞翻了水桶,水全流出去了。
The meetingspiltover from the hall into the corridor.参加会议的人从大厅到走廊挤得水泄不通。verb.slop, drop
同义词 discharge,dribble,empty,flow,overflow,pour,run out,scatter,spill over,splash,spray,sprinkle,squirt,streamdisgorge,drip,lose,overfill,overrun,overturn,run,shed,splatter,spurt,upsetrun over,throw off,well over
反义词 collect,gatherclean up,conceal,hide,pick upverb.reveal
同义词 blowdisclose,divulge,inform,tattle,mouth,betray,blab,tell,squealgive away,let the cat out of the bag
反义词 pick up,clean upbe quiet,secrete,hide,conceal And much new ink will inevitably be spilt over the roots and causes of these latest outbursts.
同时,也必然会有不少作者挥洒笔墨撰写新作,一究本次诸多暴乱的根源事由。 yeeyan

But rather than sitting there crying over spilt milk, begin to speak out positive options and solutions.
与其为倾倒的牛奶哭泣,不如开始说出那些积极的选择和方法。 yeeyan

The smell of the spilt wine reminded him of the accident.
倒洒的酒味让他想起了那件事。 ebigear

The pail fell, and the milk spilt all over the ground.

The storage is spilt into three failure groups.
存储被拆分成三个故障组。 ibm

The water spilt from the bucket.
水由桶中溅出来。 hjenglish

The spilt coffee has left a mark on the table cloth.
洒出来的咖啡在桌布上留下了印渍。 hxen

But since the second week of May, a lot of tea has been spilt on the bedcovers.
但自从五月份第二周开始,许多茶水洒到了床单上。 ecocn

Hey, man. No hard feeling. I don't think it worth crying over spilt milk.
喂,老兄。别难过了。我认为事情已经弄糟而后悔很不值得。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

It remains to be seen how the sharing of power will work in practice, especially after all the bad blood that has been spilt between the pair over many years.
权力分享在实际中如何操作仍有待观察,特别是在多年来双方间的冲突已经造成了惨重的伤亡之后。 ecocn

It means that the burning petrol was spilt over into the heads of the crew.
这意味着燃烧的汽油可能会洒到乘员的头部。 yeeyan

I've spilt my coffee all over Mark's papers!
我把咖啡打翻全洒在马克的文件上了。 hjenglish

One day we were having tea in my aunt's house and somebody knocked the coffee table and my tea spilt into my saucer.
有一天我们正在我姨妈家喝茶,有人碰了一下茶几,我的茶泼到茶托里了。 http://mysearch.100e.com

Only ink actually gets spilt: there will not be blood.
实际上只有墨水会溅出来:不再血溅。 ecocn

Souk shops spilt out carpets, pottery, leather and brass.
露天市场里摆出了地毯、陶罐、皮具和铜器。 yeeyan

The advert depicted the illusion of spilt paint all over the building and car park and parked cars.
这则广告描绘了一种幻觉:整个建筑物、停车场和所停的汽车都被碰上了洒出来的涂料。 yeeyan

The managing director of the aluminium plant in western Hungary that spilt millions of litres of toxic sludge was arrested on charges of criminal negligence, although later released.
匈牙利西部铝厂发生上百万公升有毒污泥泄漏事件,该铝厂总经理因为过失犯罪被捕,随即被释放。 ecocn

The question that nobody can answer—and few are even asking— is how quickly that will happen, and how much blood will be spilt on the way.
下面这个问题没人能回答——甚至鲜有人提起——就是多久才能实现这一目标,以及实现这一目标的路上需要付出多少血泪辛酸。 ecocn

The result has been as vivid and incongruous as spilt guts on virgin snow.
其结果就像初雪上溅满了内脏一样生动而不协调。 yeeyan

There is no use crying over the spilt milk.
事情已经这样了,哭也没有用。 hjenglish

Turn off the gas when the milk boils. Otherwise it will be spilt.




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