

单词 spills
释义 spill·s 英spɪl美spɪl COCA¹⁷⁵⁹³BNC²⁵⁴⁸¹Economist¹⁵⁹¹⁹
vt. & vi. 溢出; 泼出

allow to run over the side of the container

vt. 使跌落

upset; cause the rider, passenger, etc. to fall

vt. 泄露机密

tell a secret too soon or to the wrong person

liquid that is spilled;

clean up the spills

a channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstructionthe act of allowing a fluid to escapea sudden drop from an upright position;

he had a nasty spill on the ice

cause or allow a liquid substance to run or flow from a container;

spill the milk

splatter water

flow, run or fall out and become lost;

The milk spilled across the floor

The wine spilled onto the table

cause or allow a solid substance to flow or run out or over;

spill the beans all over the table

pour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities;

shed tears

spill blood

God shed His grace on Thee

reveal information;

If you don't oblige me, I'll talk!

The former employee spilled all the details

reduce the pressure of wind on a sail直接源自古英语的spillan,意为毁坏
用作动词 v.
~+名词spill the coffee溢出咖啡spill ink溢出墨水spill the milk溅出牛奶spill secret泄露秘密spill water溢出水~+副词spill over汤等溢出spill over into other field争议扩大到其他领域~+介词spill from从…溢出spill into涌进spill into the street涌上大街spill on使洒在…上spill out of流出spill out of the container从容器中流出
spill out v.+adv.

使溢出,洒出 (cause to overflow or leave a container accidentally)

spill outThe top had come off the bottle, and the wine is spilling out!瓶盖掉了,酒洒了出来。
Blood was spilling out all over the floor.血溅得满地板都是。
His anger spilled out like lava.他的愤怒像火山爆发似的迸发出来。
The train pulled in, and dozens of school children spilled out onto the platform.火车进站了,数十名孩子涌到站台上。近义词 tellsplashoverflow
S+~+AThe coffee is so full that it might spill over .咖啡满得可能溢出来。
The bus spilled and picked up its passengers at every stop.公共汽车在每一站都停下来让旅客上下车。
Her long blond hair spilled down over her shoulders.她那金黄色的头发披垂在双肩。
S+~+ n./pron.Who has spilt the milk?谁把牛奶泼出来了?
Don't spill the coffee.不要把咖啡弄洒了。
She has spilt water over the plants.她已在植物上浇透了水。
The ship spilled oil while in port.这条船停泊港内时溢油。
The horse spilled his rider.马将骑手摔了下来。
The boat upset and spilled the boys into the water.船翻了,孩子们全都翻落水中。
She spilled her mind unintentionally.她无意中说出自己内心的想法。
Don't spill the secret.不可泄露秘密。
I knew he'd spilt the whole story!我知道他会把全部情况泄露出去!
He is a man who is easy to spill his mind.他是一个心里藏不住话的人。
The carriage upset and we were all spilled into the ditch.马车翻了,我们都摔到了沟里。
A lot of blood was spilled in that battle.那次战斗伤亡惨重。





用作动词The coffee is so full that it mightspillover.咖啡太满可能会溢出来。
Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice willspill.把瓶盖儿盖好,要不汁液就洒出来了。
Take care not tospilla drop of the medicine.注意一滴药也不要洒。
The sway of the pail cause some milk tospillout.桶的摇晃使一些牛奶溢了出来。
He threatened tospillwhat he knew to the police.他威胁要将他所知道的事情向警察告发。
Mecke couldn't bring himself tospillthe beans.默克不能让他自己泄露秘密。用作名词The oilspillendangered thousands of birds.石油的溢泄危及成千上万的鸟儿。
Waiters should know how to deal withspill.侍者应懂得如何处理液体外溢。
He do not want to see any american bloodspill.他不想看到任何美国人流血牺牲。 All over the world, oil spills regularly contaminate coasts.
在世界各地,油溢出物经常污染着海岸。 ecocn

It is not just the engineering response to future oil spills that will be affected, but also working practices, safety systems and regulation.
不仅是对未来石油泄漏事件负责任的工程技术,以及工作习惯,安全系统和规章制度都会受到影响。 ecocn

It recognised that oil bunkering had caused spills, but said “the scale of this problem is not clear”.
组织承认盗油也是漏油的原因,但大规模的漏油原因尚不明确。 yeeyan

That massive fossil fuel consumption produces some nasty side effects, including climate change, acidified oceans, and oil spills.
大量化石燃料的消耗造成很多严重的副作用,包括气候改变,海洋酸化,还有石油泄漏。 yeeyan

The bill would require tougher preliminary studies of the impact of spills, and lets states block new drilling up to75 miles off their coast.
法案要求更严格的泄漏影响预评估,还允许州政府将新钻井限制在海岸线75英里之外。 ecocn

There have been hundreds of spills in this area.
这个地区曾经发生数百次石油泄漏。 byreach

But oil spills of the sort that now threaten the Timor Sea, forest fires like those that recently afflicted Greece, and other man-made and man-assisted threats to wildlife are transient.
但是如今威胁着帝汶海的石油泄漏、最近侵袭希腊的山火以及其它这类人为或者人力助长的对自然的威胁却都是转瞬即逝。 ecocn

Conservationists warned yesterday that one of Australia's worst off- shore oil spills was killing wildlife and “ massively contaminating” one of the world's last great wildnernesses.
昨天,自然资源保护者警告说,澳大利亚最严重的一次石油泄漏,正在扼杀野生动物,“大规模污染世界最后一大片野生世界”。 yeeyan

Each robot will be no larger than a standard shipping container, with a number of smaller robots for smaller spills.
每个机器人的大小不能超过一个标准集装箱的尺寸,对于小型的漏油事故要采用小型机器人。 yeeyan

However, other public health emergencies such as chemical spills, leaks and dumping, or nuclear melt-downs may similarly have global effects.
不过,化学品溢出、泄漏和倾倒,或核溶化物等其他突发公共卫生事件,也可能同样具有全球效应。 who

In that time, tens of millions of gallons of oil have flowed into the sea, making it one of the largest spills ever.
那时,几百万加仑原油流进海洋里,演变成至今为止最严重的一次漏油事件。 ecocn

It helps to remember that everyone yells at their kids, spills ketchup, goes to the bathroom.
这有助于记住:每个人都会为孩子欢呼,都会溢出番茄酱,都会上厕所。 yeeyan

Its job is to try to work out how to prevent future oil spills— and how to mitigate the impact of this one.
该机构的职责在于找到有效防止未来石油泄漏的方法——以及降低本次石油泄漏的影响。 ecocn

Oil companies operating in the region blame thieves and sabotage for the majority of the spills, though local activists say aging equipment and lax safety are the cause of many of them.
这一带的石油公司把大部分的漏油事故归咎于小偷和蓄意破坏行为,但是当地环保积极分子则说老化的设备和安全管理松懈才是主要原因。 yeeyan

Oil spills and underwater drilling accidents are common, and despite the media hype it is too soon to tell whether this one will prove to be the biggest yet.
原油泄漏和海底钻井事故时常发生,虽然媒体将其炒作成最大的一次事故,但作此断言现在还为时尚早。 yeeyan

Oil spills occur in the North Sea at the rate of about one a week, but most are not serious.
原油泄漏在北海发生的频率为大约一周一次,但大多数并不严重。 yeeyan

Oil spills should become rarer after next year, when all single-hulled ships will be banned.
一年之后石油溢出物将变得稀少,那时所有只有一层壳的船将被禁止。 ecocn

Promptly and carefully cleaning up spills of blood and other body fluids.
及时、认真地清理溢出的血液和其他体液的溢出。 yeeyan

Serious spills of oil and gas from North Sea platforms are occurring at the rate of one a week, undermining oil companies' claims to be doing everything possible to improve the safety of rigs.
欧洲北海采油平台严重的石油和天然气的泄漏事件基本上平均每周发生一次,采掘石油的公司均承诺尽所有可能去提高采油安全。 yeeyan

The ban was put in place to reduce the chances of environmental damage from oil spills and in part to protect the tourist industry.
实施这项禁令的目的是消除石油泄漏可能对环境产生的污染,另一部分原因是保护旅游业。 ebigear

The intervening three decades are fraught with peril, from natural predators to oil spills to entanglement in fishing gear.
这三十年间充满着危险,从自然界的虐食者到油泄漏到捕鱼设备的纠缠物。 yeeyan

The environmental impacts caused by such spills varies greatly, with those close to the coast and pristine environments by far the most destructive.
这类泄漏事件对环境产生的影响会有很大不同,在靠近海岸和原生态环境的地方发生的泄漏造成的破坏最大。 ecocn

They have purposely covered up oil spills, accidents, faulty bookkeeping, and inactive ingredients in pursuit of profit.
他们有目的地掩盖石油泄漏、各种事故、错账和闲置材料以追求利润。 yeeyan

We monitor spills regularly and our observation is the direct opposite of what UNEP is planning to report.
我们对石油泄漏定期监控,我们观察到的恰恰与联合国环境规划署报导的相反。 yeeyan

We sat talking until it was lighting-up time, and indoors pools of lamplight were being kindled with spills along the succession of lavender-smelling rooms.
我们坐着,一直聊到晚上的开灯时间,室内游泳馆被照亮了,沿着充满薰衣草芳香的一排屋子有溢出的水。 ecocn

Spills would also be a health risk, since carbon dioxide is heavier than air, and so can build up in low-lying or poorly ventilated spots.
二氧化碳泄漏会带来健康风险。由于二氧化碳比空气重,因此可以在低洼地区和通风差的地区累积。 yeeyan




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